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Security: AtsumiFlex/luna.js


Security Policy - luna.js

Supported Versions

We currently support the following versions of the project:

Version Supported
< 1.0

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability, please follow these steps:

  1. Do not open an issue directly on GitHub. This helps to avoid public exposure of the vulnerability.
  2. Contact me directly on GitHub:
    • Go to my GitHub profile.
    • Click on the "Message" button to send me a direct message with the following details:
      • Description of the vulnerability.
      • Steps to reproduce the issue.
      • Potential impact of the vulnerability.
      • Any suggested fixes or mitigations.

We will respond to your report within 5 business days to confirm receipt and provide an estimated timeline for resolution. Once the vulnerability is resolved, we will coordinate with you to disclose the issue responsibly.

Responsible Disclosure

We are committed to working with the community to identify and address security issues in a timely manner. To that end, we encourage responsible disclosure practices. If you follow the steps outlined above, we will:

  • Acknowledge your report promptly.
  • Work with you to understand and resolve the issue.
  • Credit you in the release notes (if desired).

Thank you for helping us keep our project secure!

There aren’t any published security advisories