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Releases: AvisoNovate/twixt


24 Oct 15:57
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0.1.14 Pre-release

Please note that as of this release, changes are in the file

Stacks and Minimization

06 Jun 23:05
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This is a big release for making things small. It introduces stacks, which are used to combine several JavaScript or CSS assets into a single aggregated asset ... and we've added JavaScript minimization as well.

CoffeeScript compilation now includes a source map.

Closed Issues

Minor Fixes

29 Apr 17:45
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Minor Fixes Pre-release

Jade Helpers

13 Mar 21:40
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Jade Helpers Pre-release

This fixes a few bugs in the prior release, and adds support for Jade helpers and variables, allowing Jade templates to be more dynamic.

Closed Issues

Jade Improvements

07 Mar 23:23
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Jade Improvements Pre-release

Along with updates to various dependencies, this release properly supports include used with Jade. By properly, we mean that a compiled Jade file is invalidated if any of the files it is composed from changes.

Closed Issues

Exception Report Improvements

26 Feb 20:24
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The exception report has been improved to display map keys in sorted order, and to display some system properties are lists (such as java.class.path).

Closed Issues

Dependencies Updated

09 Feb 21:00
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Dependencies Updated Pre-release

This release updates the dependencies: Less4J has been updated to 1.2.4, which is capable of compiling Bootstrap 3.1.0. In addition, there's been a bit of refactoring: the Ring parts of Twixt have been moved to their own namespace. Further, the way CoffeeScript, Less, and Jade support are integrated has changed in a way that will eventually support separating those into "ala-carte" modules.

The io.aviso.twixt.tracker namespace has been spun off into a new AvisoNovate/tracker project (as io.aviso/tracker and namespace io.aviso.tracker).

Simplified Startup

23 Jan 19:38
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Simplified Startup Pre-release

This release adds a new function, find-asset-uri, which allows you to query for an asset, but return nil (rather than throw an exception) if not found.

There's been a bit of churn in how you configure and startup Twixt, including a new io.aviso.twixt.startup namespace.

It is now possible to configure direct asset URLs; this allows client access to files under META-INF/assets/ knowing only the path, not the checksum.

Importantly, a bug was preventing access to resources inside JARs (which is the very reason for Twixt to exist) and has been fixed.

Fixed bugs

Dependencies Updated

22 Jan 01:23
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Dependencies Updated Pre-release

This updates dependencies to latest versions, including compatibility with io.aviso:pretty 0.1.6.

Compress and Rejoice!

20 Nov 00:11
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Compress and Rejoice! Pre-release

This resource adds immutable resources, which is a fancy way to say that the asset URLs now include a checksum based on the asset content. Change the asset, and the URL changes as well. This means that we can attach a far-future expires header to encourage the client browser to cache aggressively.

In addition, Twixt now supports GZip compression of content (where it makes sense).

Fixed Issues