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Try #2: Upgrade @WordPress packages to pre-React 18 (#73890)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Update packages to pre- react 18 versions

* Noop some type packages with stale @wordpress/data module declarations

* Fix some TS errors

* Fix some unit tests

* Fix TS errors in wpcom-checkout

* Fix more TS errors

* Fix TS errors in wpcom-plans-ui data store

* Fix a bunch of other TS errors

* Fix a bunch of other TS errors

* Fix a bunch more TS errors

* Fix type confusion

* Add core/data temp placeholder types

* deduplicate packages

* Ignore some logs

* Fix another failing test

* Fix a couple more tests

* Fix a bad import

* Force @wordpress/element resolution

* Fix more code style errors

* Fix some code style errors

* Declare TS modules of the nooped types

* Pin @wordpress/data-controls version

* Fix a ton of ETK TS errors

* Remove some undesired obsolete type packages

* Restore @wordpress/data-controls types

* Add necessary @wordpress/blocks types inline

* Remove a duplicate __i18n_text_domain__

* Dedupe again

* Revert "Remove a duplicate __i18n_text_domain__"

This reverts commit 6fda7b7c54affc8044d4732b5790ac0aa92b972e.

* Workaround a __i18n_text_domain__ duplication

* Fix a bunch of store and checkout TS errors

* Fix more package TS errors

* Start fixing some more TS errors

* More TS fixes

* Fix a bunch more TS errors

* More TS error fixes

* Fix some imports

* More TS errors

* Fix bad import

* A few more TS fixes

* More TS errors fixed

* Add @automattic/global-styles to tsconfig references

* Fix a few more type errors

* Fix a few more TS errors

* Ignore another log entry

* Fix more TS errors

* Pin @wordpress/base-styles

* Revert @wordpress/env upgrade

* Add missing select dependency

* Add missing data dependencies to useSelect calls

* Remove some now uneeded ts-ignore lines

* Polish some useSelect dependencies

* Polish another useSelect data dependency

* Account for possibly undefined stores

* Add more data dependencies to useSelect calls

* Fix render loop caused by obj reference changing each render


Co-authored-by: Noah Allen <>
  • Loading branch information
tyxla and noahtallen committed Mar 13, 2023
1 parent 39c7fe0 commit 9651d4a
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 296 changed files with 4,206 additions and 2,856 deletions.
23 changes: 7 additions & 16 deletions .yarnrc.yml
Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,12 @@ logFilters:
pattern: "@automattic/global-styles@workspace:packages/global-styles provides react-dom (*) with version 17.0.2, which doesn't satisfy what @wordpress/block-editor and some of its descendants request"
- level: discard
pattern: "@automattic/global-styles@workspace:packages/global-styles provides react-dom (*) with version 17.0.2, which doesn't satisfy what @wordpress/components and some of its descendants request"
- level: discard
pattern: "@wordpress/data-controls@npm:2.27.0 doesn't provide react (p90380), requested by @wordpress/data"
- level: discard
pattern: "@wordpress/notices@npm:3.27.0 doesn't provide react (pcdad4), requested by @wordpress/data"
- level: discard
pattern: "calypso@workspace:client provides @wordpress/data (pd64ed) with version 7.6.0, which doesn't satisfy what @automattic/subscription-manager requests"

nodeLinker: node-modules

Expand All @@ -123,28 +129,13 @@ packageExtensions:
postcss: "*"
react: "*"
react-dom: "*"
react: "*"
react: "*"
react: "*"
react-dom: "*"
react: "*"
react-dom: "*"
react: "*"
postcss: "*"
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { inIframe } from '../../block-inserter-modifications/contextual-tips/uti
import { IMMEDIATE_LAUNCH_QUERY_ARG } from './constants';
import { LAUNCH_STORE, SITE_STORE } from './stores';
import { openCheckout, redirectToWpcomPath, getCurrentLaunchFlowUrl } from './utils';
import type { LaunchSelect, SiteSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

const registerPlugin = ( name: string, settings: Omit< PluginSettings, 'icon' > ) =>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
Expand All @@ -17,12 +18,12 @@ registerPlugin( 'a8c-editor-editor-focused-launch', {
const currentSiteId = window._currentSiteId;

const isSiteLaunched = useSelect(
( select ) => select( SITE_STORE ).isSiteLaunched( currentSiteId ),
( select ) => ( select( SITE_STORE ) as SiteSelect ).isSiteLaunched( currentSiteId ),
[ currentSiteId ]

const { isFocusedLaunchOpen, isAnchorFm } = useSelect(
( select ) => select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getState(),
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getState(),

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ import { FLOW_ID } from './constants';
import LaunchModal from './launch-modal';
import { LAUNCH_STORE } from './stores';
import { openCheckout, redirectToWpcomPath, getCurrentLaunchFlowUrl } from './utils';
import type { LaunchSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

const registerPlugin = ( name: string, settings: Omit< PluginSettings, 'icon' > ) =>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
originalRegisterPlugin( name, settings as any );

registerPlugin( 'a8c-editor-site-launch', {
render: function LaunchSidebar() {
const { isSidebarOpen } = useSelect( ( select ) => select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getState() );
const { isSidebarOpen } = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getState(),
const { closeSidebar, setSidebarFullscreen, unsetSidebarFullscreen } =
useDispatch( LAUNCH_STORE );

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import * as React from 'react';
import { LAUNCH_STORE } from '../stores';
import LaunchMenuItem from './item';
import type { LaunchStepType } from '../../../common/data-stores/launch';
import type { LaunchSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

import './styles.scss';

Expand All @@ -16,15 +17,16 @@ const LaunchMenu: React.FunctionComponent< Props > = ( { onMenuItemClick } ) =>

const { currentStep, LaunchStep, LaunchSequence, isStepCompleted, isFlowCompleted } = useSelect(
( select ) => {
const launchStore = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
const launchStore: LaunchSelect = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
return {
currentStep: launchStore.getCurrentStep(),
LaunchStep: launchStore.getLaunchStep(),
LaunchSequence: launchStore.getLaunchSequence(),
isStepCompleted: launchStore.isStepCompleted,
isFlowCompleted: launchStore.isFlowCompleted(),

const LaunchStepMenuItemTitles = {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Launch from '../launch';
import LaunchProgress from '../launch-progress';
import LaunchSidebar from '../launch-sidebar';
import { LAUNCH_STORE, SITE_STORE, PLANS_STORE } from '../stores';
import type { LaunchSelect, PlansSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

import './styles.scss';

Expand All @@ -21,8 +22,9 @@ interface Props {
const LaunchModal: React.FunctionComponent< Props > = ( { onClose, isLaunchImmediately } ) => {
const { siteId } = React.useContext( LaunchContext );

const { step: currentStep, isSidebarFullscreen } = useSelect( ( select ) =>
select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getState()
const { step: currentStep, isSidebarFullscreen } = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getState(),
const [ isLaunching, setIsLaunching ] = React.useState( false );
const [ isImmediateLaunchStarted, setIsImmediateLaunchStarted ] = React.useState( false );
Expand All @@ -32,8 +34,9 @@ const LaunchModal: React.FunctionComponent< Props > = ( { onClose, isLaunchImmed

const locale = useLocale();
const { setPlanProductId } = useDispatch( LAUNCH_STORE );
const defaultFreePlan = useSelect( ( select ) =>
select( PLANS_STORE ).getDefaultFreePlan( locale )
const defaultFreePlan = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( PLANS_STORE ) as PlansSelect ).getDefaultFreePlan( locale ),
[ locale ]

const handleLaunch = React.useCallback( () => {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,20 @@ import { sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useI18n } from '@wordpress/react-i18n';
import * as React from 'react';
import { LAUNCH_STORE } from '../stores';
import type { LaunchSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

import './styles.scss';

const LaunchProgress: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const { __ } = useI18n();

const { currentStep, LaunchSequence } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
const launchStore = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
const launchStore: LaunchSelect = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
return {
currentStep: launchStore.getCurrentStep(),
LaunchSequence: launchStore.getLaunchSequence(),
} );
}, [] );

const current = LaunchSequence.indexOf( currentStep ) + 1;
const total = LaunchSequence.length;
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import * as React from 'react';
import LaunchMenu from '../launch-menu';
import { LAUNCH_STORE } from '../stores';

import type { LaunchSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';
import './styles.scss';

const LaunchSidebar: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const { setStep, unsetSidebarFullscreen } = useDispatch( LAUNCH_STORE );

const LaunchSequence = useSelect( ( select ) => select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getLaunchSequence() );
const LaunchSequence = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getLaunchSequence(),

const handleStart = () => {
setStep( LaunchSequence[ 0 ] );
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import classnames from 'classnames';
import * as React from 'react';
import LaunchStepContainer, { Props as LaunchStepProps } from '../../launch-step';
import { LAUNCH_STORE, PLANS_STORE } from '../../stores';
import type { LaunchSelect, PlansSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

import './styles.scss';

Expand All @@ -30,24 +31,28 @@ const TickIcon = <Icon icon={ check } size={ 17 } />;
const FinalStep: React.FunctionComponent< LaunchStepProps > = ( { onNextStep, onPrevStep } ) => {
const { domain, LaunchStep, isStepCompleted, isFlowCompleted, planProductId } = useSelect(
( select ) => {
const launchStore = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
const launchStore: LaunchSelect = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
return {
domain: launchStore.getSelectedDomain(),
LaunchStep: launchStore.getLaunchStep(),
isStepCompleted: launchStore.isStepCompleted,
isFlowCompleted: launchStore.isFlowCompleted(),
planProductId: launchStore.getSelectedPlanProductId(),

const { __, hasTranslation } = useI18n();
const locale = useLocale();

const [ plan, planProduct ] = useSelect( ( select ) => [
select( PLANS_STORE ).getPlanByProductId( planProductId, locale ),
select( PLANS_STORE ).getPlanProductById( planProductId ),
] );
const { plan, planProduct } = useSelect(
( select ) => ( {
plan: ( select( PLANS_STORE ) as PlansSelect ).getPlanByProductId( planProductId, locale ),
planProduct: ( select( PLANS_STORE ) as PlansSelect ).getPlanProductById( planProductId ),
} ),
[ planProductId, locale ]

const { title } = useTitle();
const { siteSubdomain } = useSiteDomains();
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -6,18 +6,19 @@ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import * as React from 'react';
import LaunchStepContainer, { Props as LaunchStepProps } from '../../launch-step';
import { LAUNCH_STORE } from '../../stores';
import type { LaunchSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

import './styles.scss';

const PlanStep: React.FunctionComponent< LaunchStepProps > = ( { onPrevStep, onNextStep } ) => {
const { domain, LaunchStep, selectedPlanProductId } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
const launchStore = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
const launchStore: LaunchSelect = select( LAUNCH_STORE );
return {
domain: launchStore.getSelectedDomain(),
LaunchStep: launchStore.getLaunchStep(),
selectedPlanProductId: launchStore.getSelectedPlanProductId(),
} );
}, [] );

const { setPlanProductId, setStep } = useDispatch( LAUNCH_STORE );

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,28 @@ import FinalStep from '../launch-steps/final-step';
import NameStep from '../launch-steps/name-step';
import PlanStep from '../launch-steps/plan-step';
import { LAUNCH_STORE } from '../stores';
import type { LaunchSelect } from '@automattic/data-stores';

interface Props {
onSubmit?: () => void;

const Launch: React.FunctionComponent< Props > = ( { onSubmit } ) => {
const { step: currentStep } = useSelect( ( select ) => select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getState() );

const LaunchStep = useSelect( ( select ) => select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getLaunchStep() );
const LaunchSequence = useSelect( ( select ) => select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getLaunchSequence() );
const firstIncompleteStep = useSelect( ( select ) =>
select( LAUNCH_STORE ).getFirstIncompleteStep()
const { step: currentStep } = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getState(),
const LaunchStep = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getLaunchStep(),
const LaunchSequence = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getLaunchSequence(),
const firstIncompleteStep = useSelect(
( select ) => ( select( LAUNCH_STORE ) as LaunchSelect ).getFirstIncompleteStep(),

const { setStep, setSidebarFullscreen, unsetSidebarFullscreen } = useDispatch( LAUNCH_STORE );
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useCallback } from '@wordpress/element';
import { addFilter, removeFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

import { selectors as starterPageTemplatesSelectors } from '../starter-page-templates/store';
import type { SelectFromMap } from '@automattic/data-stores';
import '@wordpress/nux';

const INSERTING_HOOK_NAME = 'isInsertingPagePattern';
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,17 @@ const INSERTING_HOOK_NAMESPACE = 'automattic/full-site-editing/inserting-pattern
interface PagePatternsPluginProps {
patterns: PatternDefinition[];
type StarterPageTemplatesSelectors = SelectFromMap< typeof starterPageTemplatesSelectors >;
type CoreEditorPlaceholder = {
getBlocks: ( ...args: unknown[] ) => Array< { name: string; clientId: string } >;
getEditedPostAttribute: ( ...args: unknown[] ) => unknown;
type CoreEditPostPlaceholder = {
isFeatureActive: ( ...args: unknown[] ) => boolean;
type CoreNuxPlaceholder = {
areTipsEnabled: ( ...args: unknown[] ) => boolean;

export function PagePatternsPlugin( props: PagePatternsPluginProps ) {
const { setOpenState } = useDispatch( 'automattic/starter-page-layouts' );
Expand All @@ -22,12 +34,16 @@ export function PagePatternsPlugin( props: PagePatternsPluginProps ) {
const { disableTips } = useDispatch( 'core/nux' );

const selectProps = useSelect( ( select ) => {
const { isOpen, isPatternPicker } = select( 'automattic/starter-page-layouts' );
const { isOpen, isPatternPicker }: StarterPageTemplatesSelectors = select(
return {
isOpen: isOpen(),
isWelcomeGuideActive: select( 'core/edit-post' ).isFeatureActive( 'welcomeGuide' ) as boolean, // Gutenberg 7.2.0 or higher
isWelcomeGuideActive: (
select( 'core/edit-post' ) as CoreEditPostPlaceholder
).isFeatureActive( 'welcomeGuide' ) as boolean, // Gutenberg 7.2.0 or higher
areTipsEnabled: select( 'core/nux' )
? ( select( 'core/nux' ).areTipsEnabled() as boolean )
? ( ( select( 'core/nux' ) as CoreNuxPlaceholder ).areTipsEnabled() as boolean )
: false, // Gutenberg 7.1.0 or lower
...( isPatternPicker() && {
title: __( 'Choose a Pattern', 'full-site-editing' ),
Expand All @@ -37,21 +53,22 @@ export function PagePatternsPlugin( props: PagePatternsPluginProps ) {
} ),
} );
}, [] );

const { getMeta, postContentBlock } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
const getMeta = () => select( 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'meta' );
const currentBlocks = select( 'core/editor' ).getBlocks();
const getMeta = () =>
( select( 'core/editor' ) as CoreEditorPlaceholder ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'meta' );
const currentBlocks = ( select( 'core/editor' ) as CoreEditorPlaceholder ).getBlocks();
return {
postContentBlock: currentBlocks.find( ( block ) => === 'a8c/post-content' ),
} );
}, [] );

const savePatternChoice = useCallback(
( name: string ) => {
// Save selected pattern slug in meta.
const currentMeta = getMeta();
const currentMeta = getMeta() as Record< string, unknown >;
editPost( {
meta: {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const actions = {
} ),

const selectors = {
export const selectors = {
isOpen: ( state: OpenState ): boolean => 'CLOSED' !== state,
isPatternPicker: ( state: OpenState ): boolean => 'OPEN_FOR_BLANK_CANVAS' === state,
Expand All @@ -30,11 +30,3 @@ registerStore( STORE_KEY, {
} );

declare module '@wordpress/data' {
function dispatch( key: 'automattic/starter-page-layouts' ): typeof actions;
function select( key: 'automattic/starter-page-layouts' ): {
isOpen: () => ReturnType< typeof selectors.isOpen >;
isPatternPicker: () => ReturnType< typeof selectors.isPatternPicker >;

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