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Exercise 1: Working with Geometric Objects

This week we will practice how to create geometric objects using Shapely module and how to find out different useful attributes from those geometries. We will take advantage of what we have learned earlier, especially functions. We will create small functions that we can reuse later on when continuing with GIS analysis in python. We will also use pandas to read data from a file.

  • Exercise 1 is due by 16:00 on Wednesday the 6th of November 2019 (day before the next practical session).

  • Don't forget to check out the hints for this week's exercise if you're having trouble.

  • Scores on this exercise are out of 20 points.


Solution code cells

You can always start working by removing these two lines of comments/code:

raise NotImplementedError()

We are checking your solutions semi-automatically using nbgrader which is a package for creating and grading assingments in Jupyter Notebooks. Please use the suggested variable names when writing your code so that our hidden tests work smoothly :)

Non-editable code cells

Some of the code-cells are "non-editable" which means that you are supposed to run them, but you are not able to edit them. These Non-editable code cells should help you to test your code while you proceed.

Start working