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Releases: AureumChaos/LEAP


10 Oct 15:20
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0.8.1, 10/10/2023

  • New Features

    • Added asynchronous NSGA-II, which is in leap_ec.distrib.asynchronous;
      note that the API may change in the future
  • API changes

    • Added CGPDecoder.initialize() method for convenience, offering a default genome initializer
    • Replaced n_ary_crossover and uniform_crossover functions with classes NAryCrossover and UniformCrossover
    • Added a persist_children flag to crossover operators, which allows offspring pairs
      to be used with steady-state algorithms
    • Added a uuid field to the Individual base class, and Individual now also tracks parent & offspring UUIDs; this
      moved UUID support from DistributedIndividual
    • Added a parents attribute to Individual base class that tracks the
      UUIDs of the parents via clone or crossover
    • Improved auto-scaling of axes for PopulationMetricsPlotProbe and FitnessPlotProbe
    • standardized on parameter name bounds for mutation operators; previously was inconsistent nomenclature between
      hard_bounds and bounds
    • Made improvements to ReadTheDocs documentation.


18 Apr 20:40
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0.8.0, 4/14/2023

  • New Features

    • Added FitnessOffsetProblem convenience wrapper to the problem module
    • Added ParabaloidProblem and QuadraticFamilyProblem to the real_rep.problems module
    • CGP now supports auxiliary constant parameters on each node via CGPWithParametersDecoder
    • Added ImageXYProblem to executable_rep.problems, and a example demonstrating it
    • Added experimental parameters to mutate_gaussian() to allow transforming genes by a linear function
    • Added a check_constraints() operator to the CGPDecoder class, to help verify custom algorithms
    • Added LeadingOnes, DeceptiveTrap, and TwoMax problems to binary_rep.problems module
    • Added SumPhenotypePlotProbe, and a new example using it to visualizing MaxOnes-style problems
    • Added multiobjective sub-package that provides support for NSGA-II
      • multiobjective.nsga2.nsga2() top-level monolithic function
      • multiobjective.problems.MultiObjectiveProblem is new abstract base class for multiobjective problems
      • multiobjective.ops contains supporting pipeline operators, though most users will not see those if they use nsga()
  • API changes

    • Individual now has a phenome property
    • Mutation operators (mutate_gaussian() and mutate_binomial()) can now be passed a list of std values to adjust the mutation width by gene.
    • Removed an undocumented normalization term from real_rep.problems.CosineFamilyProblem
    • Expose a reset method on PopulationMetricsPlotProbe
    • util.inc_generation() now takes a start_generation argument
    • genome_mutate_gaussian() is now a curried function instead of a closure
    • plot_2d_problem() and plot_2d_function() now accept extra kwargs to forward to Matplotlib
    • MaxOnes now takes an optional target_string to generalize it to other target patterns


06 Aug 02:55
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0.7.0, 8/5/2021

  • New features

    • Added ops.sus_selection() and ops.proportional_selection()
  • API changes

    • Made numpy arrays (instead of lists) the default representation for most LEAP operators and examples, for a significant speedup.
    • Added indices parameter to ops.random_selection()
    • plot_2d_problem() now defaults to checking the problem.bounds field for xlim and ylim values
    • ea_solve() now accepts optional Dask Client object to enable
      parallel evaluations
    • generational_ea() now supports elitism by default


13 Jun 17:02
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v0.6.0, 6/13/2021

  • Drop support for Python 3.6

    • This keeps us in sync with numpy and dask that also dropped support for 3.6 this year
  • New features

    • Added landscape_features package with some initial exploratory landscape analysis tools
    • Added elitism
    • Added a new example demonstrating integer representations
    • Added a mutate_binomial() operator for integer representations
    • Added visualization of ANN weights for SimpleNeuralNetworkExecutable phenotypes
    • Added metrics for logging population diversity
    • Added support for lexicographical and Koza-style parsimony pressure
    • Added HistPhenotypePlotProbe
    • Added ops.grouped_evaluate() for evaluating batches of individuals
    • Added ExternalProcessproblem for using external programs as fitness functions
  • Documentation

    • Added documentation on leap_ec.context and updated software development
      guidelines to encourage its use if tracking persistent state outside of
      function calls was necessary.
  • CI/CD

    • Added a make test-slow harness
    • Added tests that run the examples/ scripts
    • Organized examples into subdirectories
    • Improved test coverage
  • Bugfixes

    • Fix viz parameter when calling simple.ea_solve()
    • Fix algebra error in real_rep.problems.NoisyQuarticProblem
    • Tell dask that functions are impure by default, to make sure it doesn't cache results
    • Change Makefile to use pip install -e . instead of the deprecated python develop
  • API changes

    • Significantly refactored the executable_rep.rules package to simplify learning classifier systems
    • Added leap_ec.__version__ attribute
    • Added a hard_bounds flag to ea_solve() to tell it to respect the bounds at all times (rather than just initialization); defaults to True
    • Added the most frequent imports (ex. Individual, Representation) into the top-level package
    • Renamed the generations parameter of generational_ea() to max_generations and added an optional stop parameter for other stopping conditions
    • Added probability parameter for the uniform_crossover operator
    • mutate_gaussian now accepts a list of gene-wise hard bound
    • Added select_worst Boolean parameter to tournament_selection
    • Added notes columns parameter to FitnessStatsCSVProbe
    • Added a pad_inputs parameter to TruthTableProblem to handle varying-dimension inputs
    • Added a pad parameter to CartesianPhenotypePlotProbe to plot 2D projections of higher-D functions
    • Added FitnessPlotProbe as a convenience wrapper for PopulationMetricsPlotProbe
    • Added an x_axis_value parameter to FitnessPlotProbe and PopulationMetricsPlotProbe
    • Renamed PlotTrajectoryProbe to the more descriptive CartesianPhenotypePlotProbe
    • Renamed PopulationPlotProbe to the more descriptive PopulationMetricsPlotProbe
    • Renamed leap_ec.distributed to leap_ec.distrib to reduce name space
      confusion with dask.distributed
    • Renamed leap_ec.context to leap_ec.global_vars
    • Default behavior changes
      • Individual.decoder and Representation.decoder now uses a phenotypic representation (IdentityDecoder) by default
      • Mutation operators no longer have default mutation rates (they must be explicitly set by the user).
      • Set default p_swap = 0.2 for uniform_crossover, instead of 0.5
      • Set default num_points = 2 for n_ary_crossover, instead of 1
      • Set default value for context parameter on probes, so users needn't set it
      • standardized on making context last function argument that defaults to

0.5.0, 1/9/2021

09 Jan 22:35
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  • Added probability parameter for the n_ary_crossover operator
  • Greatly improved test coverage
  • Added support for static- and variable-length segments, which are fixed-length "chunks" of values
  • Added a simple neural network representation, executable_rep.neural_network, and made it the default for examples/
  • Changed the Executable interface to act as a Callable object (rather than using a custom output() method)
  • Added statistical_helpers to assist with writing unit tests for stochastic algorithms
  • Added support for integer representations, via the int_rep package
  • Added a Cartesian genetic programming (CGP) representation, executable_rep.cgp, with example in examples/
  • Added support for heterogeneous island models, demoed in examples/

Release 0.4.0

19 Sep 15:26
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Release 0.4.0, 9/19/2020

  • Significantly added to online documentation
  • Major code reorganization
    • exception management for Individual has been moved to RobustIndividual
    • DistributedIndividual now inherits from RobustIndividual
    • has been broken out to separate modules
      • Individual and RobustIndividual now in
      • representation specific entities moved to new sub-packages, binary_rep
        and real_rep
      • Representation now in
      • Decoder now in
    • documentation, doctests, examples, Jupyter notebooks, and unit tests updated accordingly
  • added ability to pass ancillary information during evaluation, such as UUIDs
    that could be used to name output files and directories, yet do not have a
    direct impact on fitness

LEAP v0.3.0

04 Jul 21:27
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A minor release, consisting mostly of code cleaning and documentation.

LEAP v0.2.0

04 Jul 21:21
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An initial release, corresponding to the version of LEAP described in our GECCO 2020 workshop paper.