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1. Pipeline Summary

Ian Brennan edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

Abbreviated Summary

The pipeline works from raw sequence data (generally stored as .fastq.gz) through to a first-pass species tree. Each step produces a number of output files and directories which can be returned to by either the user or the pipeline. Below are the general steps with associated tools indicated (in brackets).

  1. Read Cleaning:
    • FWD/REV read concatenation (bash)
    • deduplication (BBMap)
    • adapter/barcode removal (Trimmomatic)
    • pairing (PEAR)
    • optional filtering (BBMap)
  2. Assembly:
  3. Isolating Targets:
    • reciprocal match contigs to targets (blat)
    • make pseudo-reference genomes (python)
  4. Alignment:
    • sequence gathering (bash)
    • alignment (mafft)
    • optional trimming (Gblocks)
  5. Tree Building:



Detailed Summary

For users interested in a more detailed summary of the pipeline, the steps are as follows:

  1. Generate a sample_info sheet.

  2. Concatenate & Collate

    • What we need as input is our library metadata file (the one you submitted with your samples for sequencing), in a .csv format and a directory where we're storing all our fastq.gz read files. Once we know those locations we can run the function concatenate_collate. What this does is (1) identifies all the raw read files, (2) extracts and combines information from the file names and the metadata file, (3) concatenates all forward (R1) and reverse (R2) read files for each sample separately.
  3. Dedupe/Clean/Filter

    • This step first removes identical duplicate sequences from your raw reads using BBMap and It quickly reformats the deduplicated reads back into two read files, then removes lingering adaptor and barcode sequences using Trimmomatic and pairs up the raw reads using PEAR. Finally, it maps the reads against a reference file of phylogenetically diverse target sequences using BBMap and, and removes any reads which do not match any targets with at least a user specified minimum identity threshold (--minid).
  4. Assembly

    • Users can choose between Trinity or SPAdes to assemble the reads into contigs. Regardless of method, this step is both a memory and CPU intensive. By default the assembler is Trinity, however SPAdes is generally faster, and the two methods provide qualitatively similar results.
  5. Contig Matching

    • This step uses [blat] to match assembled contigs to our target sequences. We opted for blat instead of alternatives like BLAST because it is fast and less memory intensive. Matches are identified based on the user provided e-value (how likely the contig is to actually be the target), and are categorized as:
      • easy_recip_match: 1-to-1 unique match between contig and targeted locus
      • complicated_recip_match: 1-to-1 non-unique match, in which one targeted locus matches to multiple contigs
      • ditched_no_recip_match: a case in which the contig matches to the targeted locus, but it isn't the best match
      • ditched_no_match: a case in which the contig matches to the targeted locus, but the locus doesn't match to the contig
      • ditched_too_many_matches: a case in which one contig has multiple good matches to multiple targeted loci
    • The default is to keep both easy_recip and complicated_recip matches, but for a more stringent match you should specify easy_recip_match only
  6. Building PRGs

    • This step allows us to choose which contig-to-probe matches we would like to keep (one of two options easy_recip_match, or complicated_recip_match), and then generates a Pseudo-Reference Genome for each sample. The PRG is just a fasta file per sample with every matched target sequence included.
  7. Rough Alignment

    • This step will run across all available sample PRGs and pull matched contigs into target alignments. One parameter to consider is the --minsamp flag, which determines what is the minimum number of samples required to build an alignment. Phylogeny building methods like RAxML and IQTREE cannot estimate bootstrap values for trees with less than 4 samples. Similarly, shortcut coalescent methods like ASTRAL require quartets to determine the bipartitions, so having --minsamp < 4 is not useful.
  8. Proper Alignment

    • Rough alignments from the above step are passed through MAFFT to first correcting the direction of the alignment, then aligns the sequences. The alignments can be further process via Gblocks which will trim and realign sequences, however be aware that it is very conservative. Sequences of <100 consecutive bases are removed from alignments with BBMap.
  9. Gene Trees

    • For each alignment we estimate a gene tree using RAxML or IQTREE. By default RAxML will use a GTR model, search for the best tree, and run 100 bootstrap replicates. IQTREE uses ModelFinder to fit a set of models and apply the best fitting model, searches for the best tree, then fits 1000 ultrafast bootstrap.
  10. Species Tree

  • Genetree outputs are concatenated into a single file and we esimate the species tree from input gene trees using the hybrid-ASTRAL approach. This quartet-based summary coalescent method incorporates branch lengths and support values as weights into the species tree search.
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