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Avimesa Device Driver Scripts

last updated 2019-Apr-2

This project contains example Device Driver Scripts and Configurations to be used with the Avimesa Device Cloud. The engine is based on JerryScript ( and runs server side instead of device side. Thanks to Tillman Scheller for JerryScript.

Table of Contents


1. Getting Started

The following scripts can be downloaded and used as is or as a starting point to build custom scripts.


2. Prerequisites


3. Device Driver Engine Overview

3.1 Summary

/-------------------------------- Avimesa Device Cloud -------------------\ /-------- Client ---------\

                   B                            C1                           D
                 +---------------------.       +-------------------------.     
                 |Device Driver Engine | ----> | Raw (raw_q)             |   
                 |                     |       |_________________________|
A                | +-------------.     |       C2
+------.         | | Script      |     |       +-------------------------.     Client Application using
|Device| <-----> | |_____________|     | ----> | Notification (not_q)    |         the Avimesa API
|______|         |                     |       |_________________________|
                 | +------------.      |       C3
                 | | Config     |      |       +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
                 | |____________|      | <---- | Actuation ('device id') |
                 |_____________________|       |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

The Device (A) communicates through the Avimesa Device Cloud and the Device Driver Engine (B) executes a Script and configures a device with a Config. The whole interaction executes in a containerized environment for the device within the Device Cloud.

The Script is an ECMA 5.1 compliant JavaScript with additional Avimesa Device Cloud native functions covered in later sections.

The Script has access to the Device's data, and can write device state to the Raw (C1) or Notification queues (C2). The Script can also read from the Device's Actuation queue (C3).

The Script has access to the Device's configuration for dynamic updates, otherwise the static version will be used to configure the device.

Client applications can access the Avimesa Device Cloud via the Avimesa API (D), which presently supports an AMQP 0-9-1 interface (e.g. RabbitMQ based broker).

The Avimesa API is used to upload Scripts and Configs to devices.

3.2 Process Model

A device connection will invoke the Device Driver Engine. There is no session between transactions and are to be considered atomic in nature, with the exception of using the file access built in functions.


4. Native Functions

4.1 avmsaGetEpochTime

Gets the current Linux Time.

var timestamp = avmsaGetEpochTime();

4.2 avmsaSendToRawQueue

Sends the device input data (dev_in) to the raw queue.


4.3 avmsaSendToNotificationQueue

Sends the device input data (dev_in) to the notification queue.


4.4 avmsaGetNextActuationMsg

Gets the next available pending actuation message for the device, if any (FIFO buffer).

var oldestMsg = avmsaGetNextActuationMsg();

4.5 avmsaWriteFile

Writes a file to the device’s container.

avmsaWriteFile(object, file_name, expiry_secs);

4.6 avmsaReadFile

Read a file from the device’s container.

var jsonObject = avmsaReadFile(file_name);

4.7 avmsaGetFiles

Get files from the device’s container.

var files = avmsaGetFiles();

4.8 avmsaSetStatusMsg

Sets a status message (64 char limit) to report to the system log queue.

avmsaSetStatusMsg("Small debug message");


5. Quick Start Examples


This example is available in the '01-the-bare-minimum' directory and contains, as you might gather from the name, the bare minimum required to do something useful.

function avmsaMain(){

    // Send the 'dev_in' data to the raw queue

    // Get the next actuation messsge (if any) and send to device
    dev_out.actuation = avmsaGetNextActuationMsg();

The entry point of the script is avmsaMain(). We immediately send the device's data along to the raw queue using avmsaSendToRawQueue(), which sends the dev_in JSON object 'as-is' to the raw queue (accessed via the API's raw_q).

Then, we grab the 'next' actuation message for the device (if any) using the avmsaSendToRawQueue(). We set the response of this function call to the dev_out.actuation field to pass the actuation command 'as-is' to the device.



This example, available in the '02-alarms-and-notifications' directory, shows how one could inspect the device's data and trigger an alarm condition. To distinguish 'normal' data from 'higher priority' data, the notification queue is used (accessed via the API's not_q).

The dev_in object here is from an Avimesa 1000, which is a seven channel device that, at its core, measures amperage readings from 4-20mA sensors. The dev_in object is further described in the XX-device-input-object example.

function avmsaMain(){
    var alarm = false;

    var ALARM_VALUE_0 = 0.010;
    var ALARM_VALUE_1 = 0.015;

    if ([0].ch_data[0].val > ALARM_VALUE_0){
        alarm = true;
    else if ([1].ch_data[0].val > ALARM_VALUE_1){
        alarm = true;

    if (alarm){

The above will only send along the device's data to the notification queue if a condition is met that is deemed an alarm (in this case, channel 0's value is larger than 10mA or channel 1's is larger than 15mA).



This example, available in the '03-using-a-file-for-session-state' directory, shows how to use a file to keep a session state across device transactions.

This test script was used for a garage door sensor hack that was used during long term testing for the Avimesa 1000. It utilized a GP1A57HRJ00F photo interrupter (

Basically, when the door was shut the sensor outputs roughly 0.2 mA, and then the door is open the sensor would output roughly 0.0 mA.

The Avimesa 1000 was powered with 5.0 VDC (which is valid...), and the sensor was connected to channel 0.

At first, all readings were being sent to the raw queue. This created a LOT of data that isn't necessary. So, with a simple script, we can only send data when there's a change (e.g. when the door is opened or shut).

function avmsaMain(){
    // some value to trigger a condition
    var TRIGGER_VALUE = 0.0001;

    var currentState = {}; = 0;

    // attempt to load last state from disk
    var lastState = avmsaReadFile('lastState');

    // if not defined, force an update
    if (!lastState){
        lastState = {}; = -1;

    // Evaluate input data
    if ([0].ch_data[0].val < TRIGGER_VALUE){ = 1;

    // If there was a state change, send the data to the raw queue
    if ( !={

    // Save to disk
    avmsaWriteFile(currentState, 'lastState', 86400);

The script above simply loads the last state from disk and if there's a change in state, sends the data to the raw queue.



The DialTone object is a JSON object used to represent device state, data, configuration and commands. An example of this object is in the '04-the-dialtone-object' directory.

It is intended to offer a dynamic, scalable, cross industry data model. At a high level, it consists of a device which can contain device data and device configuration, provide the ability to support N “channels”, which are used to provide varied data types and configurations. Also supported is the idea of commands that can be used to invoke processes.


(root object)

Name Type Required Notes
api_maj Number, uint32 Yes API Version Major
api_min Number, uint32 Yes API Version Minor
dts Number, uint32 Yes Epoch/Unix Time, approximate date time. This is set upon deserialization in Device Cloud upon receipt.
dev Object No See dev section below



The Device node, access via dev. It is not required but typically present.

Name Type Required Notes
dev_id String Yes Device ID, UUID without hypens, lowercase
dev_cfg Object No See dev_cfg section below
dev_data Object No See dev_data section below
dev_cmd Object No See dev_cmd section below
chans Object No See chans section below



The Device Configuration node, accessed through dev.dev_cfg. It is not required, but typically present in files like the Config file used by the Device Driver engine.

Name Type Required Notes
heartbeat Number, uint32 Yes In general, this parameter informs the device how long to sleep between measurements in seconds. Valid range is 0-43200



The Device Data node, accessed through dev.dev_data. It is not required, but typically present in the dev_in object that is accesible in the Device Driver Engine runtime.

Name Type Required Notes
dev_type Number, uint32 Yes - 0x0000 - Unknown
- 0x0100 - Avimessa 10000
fw Number, uint32 Yes Firmware revision,, where maj = 8 most significant bit, minor = next 8 bits, build = next 16 bits
hw_rev Number, uint32 Yes Hardware revision, 4 bytes for 4 ASCII chars
bat Number, float (single precision) Yes Power supply voltage (DC)
rssi Number, int32 Yes NA
tmep Number, int32 Yes NA
dev_sts Number, uint32 Yes Device Status Word (FUTURE USE)



The Device Command node, accessed through dev.dev_cmd. It is not required, but typically present on JSON objects in the device's Actuation queue.

Name Type Required Notes
dev_cmd_id Number, uint16 Yes See Commands
req_id Number, uint32 Yes Request ID provided by the API user, tracked through the system and given in a response for confirmation
PAYLOAD Various No See Commands



The Device's Channel(s) node, accessed through dev.chans. It is not required, but typically present in both Config files and the dev_in object.

Name Type Required Notes
ch_idx Number, uint32 Yes Channel Index (zero based)
ch_cfg Object No See ch_cfg
ch_data Object No See ch_data



The Channel Configuration, accessed through dev.chans[i].ch_cfg. It is not required, but typically in the Config file.

Name Type Required Notes
ch_type Number, uint32 Yes - 0x0000 - None
- 0x0001 - 4-20 mA Sensor
- 0x0100 - GPIO
en Number, Boolean Yes 0 - disable measurement
1 - enable measurement
sched Number, uint32 Yes Measurement schedule, for future use. Set to 1 for now.
sensor Object Yes See sensor



The Channel Sensor Configuration, accessed through dev.chans[i].ch_cfg.sensor. It is not required for all channel types, but typically in the Config file.


4-20 mA Sensor Settings

For 4-20 mA Sensor type channels.

Name Type Required Notes
settling_time Number, float single Yes Settling time for the sensor in seconds after being powered on and data is acceptably settled. Valid range of 0-60000.0


GPIO Sensor Flags

For GPIO type channels.

Name Type Required Notes
sens_flags Number, uint16 Yes See below

Byte 0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n/a n/a n/a n/a Latching Persistent Default State Mode

Byte 1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

A 16 bit unsigned value containing status flags for a GPIO channel configuration.

A 'GPIO' means 'general purpose input or output'. This means there's a "pin" on the board that we can set the voltage (0V or 3.3VDC) or we can detect if a voltage is "high" or "low"

Setting the MODE to 0 means make this pin an INPUT pin and read the physical value (either high or low) and we can tell the user if it's high or low (on or off)

If MODE is 0, the other bits are ignored as they aren't needed

Setting MODE to 1 means make it an OUTPUT, which means we will set the voltage programmatically (high or low, or 3.3VDC or 0VDC)

When the device boots up, we might need to set a default value for the pin, so the Default State bit says whether to boot up to high or low

The persistent bit means that, whatever the state is before a power cycle, upon boot up, set that state to whatever it was (so it will override the Default State in this case).

The Latching bit means that, if NOT set, when you set the GPIO pin it will go back to original state (e.g. a pulse). If Latching bit is set, it will retain the value and not toggle.



The Channel Data (array), accessed through dev.chans[i].ch_data[j]. It is not required, but typically present in the dev_in object.

Name Type Required Notes
data_idx Number, uint32 Yes Index of the datum for the channel
units Number, uint32 Yes See Units
data_idx Number, uint32 or float Yes Based upon unit type, either a floating point or uint32 value



A Device can be configured by uploading a Config file using the Avimesa API. The Config file is essentially the configuration portions available in the DialTone object described in the 04-the-dialtone-object section.

The example configuration files do the following for an Avimesa 1000:


  • Take a measurement once an hour
  • The analog 4-20 mA sensor channels 0-3 are enabled to take measurements, with settling times of 10.0, 5.0, 1.0 and 0.5 seconds respectively.
  • The digital channels 8-9 are enabled as outputs without any other flags


  • Take measurements continuously on all analog 4-20 mA sensor channels
  • Initially settle the channels for 10.0 seconds upon first power up
  • Sensors will stay powered on with this configuration



This example is used with the Avimesa 1000 beta kits. It will continuously upload readings from a XTP25N temperature sensor on channel 0 of the Avimesa 1000.


  • Converts the raw mA sensor reading on any of the 7 channels into a temperature reading for the XTP25N sensor
  • Sends this processed data to the raw queue for the Toolkit application to consume


  • Take measurements continuously on channel 0, with a 4.0 second settling time
  • The digital channels 8-9 are disabled and set as outputs without any other flags


Appendix A - Units

Name Value (base 16) Value (base 10) Description
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_UNKNOWN 0x0000 0 Unknown unit type
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_AMPS_DC 0x0001 1 Amperage, DC
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_AMPS_AC 0x0002 2 Amperage, AC
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_VOLTS_DC 0x0003 3 Volts, DC
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_VOLTS_AC 0x0004 4 Volts, AC
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_C 0x0010 16 Temperature, Celsius
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_F 0x0011 17 Temperature, Fahrenheit
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_K 0x0012 18 Temperature, Kelvin
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PSI 0x0020 32 Pressure, pound-force per square inch
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PA 0x0021 33 Pressure, pascal
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_BAR 0x0022 34 Pressure, bar
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_TORR 0x0023 35 Pressure, torr
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_ATM 0x0024 36 Pressure, atmosphere
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PSID 0x0028 40 Pressure, pound-force per square inch, differential
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PAD 0x0029 41 Pressure, pascal, differential
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_BARD 0x002A 42 Pressure, bar, differential
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_TORRD 0x002B 43 Pressure, torr, differential
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_ATMD 0x002C 44 Pressure, atmosphere, differential
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_SEC 0x0030 48 Seconds
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_HZ 0x0031 49 Hertz
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_CPM 0x0032 50 Cycles Per Minute
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_METERS 0x0040 64 Meters
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_METER_PER_SEC 0x0041 65 Meters Per Second
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_METER_PER_SEC2 0x0042 66 Meters Per Second^2
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_FEET 0x0043 67 Feet
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_FEET_PER_SEC 0x0044 68 Feet Per Second
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_FEET_PER_SEC2 0x0045 69 Feet Per Second^2
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_INCHES 0x0046 70 Inches
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_INCHES_PER_SEC 0x0047 71 Inches Per Second
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_INCHES_PER_SEC2 0x0048 72 Inches Per Second^2
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_INCHES 0x0049 73 Yards
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_INCHES_PER_SEC 0x004A 74 Yards Per Second
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_INCHES_PER_SEC2 0x004B 75 Yards Per Second^2
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_MILLIMETERS 0x004C 76 Millimeters
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_NANOMETERS 0x004D 77 Nanometers
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_KILOGRAM 0x0050 80 Kilogram
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_NEWTON 0x0060 96 Newton
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_JOULE 0x0061 97 Joule
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_WATT 0x0062 98 Watt
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_LPM 0x0070 112 Liter Per Minute
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_GPM 0x0071 113 Gallon Per Minute
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_CUBIC_METER 0x0080 128 Cubic Meter
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_IPS_PK 0x0100 256 Inches Per Second, Peak
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_IPS_RMS 0x0101 257 Inches Per Second, RMS
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_MMS_PK 0x0102 258 mm/s, Peak
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_MMS_RMS 0x0103 259 mm/s, RMS
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_G_RMS 0x0104 260 g, Peak
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_G_PK 0x0105 261 g, RMS
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_MILS_PK_PK 0x0106 262 mils, peak to peak
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_BOOL 0x1000 4096 Boolean type data, 0 or 1
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_ON_OFF 0x1001 4097 On/off data, 0 or 1
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_OPEN_CLOSED 0x1002 4098 Open/Closed data, 0 or 1
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_RUN_HOURS 0x1010 4112 Run hours
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_LATITUDE 0x1020 4128 Latitude
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_LONGITUDE 0x1021 4129 Longitude
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_REL_HUM 0x1031 4145 Relative Humidity
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_ABS_HUM 0x1032 4146 Absolute Humidity
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PERCENT 0x1040 4160 Percentage
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PPM 0x1050 4176 Parts per million
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PPB 0x1051 4177 Parts per billion
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PPQ 0x1052 4178 Parts per quadrillion
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_DB 0x1060 4192 Decibels
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_DBA 0x1061 4193 Decibels adjusted
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_PH 0x1070 4208 pH
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_NM 0x1080 4224 Torque, Newton Meters
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_LBF_FT 0x1081 4225 Torque, Pound Foot
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_NM_PER_SEC2 0x1090 4240 Rotating Inertia, Newton Meter per sec^2
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_OZF_IN_PER_SEC2 0x1091 4241 Rotating Inertia, Ounce force inch per sec^2
--- --- --- ---
eAVI_ENG_UNIT_ADC_COUNTS 0xF000 61440 ADC Counts
--- --- --- ---



Example Avimesa Device Driver Engine Scripts






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