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Nils edited this page Jul 6, 2019 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the ros.package wiki, a collection of information about the Autonomous Racing project (TU Dortmund).

Table of Contents

Purpose of this project

Autonomous Racing! We develop the software for a self driving car, that is capable of driving on racing tracks as fast as possible, completely autonomous. The car, in this case, is a electric car in the scale 1 to 10, inspired by the F1/10 Competition. It uses several sensors, to observe its environment and try's to find the optimal path and speed to finish the race.

About us

This project is developed in the context of the Technical University Dortmund (Germany). A project group, consisting of 12 information technology students, works on a software development project for 1 year.

Contributing to the project

In order to submit code to this project, several guidelines and rules have to be considered:

  • Pull requests
    • Any changes on the master-branch need to be submitted trough pull requests
    • A pull request has to be approved by at least 1 person before it can be merged
    • Please use the work in progress tag for work-in-progress pull requests.
  • Code guidelines
  • Any code, messages, comments, etc should be written in English

Commit messages

Commit messages SHOULD provide a descriptive summary of what was changed in a commit. Commit messages SHOULD start with a capital letter and contain a verb.

Messages like "fixed a bug" or "improved code" are discouraged. Instead, the message SHOULD explain what bug was fixed or how the code was improved.

Commit message that are related to a ticket SHOULD reference the ticket like this: refs #42, implements #42, fixes #42.

If you would like to create "wip" commits, please do so locally or on a fork.

Setting up the development environment

Details about the software

Details about the car

Dependencies of the project