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This is the repo for Solanoid

By awera

This chat app utilises pinecone, openAI and sveltekit to allow users to talk to solana github repos. It is accessible at and was built for the Encode Hackathon.


  • git clone
  • npm install i
  • set .env vars in a .env file, vars needed:
    • OPENAI_API_KEY (Your openAI api key for embeddings and chat functionality)
    • GITHUB_TOKEN (A github token to enable more github api requests, rate limit is 5k files per hour using the token)
    • PINECONE_API_KEY (Your pinecone api key, support for other vector stores later)
    • PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT (The enivornment for pinecone)
    • PINECONE_INDEX (The index or database on pinecone you are connecting to)

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