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MyRobotLab Android

Android app to connect to a MyRobotLab instance. This app can control a connected instance via the WebGui service. It can also expose new services to the connected instance that can take advantage of the unique capabilities of mobile devices.

Getting Started

MyRobotLab Android is currently in Alpha, there will be bugs and problems!

Right now, this app can only be used with a special version of MyRobotLab that contains modifications made by me. These modifications are in the process of being merged into MyRobotLab and this README will be updated once they have been merged.

  1. Clone myrobotlab
  2. Checkout ap-android-alpha-1 branch. This branch contains all needed changes
  3. Build with mvn package -DskipTests
  4. Copy myrobotlab.jar to cwd with cp target/myrobotlab.jar ./
  5. Run with ./ on Linux or ./myrobotlab.bat on Windows
  6. Open a new terminal and clone this repo
  7. Open the project in Android Studio
  8. Compile and run MyRobotLab Android on either an emulator or a physical device
  9. Press the Connect button on the Client tab and enter your computer's IP address. If running an emulator on the same machine, use to connect to localhost.
  10. Explore the app. There are currently 2 services available: TestKotlinService and Gyro.

Example scripts are available in the examples/ directory. They assume the Android app has the id "android" and that any required services are started on the app-side first. These scripts should be executed through the MyRobotLab Python service.

For Developers


MyRobotLab Android is written in Kotlin to allow easy porting to an iOS app in the future. It was also split up into multiple subprojects to allow the underlying Kotlin bindings (mrlkt) to be used in a standalone program.


Mrlkt is the Kotlin version of mrlpy. It provides a framework for communicating with an MRL instance using Kotlin syntax, as well as a higher level API to create services written entirely in Kotlin.

Mrlkt lives in the org.myrobotlab.kotlin package under the mrlkt module. Services common to Kotlin, mainly the Runtime implementation, are housed in the org.myrobotlab.kotlin.service package.

Mrlkt Annotations

This is a small module meant to contain only annotation definitions. This enables KSP plugins to depend on only this module and not the entirety of mrlkt. These annotations live under the org.myrobotlab.kotlin.annotations package in the mrlkt-annotations module.

Mrlkt KSP

This is a KSP plugin that performs compile-time processing of annotations. Its primary purpose is to generate the list of mappings from mrlkt classes to Java mrl classes. It also searches for classes marked with @MrlService and adds them to the service registry.

It lives in the org.myrobotlab.kotlin.ksp package under the mrlkt-ksp module.

MyRobotLab Android

This module contains the Android app source code. It uses Jetpack Compose as its UI framework. All Android-specific classes are under the package, with Android-only services living under the package.


Android app to connect to a MyRobotLab instance







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