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Josef edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 3 revisions

Mirror examples

These examples explain the use of mirror objects in AutomationML using the AMLEngine. Mirrors can be defined for InternalElement-, ExternalInterface- and AttributeType- objects. An element, referenced by a mirror object is called master.

Attribute Mirrors

Attribute mirrors are AttributeType objects, referencing other AttributeType objects.

using Aml.Engine.CAEX;
using Aml.Engine.CAEX.Extensions;

void UsingAttributeMirrors(CAEXDocument document)
    var instanceHierarchy = document.CAEXFile.InstanceHierarchy.Append("ih1");
    var element1 = instanceHierarchy.InternalElement.Append("element1");
    var attribute1 = element1.SetAttributeValue("attribute1", 1.0);

    // creates an attribute mirror from 'attribute1' and inserts the mirror to element1
    // as the first element

    // the attribute1 is a master attribute, because it has a mirror attribute

    // the first attribute is a mirror attribute
    var mirrorAttribute = element1.Attribute[0];

    // the name of the mirror has to be different, because it is inserted
    // in the same attribute collection as the master
    mirrorAttribute.Name = "mirror";
    // the master of the mirror is attribute1

    // the reference to the master is stored in the RefAttributeType property;
    // the reference is set to the CAEXPath of the master

    // gets the attribute value of the master as a string representation
    var aValue = mirrorAttribute.Master.Value;

    // gets the decoded value, according to its attribute data type
    var dValue = mirrorAttribute.Master.AttributeValue;
    Debug.Assert(dValue is double);

    // sets a new value using the encoding property
    mirrorAttribute.Master.AttributeValue = 4.0;

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