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Using nightly build feed

appleneko2001 edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 5 revisions

Nightly builds now are available on main NuGet feed and Github feed. After any push commits to dev-branch will notify Github Actions to build and publish the artifacts to NuGet and Github feed automatically.

Use NuGet feed to get nightly builds

Those tips are suitable for JetBrains Rider or Visual Studio. Visual Studio Code will have some differences.

  1. Click right mouse button on project and select "Manage NuGet Packages"
  2. Enable "Include pre-release" mode
  3. Update NuGet packages list (click the "Refresh NuGet Packages (Ctrl+Alt+R)" button)
  4. Select Material.Avalonia package
  5. Select newest version with suffix "nightly"
  6. Update selected package

You are ready to go with pre-release updates for now!

Tips: NuGet wont update packages automatically. So you have to update it manually after any changes by following step 5.

Use Github feed to get nightly builds

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