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GoLD 💛

WordPress VIP Go Local Development


  • Mac OS X >= 11.6
  • Standard binaries (sudo, sed, curl, tar, grep, perl)
  • docker (with compose)
  • git (recommended: brew install git and update $PATH)
  • openssl (recommended: brew install openssl@1.1 and update $PATH)

Getting Started

  1. git clone && cd vip-gold
  2. cp .env.sample .env
  3. Modify values in .env:
    1. VIPGO_DOMAIN = the domain name the local development environment should use
    2. VIPGO_UPSTREAM_MEDIA_HOST = for assets referenced in /wp-content/uploads/* that don't exist locally, a domain name that can be used to send requests for the assets to
    3. VIPGO_REPOSITORY = WPVIP structured project to git clone into app/wp-content/, defaults to WPVIP "skeleton"
    4. VIPGO_PHP_VERSION = PHP version to use, defaults to latest
  4. make init
  5. make dev/up

Executing make dev/up will automatically:

  • Use openssl to generate a root Certificate Authority (CA), if one doesn't exist, and add it to your $HOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db keychain
  • Use openssl to generate a TLS certificate+key for the given $VIPGO_DOMAIN utilizing the root CA
  • Update hosts(5) with $VIPGO_DOMAIN

If the Mozilla Firefox browser is used, extra steps are needed:

  1. Navigate to about:config
  2. Search for security.enterprise_roots.enabled
  3. Double click the result if set to false in order to set it to true
  4. Restart Mozilla Firefox


init           - sets up environment requirements/dependencies
dev/up         - alias of docker compose up -d
dev/down       - alias of docker compose down
dev/upgrade    - update all container images and provided mu-plugins
dev/restart    - stop and start the environment

dev/reset      - WARNING! removes app/ and data/
dev/xdebug/on  - enable xdebug support
dev/xdebug/off - disable xdebug support

hosts/add      - add VIPGO_DOMAIN to /etc/hosts
hosts/remove   - remove VIPGO_DOMAIN from /etc/hosts

tls/ca         - generate certificate authority, add to keychain
tls/domain     - generate VIPGO_DOMAIN cert + key
tls/reset      - remove certificate authority and VIPGO_DOMAIN cert+key

SQL=file.sql db/import - imports file.sql into mariadb instance
db/export - exports mariadb DB into VIPGO_WP_DB_NAME.sql


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