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LickHunterPro Assistant wiki!

Mizie Nordin edited this page Jun 18, 2022 · 25 revisions

Trading futures is very high risk and involves a risk of loss. Please consider carefully if such trading is appropriate for you. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Software and data on this page are for research purposes only and do not constitute investment recommendations or advice. Do your own research!

LickHunterPro-Assistant Setup

Download the latest version from Extract and put it inside LHP folders

LHA setup

Just change control.json suitable to your need and run LickHunterAssistant.exe

    "tradingSettings": {
        "maxPairs": "300",
        "maxPositions": "2",
        "IsoPercentage": "10",
        "PrimaryProfit": "0.8",
        "SecondaryProfit": "0.6",
        "EmergencyExit": "true",
        "EmergencyTrigger": "20",
        "EmergencyProfit": "0.4",
        "OverrideLongOffset": "0",
        "OverrideShortOffset": "0",
        "24hprice_limit": "21",
        "funding_limit": "0.1",
        "aging": "21",
        "AutoIsolatedAndLevChange": "true",
        "margin_type": "ISOLATED"
    "tradingPairs": {
        "whitelist": "",
        "CurrentPairs": "",
        "LastUsedPairs": "",
        "blacklist": ""
    "tradingAI": {
        "autoPbal": "true",
        "autoMaxPos": "true",
        "LickValueType": "mean",
        "nominalValue": "6",
        "MaxMin": "false",
        "maxVwap": "12",
        "minVwap": "8"
    "autoTransfer": {
        "status": "true",
        "limit": "10000",
        "increase_limit": "true",
        "percentage": "1"
    "misc": {
        "bot_name": "Assistant",
        "webhookStatusDelay": "900",
        "standalone": "false",
        "verbose": "false",
        "botRestart": "0",
        "sleep": "15"


  • Maximum number of pairs you want the bot to trade


  • Maximum number of open positions at one time


  • Treshold limit for isolation mode. If margin reach above this value the assistant will enter isolation mode


  • The default take profit value the bot and assistant will use


  • Take profit value the assistant and the bot will use under isolation mode


  • Take profit value the assistant and the bot will use when margin is over EmergencyTrigger value

OverrideLongOffset & OverrideShortOffset

  • Use this to override long & short offset value. While MinMax do the trick this gonna allow more refine control. To use it: "OverrideLongOffset": "99", To disable it: "OverrideLongOffset": "0",

24hprice & funding limit

  • Remove any coin that match or over this value. Value is in percent


  • Remove any recently add coin that below this value. Value in days


  • Manualy listed any pair you want to trade


  • Manualy listed any pairs you don't want to trade

autoPbal & autoMaxPos

  • To enable auto calculate percentBal and maxPositions value base on available balance and nominal value
  • nominalValue is there to auto calculate percentBal. Binance has a $5 minimal value order, so your percentbal after leverage should be above that or similar.
  • To manually control percentBal. You need to set "autoPbal": "false" and specify percentBal value inside settings.json
  • To manually control maxPositions . You need to set "autoMaxPos": "false" and specify maxPositions value inside control.json
  • Only for Binance Exchange


  • Choose between Mean, Median & Mode for lick value. Check real time value from
  • 3 types of lick value to choose: mean, median & mode


MaxMin option is to overwrite offset value from website by defining the Min value and max value. By setting it to true, the offset value cannot go below the min and above the max. For example if offset for BTC is long 3 short 5 and min is set to 4 and max to 8. The script will write on the coin JSON as long 4 and short 5.


  • To enable auto balance transfer from future to spot after balance reach the limit.
  • When the balance exceed the limit value, it will transfer out according to percentage. Transfer done every hours at 00 & 30 minutes when there is no open position.
  • When increase_limit set to true, it will auto increase the limit value by percentage everytime transfer is made.


  • Debug mode to use the assistant without the bot. It just need control.json and settings.json


  • To enable more info being show in the console.


  • Multi bot support. Use to name Websocket and Profit bot process


  • Schedule restart for LickHunterPro bot. Use 0 to disable it.