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Releases: AuriRex/GTFO_TheArchive

TheArchive beta v0.7.1

21 Dec 22:11
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⚠️ The MelonLoader version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

Experimental BepInEx release here, most things work but some aren't available yet!

(duplicated changelog from previous release as that one had a really annoying crash)

New Features & Changes

Discord Rich Presence - 8acaded

  • Fixed things breaking and throwing errors
  • Added a Feature to disable the newly added rich presence from the game itself in case you prefer the modded one
    (you can even use both at the same time)

Local Progression - dc48e05

  • Fixed for R8
    • if you previously used LocalProgression don't forget to copy your saves from the previous versions folder because that doesn't happen automatically yet (Open Saves button at the bottom of the Mod Settings menu!)

Pouncer FX Fix - new d2f80b7

  • Attempts to fix the semi-rare glitch where the tentacles stay on your screen forever if someone else staggered the pouncer as you were grabbed

Disable Tracers - new 300cf8a

  • Allows you to disable bullet tracers

AdBlock - new 9fbbb17

  • Removes the Den Of Wolves button from the main rundown selection menu

Weapon Picker - d7cc51c

  • Gear can now be sorted in different ways

Disable Respawn Sacks Audio - new 52ae780

  • Remove the audio loop on respawn sacks - Might help with sound bug!

Disable Artifact Sound Loop - new a5988bc

  • Removes the audio loop on artifacts - Might help with sound bug!

Disable Spitter Audio - new 52ae780

  • Removes all sound effects on spitters
    Might help with sound bug but also make them more annoying, use at your own discretion!

Other Changes

  • Bot Customization: Fixed settings not saving properly - af6c61d
  • Created new Audio category and moved some features - 7214262
  • DHLUI: Now forces the Invite button to be visible in non matchmake games - d709ce8
  • Fixed crash with Popups - 7c0613a
  • [DEV] Fix some jank with enum aliases - 058d5a2

More things coming soon™️ ...

Full Changelog: v0.6-beta...v0.7.1-beta

TheArchive beta v0.7

21 Dec 20:19
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TheArchive beta v0.7 Pre-release


⚠️ The MelonLoader version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

Experimental BepInEx release here, most things work but some aren't available yet!

New Features & Changes

Discord Rich Presence - 8acaded

  • Fixed things breaking and throwing errors
  • Added a Feature to disable the newly added rich presence from the game itself in case you prefer the modded one
    (you can even use both at the same time)

Local Progression - dc48e05

  • Fixed for R8
    • if you previously used LocalProgression don't forget to copy your saves from the previous versions folder because that doesn't happen automatically yet (Open Saves button at the bottom of the Mod Settings menu!)

Pouncer FX Fix - new d2f80b7

  • Attempts to fix the semi-rare glitch where the tentacles stay on your screen forever if someone else staggered the pouncer as you were grabbed

Disable Tracers - new 300cf8a

  • Allows you to disable bullet tracers

AdBlock - new 9fbbb17

  • Removes the Den Of Wolves button from the main rundown selection menu

Weapon Picker - d7cc51c

  • Gear can now be sorted in different ways

Disable Respawn Sacks Audio - new 52ae780

  • Remove the audio loop on respawn sacks - Might help with sound bug!

Disable Artifact Sound Loop - new a5988bc

  • Removes the audio loop on artifacts - Might help with sound bug!

Disable Spitter Audio - new 52ae780

  • Removes all sound effects on spitters
    Might help with sound bug but also make them more annoying, use at your own discretion!

Other Changes

  • Bot Customization: Fixed settings not saving properly - af6c61d
  • Created new Audio category and moved some features - 7214262
  • DHLUI: Now forces the Invite button to be visible in non matchmake games - d709ce8
  • [DEV] Fix some jank with enum aliases - 058d5a2

More things coming soon™️ ...

Full Changelog: v0.6-beta...v0.7-beta

TheArchive beta v0.6

20 Oct 16:05
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⚠️ The MelonLoader version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

Experimental BepInEx release here, most things work but some aren't available yet!


New Features & Changes

Weapon Picker Tweaks - 1a18688

  • Allows you to favorite and hide whatever gear you want in the lobbies weapon picker
  • (disabled by default)

Last Used Gear Switcher - c993dc6

  • Allows you to switch to the previously wielded gear by the press of a button

Update Checker & Update Notifier - 23465fa / a675373

  • Implemented a basic update checker for this mod that is enabled by default
    • This works by checking this Github page every time the game starts for the latest version and notifying you whenever a new one is out.
  • ⚠️ if you do not wish to have this even run once launch the game with the --ar.noupdater launch parameter (disable-able in game too though)


  • Simplified the entire nickname settings menu,
    things should migrate properly but check your settings in case it resets

Weapon Stats - ba72d0f

  • You can now choose which stats to display!

Smart Favorites Saving - 644d4bd

  • Instead of saving whatever Gear you pick in the lobby to a file immediately it only does so now once you drop down or quit the game.

Rundown 8 Reminder - 9a87b2b

  • Reminds you to disable "Remove Story Dialog" once R8 drops.

Alt Tab Counter - 012b9ca

  • Counts the amount of times you ALT+TABed out of the game <3

Retired Features - cfc65ff

  • Two feature fixes have been retired because they got fixed by 10 Chambers,
    they won't be available on ALT R6 and higher anymore:
    • MapToObjectivesSwitchFix
    • WeaponShootForward

Other Changes

  • ELH: Fixed errors on modded rundowns that already had the old hammers enabled - 8f6a65b
  • Feature Search doesn't include TMP Tags in its search results anymore - 8f345b3
  • PCO: Nicknames should now properly apply player color once more - 58a9738
  • Fixed Discord Rich Presence showing numbers for "X" Levels - 2418439
  • MTFO "Hotreload" no longer blows everything up - 996e06d
  • Fix error in GlassLiquidOverride whenever the system was turned off completely and the button to clean the screen got pressed - b7d19e5
  • IntroSkip should no longer break menu music/sounds randomly on startup - 27edf68
  • Refactored parts of the FeaturesAPI code
  • Other misc. changes, check the full changelog below!

Almost on time for ALT R6 Release with this one 😂

Full Changelog: v0.5.52-beta...v0.6-beta

TheArchive beta v0.5.52

04 Sep 21:59
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⚠️ This mod version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

Experimental BepInEx release here, most things work but some aren't available yet!

New Features & Changes

Mod Settings

  • Color Picker - 1f10b20
    • Anything that required a color hex string before can now be easily adjusted via an in-game color picker UI element!

Revive Interact Fix - 6e4662f

  • Fix revive progress visually resetting whenever multiple revives are going on at the same time.
  • Ability to show whenever multiple people are reviving the same person

HUD Pro Mode - 0988093

  • Turn of all HUD elements, mainly intended for video production.

Bio Ping Colors - f5a0a6a

  • Change the color of bio pings!

Display Sentry Type - 0b100ca

  • Show the sentry type that remote players are carrying instead of Sentry Gun

Other Changes

  • Fixed a crash on the BepInEx build that would happen with ChatterReborn installed whenever a locker got pinged due to a mistake with a harmony patch on my end.
  • FeaturesAPI doesn't unpatch on quit anymore, results in faster quit times - c8b0350
  • Settings files now only save if something actually changed! - 7d83d38
  • Added reminder to disable the vanilla SeperateUseKeys setting in the L4D Style Packs description - 0ad00c1
  • Schaefer is now Schaeffer - 9d553f8
  • ExpeditionResultsScreenTweaks
    • Prevent modded level names from being cut off if they included dashes - 900370d


  • BIE: Fixed author missing in manifest.json

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.27-beta...v0.5.52-beta

TheArchive beta v0.5.27

13 Jul 21:45
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⚠️ This mod version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

Experimental BepInEx release here, most things work but some aren't available yet!

New Features & Changes

Mod Settings

  • Regrouped many settings into new categories - 5453ca8 & 55ad847
  • Settings Search! - 1442540
    • Search for settings
      Toggling things from here does not update the displayed values in the main mod settings menu yet!
  • Sliders! - 8e2592d
    • = Improved UX :)
    • (BepInEx build currently does not display the intended values on sliders correctly due to crashing issues) - e07d221

Scan HUD Tweaks - [new] a51a17b

  • Adds the overall scan progress into the message at the top of your screen.
    • Security Scan (III/IV) at 42%

Sort Boosters - [new] 4c8999f

  • Sorts your booster inventory by type and alphabetically

Combat Indicator

  • Now properly displays in the correct size on any resolution. - 0c77e0a & 57c2ed0

Watermark Tweaks

  • Choose from 3 different things to display:
    • The current mod version
    • Your current coordinates - 7246460
    • The in-level timer - 55fcc2d
  • Enabled on BepInEx builds now - 0c8bec6

Map Pan Unclamp - [new] a5f5435

  • Allows you to zoom into far out zones on the map screen

Disable Downed Sound - [new] f13dfa6

  • Removes the droning sound that plays whenever you're downed

Other Changes

  • DynamicVolumeOverride
    • Tweak volume override by @KcHNST in #52
    • Resets volume on the lobby screen again, for example whenever the drop gets aborted - 8f54273
  • Glowsticks: Tweaked local override colors so that blue looks more blue - 73e4e53
  • PLM: Profile links are now opened inside of the steam overlay by default (toggleable) - 17246ad #53
  • PCO: Interaction text names now are colored properly according to custom player colors -1069b127a21c5334e12e2bb9768339d678782d12
  • WeaponStats now show falloff distances - 98f79c8
  • Reduced console spam by filtering out any Backend related log messages - a51a17b

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5-beta...v0.5.27-beta

TheArchive beta v0.5

15 Jun 21:38
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⚠️ This mod version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

Experimental BepInEx release here, most things work but some aren't available yet!

New Features & Changes

Bot Customization - [new] 921edbb

  • Change the name of your bots
  • Change the vanity items your bots have equipped
  • Syncs to other players!

Glowsticks! - [new] 54e7de0

  • Customize the color of glowsticks you throw: (Green, Yellow, Orange or Red) - Syncs!
  • Set a custom color locally or use the players color as the glowstick color

Don't Hide Loadout UI - [new] 3e4540c

  • Instead of hiding the weapon select boxes etc. on the loadout screen they get disabled instead, making you able to see other players loadouts even if ready.

Other Changes

  • Fall back to copying the vanilla game settings if no mod saved ones are found - 6db624a
  • Fixed an oversight in Player Color Overrides ability to parse other players colors in cases where a color component was 0 - 578f03a
  • Other small fixes

Full Changelog: v0.4-beta...v0.5-beta

TheArchive beta v0.4

27 Apr 12:21
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⚠️ This mod version is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later loader release!

New Features & Changes

Combat Indicator - [new] 64041b6

  • Displays a little text element on the right side above your health bar that shows if you're in Combat (enemies awake) or not.
  • Detailed mode available that shows the games current drama state. (Usually indicated with music or ambiance)
📷 Simple Combat Indicator


Anti Spawn - [new] 4d8482d

  • As the host, prevents griefer clients from spawning in enemies and automatically kicks or bans them from your game (Configurable).
  • By default Steam friends are excluded from this system.

Player Lobby Management - 8c7dee4

  • You are now able to add players to your Banned Players List as client.
    It won't kick them from the game but they'll be unable to join any games you host.
  • Added Recently Played With Players List into the PLM settings menu.
  • Better formatting for Banned Players List and Timestamps are now displayed in a readable format.
  • The little square next to a players name is now color coded:
    • By default Friends are colored yellow, Bots are colored orange and players that you banned are colored red.

Vanity Dirt Control - 8584e76

  • Fixed bug where not all clothing parts got cleaned properly
    (Meshes with multiple materials were previously unaffected beyond the primary one)

Other Changes

FeaturesAPI - e32430b

  • Reduced stutter / freeze times on dynamic menus by not spamming the console with debug logs:
    • PLM/Banned Players List
    • The Weapon FOV Adjust submenu

Game Settings - d82cd50

  • Mod managed game settings are now attempted to be migrated from the latest 3 major versions before creating new ones.

Discord Rich Presence - caa42b4

  • Fixed crashes on CoreCLR runtimes (BepInEx & ML 0.6.1+).
  • Huge thanks to Uni for testing and crashing numerous times 🙏

Loading Indicator - a897d8b

  • Moved the indicator up by roughly 1 meter, it's now visible for every player without having to look down.

Carry Item marker - e79eeed

  • Fixed a harmless exception that happened in some late-join scenarios

Full Changelog: v0.3.24-beta...v0.4-beta

TheArchive beta v0.3.24

26 Mar 22:57
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⚠️ This release is built for MelonLoader 0.5.7 and is not going to work on any later release at the moment!

New Features & Changes

Carry Item Marker - [new] f061f0a

  • Big pickups (like CELLs or FOG_TURBINEs) get their own color as well as the item name above it.
  • Also shows a marker on whoever is carrying a big pickup
📷 All the different color variations: (Big Pickup spoilers!!)


📷 Example of someone carrying a CELL:


Glas Liquid Override - [new] 8e6fe3e

  • Change the resolution of the system that renders the blood splatters and other liquids on your visor or disable it entirely.
📷 Glass Liquid Override Quality Settings Overview:

Default Quality:


Worst Quality: (VeryBad)


Best Quality: (Extraordinary)


No Story Dialog - [new] f061f0a

  • Prevents all level-based voice events that have subtitles assigned from playing.
    (Goodbye Schaefer & Co 😥)

No Magazine Drop Sound - [new] 511126b

  • Removes the globally audible sound that plays whenever a magazine drops on the floor after a reload.

No Dead Pings - [new] 2481de2

  • Dead enemies can no longer be pinged by the bio tracker due to poor network conditions / late packets.

Weapon Stats

  • Fixed sentry gun max ammo bug 4029403

L4D Style Resource Packs

  • M2 can now be held down to automatically start the interaction upon hovering over a target 23ea551

Flashlight Icon Color

  • The map screen icons use the custom color now as well, colors are now changeable mid play fe3ed61

Player Lobby Management

  • Added "Friends on Steam" UI entry into the popup menu be278bb

Other Changes

  • Removed Rundown 5 file dependency 2de883e
    • R5 dlls are no longer required to build the project! 🎉
    • Also removed all code related to "SubModules" 1fa1957
  • Fixed all zeroes GUID oversight in DiscordRPC which resulted in everyone having the same party ID 6afb41e
  • Fixed premature completion bug in LocalProgression 810926d
  • Fixed giant SessionSeed text on fail screen 3de00ef
  • Removed some legacy code a1647b4
  • Fixed bug in SColor short hex code that would result in incorrect colors being returned 4b7cee7

Full Changelog: v0.3.1-beta...v0.3.24-beta

TheArchive beta v0.3.1

02 Mar 18:22
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Oops (refer to the previous versions change log)

Change / Updated Features

  • Fixed Legacy Hammers not working at all

Full Changelog: v0.3-beta...v0.3.1-beta

TheArchive beta v0.3

02 Mar 15:25
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New Features

  • Loading Indicators
    • Shows who's still loading the level
  • Disable Ambient Particles
    • Floating dust particles be gone
  • 99% Reload Fix
    • Fixes the reload bug where you're left with one less than max bullets in the clip

Change / Updated Features

  • Player Color Override
    • Ability to set player color based on the players nickname (color sync yay!)
  • Sentry Markers
    • Correctly color the player name every time
    • Added sentry archetype display option
  • Expedition Results Screen Tweaks
    • Added SessionSeed as a displayable element
  • Interaction Fix
    • Fixed exception spam on R5

... and other minor fixes and changes.

Full Changelog: v0.2-beta...v0.3-beta