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H3K9me3 in stunting

All scripts relevant to the paper describing H3K9me3 changes in stunted children.

Data preprocessing

1) Map FASTQ files to hg19


First check if you have bowtie2 index.
$ refgenie seek hg19/bowtie2_index

If NOT found run following:
$ refgenie pull hg19/bowtie2_index

From directory with compressed (.gz) FASTQ files run following script

-Following sentence pops up:
Give a full name (including pathway) of a file containing hg19 blacklisted sites.
-Provide following (these are blacklisted sites defined by ENCODE - included here in /associated_files folder):

2) Create bigWig files and BED coverage files


First check if you have chromosome sizes for hg19.
$ refgenie seek hg19/fasta.chrom_sizes

If NOT found run following:
$ refgenie pull hg19/fasta.chrom_sizes

From directory with previously generated BAM files run following script

The created bigWig files are placed into filder named output_bw_notNormalized, the BED coverage files into a directory named output_BED.

3) Call peaks with SICER


From directory with all of the previously created BED coverage files (note: move input control file to a different directory) run following:

In our settings we used input as a control for peak calling, when asked provide name of the input BED file (including path name). !!! Input BED file should be placed at different location from the other BED files, otherwise peak-calling will be done also on this file).
Give a full name (including pathway) of an control BED file (coverage over input).
e.g. localPathToInputBED/input.bed

Outputs from peak-calling are placed into folder called SICER_output.

4) Create count tables

Move the output files from previous step ending with "_Enhancer.bed" into a separate folder and from here run following (separate for each age group):
cat *.bed | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge -i stdin > masterPeaks.bed

Place the masterEnhancer.bed file into a folder containing all BAM files for a given age group and from this folder run:
bedtools multicov -bams *.bam -bed masterPeaks.bed > countTable.txt

First three columns in the table are genomic coordinates of regions of interest followed by counts for individual samples. Make sure to add sample names to the sample columns based on their order within the folder (ls *.bam).

5) Map FASTQ files to dm6

First check if you have bowtie2 index.
$ refgenie seek dm6/bowtie2_index

If NOT found run following:
$ refgenie pull dm6/bowtie2_index

From directory with compressed (.gz) FASTQ files run following script

-Following sentence pops up:
Give a full name (including pathway) of a file containing dm6 blacklisted sites.
-Provide following (these are blacklisted sites defined by ENCODE - included here in /associated_files folder):

6) Get heatmaps and average profile over genes and peaks


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7) Create database for LOLA from CISTROME database

The CISTROME database for human transcription factors and histone marks can be downloaded from CISTROME website.
From within a folder containing info about downloaded files:
and actual folders with downloaded BED files:

Run following R script:

The script creates new directories, where only BED files coming from blood cells are placed (human_factor_blood/, human_hm_blood/) and new info sheets are created (human_factor_blood_QC.txt, human_hm_blood_QC.txt).

LOLA takes database input in form of GRangesList object. To convert BED files into GRangesList objects, run following script from within directory containing the human_factor_blood/, and human_hm_blood/ directories.

The script creates 2 GRangesList objects from the BED files: human_factor_blood.Rdata, and human_hm_blood.Rdata. It also produces a list of empty BED files (human_factor_blood_unloaded.txt, human_hm_blood_unloaded.txt) that were not added to the GRangesList objects, and will be therefore excluded from an annotation table created in the following step.

LOLA annotation file requires number of lines within each bed file. From terminal run following:
$ cd localPathTo/human_factor_blood
$ > human_factor_blood_bedSize.txt
$ mv human_factor_blood_bedSize.txt ..

$ cd localPathTo/human_hm_blood
$ > human_hm_blood_bedSize.txt
$ mv human_hm_blood_bedSize.txt ..

The region and collection annotations for LOLA can then be created by running following R script from within directory containing the human_factor_blood/, and human_hm_blood/ directories. makeAnnotFiles_LOLA.R

The resulting files are then human_factor_blood_regionAnno.csv, human_factor_blood_collectionAnno.csv, human_hm_blood_regionAnno.csv, and human_hm_blood_collectionAnno.csv.

You can now move the following list of files to a separate directory, where you want to have LOLA database stored, and you can remove the rest of the files. Files for LOLA database:

You can then run LOLA with help of following R script, where information about location of created database, location of BED file of interest and location of universe BED file must be provided between lines 9-25. For more information on use od LOLA, you can click on the next link.



Preprocessing and other scripts






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