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A simplistic Clojure library for creating, manipulating and composing asynchronous actions, that is built atop Clojure's existing support for futures.

Two of the main things that futures in Clojure lack are composability and a certain degree of laziness. This library attempts to provide these characteristics, plus some additional tools for working with them.


Clojars Project


The main abstraction in halfling is something called a Task.
Task is essentially a fancy wrapper around Clojure's future.


Let's create some tasks:

> (require '[halfling.task :as t])
=> nil

> (def adding (t/task (+ 1 1)))
=> #'user/adding

> (def no-please (t/task 
                 (Thread/sleep Integer/MAX_VALUE)
=> #'user/no-please

> (t/executed? adding)
=> false

> (t/executed? no-please)
=> false

Right, so by now nothing actually happened. Tasks are lazy by default and every operation you perform on them (aside from execution) is also computed lazily. In order to make a task do something, you have to explicitly run it. This can be done either synchronously or asynchronously.

The invariant is that running a task will always return another task, which contains the result of that execution. This can be subsequently manipulated and composed with other tasks.

Synchronous execution

> (t/run adding)
=> #Task{:executed? true, :status :success, :value 2}

This type of execution will naturally block the current thread until the tasks finishes.

Asynchronous execution

> (t/run-async adding)
=> #Task{:executed? false, :status :pending, :value nil}

Running a task asynchronously will not block the current thread and will return immediately. The task itself captures a promise which will eventually be filled with the result of that execution.

Note: wait can be used to block explicitly.

Task values

In some cases, you may want to retrieve the actual inner value of a task.

This can be achieved either with get!, deref or @ and these can return one of two things:

  • If a task succeeded, it will return the concrete value of that execution:
> (t/get! (t/run adding))
=> 2

> @(t/run adding)
=> 2
  • If a task failed, it will contain a map version of the Exception that occurred:
> (-> (t/task (throw (Exception. "Something went wrong!")))

=> { :cause "Something went wrong!", 
     :via [...],
     :trace [...] }

There's a separate get-or-else function, which will return either the value in case of a success, or a provided else alternative in case of failure:

> (-> (task 1)
      (t/get-or-else -1))
=> 1

> (-> (t/task (throw (Exception. "Nope")))
      (t/get-or-else -1))
=> -1

Note: All of these will block an asynchronously executing task.

Task status

There are a number of functions that check different types of a task's status:

  • done? - checks if a running task has finished running
  • executed? - checks if a task has been run and has finished running
  • fulfilled? - checks if a running task has finished running and was successful
  • broken? - checks if a running task has finished running and failed

In addition, you can create finished successful or failed tasks with:

  • success - given any value, returns a finished successful task containing that value
  • failure - given a string message, returns a finished failed task with that message wrapped in a Throwable as an error
  • failure-t - given a proper Exception or Throwable object, returns a finished failed task with that error

Composing tasks

Tasks can be composed by using the then primitive. This takes a task and some sort of callback function, and returns a new task:

> (def crucial-maths (-> (t/task (+ 1 1))
                         (t/then inc)
                         (t/then dec)))
=> #'user/crucial-maths

> @(t/run crucial-maths)
=> 2

Additionally, the callback function can either return a simple value or another task:

> (def crucial-maths (-> (t/task (+ 1 1))
                         (t/then #(t/task (inc %)))
                         (t/then dec)))
=> #'user/crucial-maths

> @(t/run crucial-maths)
=> 2

By the magic of referential transparency, this leads to the same outcome.

Composition after execution

Tasks maintain composability after execution. Every time they get run, they return new tasks containing the future results. Because tasks are lazy, once you've run a task and afterwards composed new things into it, you'll have to run it again in order to force the new compositions.


> (def crucial-math (-> (t/task (+ 1 1))
                        (t/then #(t/task (inc %)))
                        (t/run) ;; <- (inc (+ 1 1))
                        (t/then dec))) ;; <- unexecuted
=> #'user/crucial-math

In this case run (and also run-async) will only execute those tasks that came before its invocation. If additional compositions are made after or while it's executing, these shall remain un-executed until another call to either run or run-async is made:

> @(t/run crucial-math)
=> 2

The task will then pick up where it's left off and execute the remaining changes.

Fire-and-forget effects

If you're not interested in the return value of some previous task, you can chain fire-and-forget-like task effects by using the then-do macro. then-do sequentially composes effects into one task:

> @(-> (t/task (println "Launching missiles!"))
       (t/then-do (println "Missiles launched!"))
       (t/then-do (println "Death is imminent!"))

Launching missiles!
Missiles launched!
Death is imminent!
=> nil

This is equivalent to:

> @(-> (t/task (println "Launching missles!")
       (t/task (fn [_] (println "Missiles launched!")))
       (t/task (fn [_] (println "Death is imminent!")))

Task recovery

A potentially failed task may be recovered with either recover or recover-as.

Both of these may well return either simple values, or tasks alltogether.

recover allows you to recover a task, based on the error that occured, whilst recover-as simply ignores the error and lets you reset the task to any given value after failure.

> @(-> (t/task (throw (Exception. "Failed)))
       (t/recover #(.getMessage %))

=> "Failed"
> @(-> (t/task (throw (Exception. "Failed")))
       (t/recover-as -1)

=> -1

Task comprehension

Whilst threading tasks from one to the other looks pretty, it isn't particuarly suited for working with mutliple interdependent tasks.

For this there is do-tasks:

> (def crucial-maths 
      (t/do-tasks [a (t/task (+ 1 1))
                   b1 (t/task (inc a))
                   b2 (dec a)]
                  (+ a (- b1 b2))))
=> #'user/crucial-maths

> @(t/run crucial-maths)
=> 4

With this, you can use binding-forms to treat task values as if they were realized, and use them in that local context. do-tasks accepts both simple values and other tasks. It automatically "promotes" simple values to tasks in order to work with them.

As of 1.2.1, do-tasks also supports syntax for recover and recover-as.

These can be placed wherever within the do-tasks binding block:

> (def crucial-maths
      (t/do-tasks [a (t/task (+ 1 1))
                   b1 (t/task (inc a))
                   b2 (dec a)
                   :recover #(.getMessage %)]
                  (+ a (- b1 b2))))
=> #'user/crucial-maths

Note: do-tasks essentially desugars to nested then-calls, which means that the binding-forms are serialised.


Halfing supports parallel execution with the functions:

  • mapply - given any number of tasks and a function of arity equal to that number, will call that function with all the values of those tasks if they are successful:
> (def task1 (t/task 1))
=> #'halfling.task/task1

> (def task2 (t/task 2))
=> #'halfling.task/task2

> (def task3 (t/task 3))
=> #'halfling.task/task3

> @(t/run (t/mapply (fn [a b c] (+ a b c)) task1 task2 task3)) ; task1, task2, task3 executed in parallel
=> 6
  • zip - takes any number of tasks and returns a task, which, in case of success, aggregates their values in a vector:
> @(t/run (t/zip task1 task2 task3)) ; task1, task2, task3 executed in parallel
=> [1 2 3]
  • sequenced - takes a collection of tasks and returns a task, which, in case of success, aggregates the values of those tasks in the same type of collection:
> @(t/run (t/sequenced #{task1 task2 task3})) ; task1, task2, task3 executed in sequence
=> #{1 2 3}

Failed tasks will contain the error of the first execution that failed. See halfing.task for more information.

Library functions

As of version 1.0.0 halfling has a separate namespace called lib, which contains different types of library functions that use the task API in their implementation.

Current functions:

  • p-map - just like map but returns a task, which applies the function in parallel. Similarly to Clojure's pmap, should only be used when the computation performed outweighs the distribution overhead.

An example usage:

> (require '[halfling.lib :refer [p-map]])
=> nil

> (defn letters [start-char]
   (iterate (comp char inc int) start-char))
=> #'user/letters

> (def alph (vec (concat
                   (take 26 (letters \A))
                   (take 26 (letters \a)))))
=> #'user/alph

> (defn rand-str [n]
   (->> (range 0 n)
        (map (fn [_] (rand-nth alph)))
        (apply str)))
=> #'user/rand-str

> (defn strings [n length]
   (->> (range 0 n)
        (map (fn [_] (rand-str n)))))
=> #'user/strings

> (def work (->> (strings 4000 1000)
                 (p-map clojure.string/lower-case)))
=> #'user/work

> (time (do (t/run work) ()))
"Elapsed time: 1.258364 msecs"


Copyright © 2017-2021 Robert Marius Avram

Distributed under the MIT License.