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Scrap yard infestation

RavensKrag edited this page Aug 28, 2011 · 3 revisions



Begin at the entrance to the scrap yard.

The gunsmith is looking for a part that is an infested area of the scrapyard, and since you appear to be there to abolish the infestation, asks if you wouldn’t mind picking it up for him while in that section. Once you defeat the scrap yard infestation (tutorial level) you return to the entrance and give the item to the gunsmith.

He asks you to come by his shop any time you need a gun. The scrap yard owner tells you to visit his brother at the Inn to collect your reward.

So you proceed to town…

Fire town storyline notes
Mix in aggressive and confrontational elements of fire
show that the golem attacks are not isolated
seek out who has done it

Show hierarchical and familial structure
town meeting to decide course of action
you would not normally be allowed to participate due to age, but you saw it first hand
- in new game+ the player character would be older and more experienced