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Customer Home - Phase 2 - Ship Base Content for Create, Grow, Manage

Closed Oct 26, 2022 100% complete

Base content for each stage will implement the remaining categories:

  • A Checklist for every phase of the customer journey, post-signup onward
  • Learning content–we’re leveraging the Editorial team’s recommendations from Go
  • Support content
  • A spot for viewing or managing specific features
  • Support for additional checklists

We’re de-prioritizing …

Base content for each stage will implement the remaining categories:

  • A Checklist for every phase of the customer journey, post-signup onward
  • Learning content–we’re leveraging the Editorial team’s recommendations from Go
  • Support content
  • A spot for viewing or managing specific features
  • Support for additional checklists

We’re de-prioritizing recommending additional features beyond the link to the mobile app and the new stats module. We will revisit this should our team members have wiggle room in their sprints not taken up by any other projects.

This milestone is closed.

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