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Simple, powerful, and customizable authentication evaluator for Swift written in Swift


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Authentication Check

This repository shows how to check username, email, and password UITextFields while creating an account for a user.

Check out the API Documentation!

Table of Contents

  • Features:
    • Password Constraints
    • Real World Application
    • Future Features
  • Installation
  • Getting Started: Evaluating Username, Email, Password and Confirm Password
  • Customization
    • Password Constraints
      • Requires at least one number
      • Requires at least one letter
      • Minimum Length
      • Maximum Length
    • Evaluation Options:
      • Evaluate with Confirm Password: Username, Email, Password and Confirm Password
      • Evaluate without Confirm Password: Username, Email and Password
    • Layouts:
      • Creating class of off the layout
      • Updating and Invalidating the layout
  • Author


  • None of the fields' values can match each other's values
  • The password field must be strong. More information below
  • If there a problem that arises, then the appropriate UITextField would shake and become red. Furthermore, there is a message informing the user on the problem.
  • If your app does not need username, AuthenticationCheck can exclude username
  • Virtually everything can be customized to your liking, from password too short and long descriptions to the limit of characters and if a number is required

Password Constraints:

  • At least 8 characters
  • Must include at least 1 number and 1 letter
  • Should not exceed 100 characters
  • You can change these password constraints to your needs

This example project also shows how to:

  • Exploring Swift
    • Utilize throwing Errors in a function
    • Use of completionHandlers to denote that an operation has passed
  • Create an extensive and useful file
  • License file - MIT License
  • Creating Open Source tools

Future Features:

  • Upon entering the completionHandler, the developer can setup warnings that the evaluater has found


Copy the AuthenticationCheck.swift file into your Authentication project

Getting Started

Evaluate Username, Email, Password and Confirm Password

import UIKit

class UserProfile {
    let username: String
    let email:    String
    let password: String
    init(username: String, email: String, password: String) {
        self.username = username    = email
        self.password = password

class SignUp: UIViewController {
    private let checker = AuthenticationCheck()
    @IBOutlet weak var usernameField:        UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var emailField:           UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var passwordField:        UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var confirmPasswordField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var errorLabel:           UILabel!
    @IBAction func createAnAccountAction(_ sender: Any) {
        checker.evaluateWithShake(usernameField: usernameField, emailField: emailField, passwordField: passwordField, confirmPasswordField: confirmPasswordField, currentViewController: self) {
            // If and when your code enters the completionHandler, that means the user satisfied the evaluater.
            print("Perfect credentials entered!")
            // Example code of pushing a new vc onto the current nav controller
            errorLabel.isHidden = true

            let successVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SuccessfullyLoggedIn") as! SuccessfullyLoggedIn
            navigationController?.pushViewController(successVC, animated: true)
            successVC.signedInUser = UserProfile(username: usernameField.text!,
                                                 email:    emailField.text!,
                                                 password: passwordField.text!)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.


If you do not like the default settings, you can change virtually everything.

Password Requires at Least One Number

The default value is true, but you can let your users create a password without a number

// Changing the requirement to false
checker.passwordRequiresAtLeastOneNumber = false

Password Requires at Least One Letter

The default value is true, but you can change it to your needs

// Changing the requirement to false
checker.passwordRequiresAtLeastOneLetter = false

Password Minimum Length

The default value is 8, but you can change it to your needs

// Changing the password minimum length from the default(8) to 20
checker.passwordMinimumLength = 20

Password Maximum Length

The default value is 100, but you can change it to your needs

// Changing the password maximum length from the default (100) to 50
checker.passwordMaximumLength = 50

✏️ Make sure the minimum and maximum lengths do not conflict or else your application program will crash forcing you to fix the difference

Evaluation Options

If you want total or manual control of what will happen if the user fails to satisfy the evaluater, then you have 2 options:

// Use the evaluate(username:, email:, password:, confirmPassword:)
checker.evaluate(username: usernameField.text!, email: emailField.text!, password: passwordField.text!, confirmPassword: confirmPassword.text!)

// If your program does not need username:
checker.evaluate(email: emailField.text!, password: passwordField.text!, confirmPassword: confirmPassword.text!)

✏️ Basically, if your app uses a confirmPassword, then use the appropriate function.

Here is a very quick way to implement this:

import UIKit

class UserProfile {
    let username: String
    let email:    String
    let password: String
    init(username: String, email: String, password: String) {
        self.username = username    = email
        self.password = password

class SignUp: UIViewController {
    private let checker = AuthenticationCheck()
    @IBOutlet weak var usernameField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var emailField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var passwordField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var confirmPasswordField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var errorLabel: UILabel!
    @IBAction func createAnAccountAction(_ sender: Any) {
        do {
            try checker.evaluate(username: usernameField.text!, email: emailField.text!, password: passwordField.text!, confirmPassword: confirmPasswordField.text!)
            print("Perfect credentials entered!")
            errorLabel.isHidden = true

            let successVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SuccessfullyLoggedIn") as! SuccessfullyLoggedIn
            navigationController?.pushViewController(successVC, animated: true)
            successVC.signedInUser = UserProfile(username: usernameField.text!,
                                                 email:    emailField.text!,
                                                 password: passwordField.text!)

        // General Errors
         catch AuthenticationCheckGeneralError.passwordContainsEmail {
             showAlert(message: "Password contains email", textFields: [usernameField, passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckGeneralError.passwordContainsUsername {
            showAlert(message: "Password contains username", textFields: [passwordField, usernameField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckGeneralError.emailContainsPassword {
            showAlert(message: "Email contains password", textFields: [emailField, passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckGeneralError.usernameContainsEmail {
            showAlert(message: "Username contains email", textFields: [usernameField, emailField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckGeneralError.usernameContainsPassword {
            showAlert(message: "Username contains password", textFields: [usernameField, passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckGeneralError.passwordDoesNotMatchConfirmPassword {
            showAlert(message: "Password does not match Confirm Password", textFields: [passwordField, confirmPasswordField])

        // Username Error
         catch AuthenticationCheckUsernameError.empty {
            showAlert(message: "Please enter a username", textFields: [usernameField])
             usernameField.shake(baseColor: UIColor.systemPink.cgColor, numberOfShakes: 3, revert: true)

        // Email Errors
         catch AuthenticationCheckEmailError.empty {
            showAlert(message: "Please enter an email", textFields: [emailField])
         } catch AuthenticationCheckEmailError.invalidEmail {
            showAlert(message: "Please enter a valid email", textFields: [emailField])

        // Password Errors
         catch AuthenticationCheckPasswordError.empty {
           showAlert(message: "Please enter a password", textFields: [passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckPasswordError.passwordContainsNoNumbers {
            showAlert(message: "At least 1 number is required in the password", textFields: [passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckPasswordError.passwordContainsNoLetters {
            showAlert(message: "At Least 1 letter is required in the password", textFields: [passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckPasswordError.passwordTooLong {
            showAlert(message: "The password cannot exceed \(checker.passwordMinimumLength + 1) characters in length", textFields: [passwordField])
        } catch AuthenticationCheckPasswordError.passwordTooShort {
            showAlert(message: "The password must include \(checker.passwordMinimumLength) characters", textFields: [passwordField])
        } catch {
            fatalError("Error uncaught = \(error.localizedDescription)")
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    private func showAlert(message:String, textFields: [UITextField]) {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: message, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil))
        self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
        for textField in textFields {
            textField.shake(baseColor: UIColor.systemPink.cgColor, numberOfShakes: 3, revert: true)

✏️ Even though this code looks extremely messy and horrible, you are in complete control with whatever error handling will happen


If you need to manage multiple of these settings in different areas of your applications, then layouts are for you

Customize the layout with the AuthenticationCheckLayout protocol
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController{
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        checker.layout = MyAuthenticationCheckLayout()

class MyAuthenticationCheckLayout: AuthenticationCheckLayout {

    var passwordRequiresAtLeastOneNumber = false    
    var passwordRequiresAtLeastOneLetter = false
    var passwordMinimumLength = 18
    var passwordMaximumLength = 20

Update your panel layout

Manually set the AuthenticationCheck.layout to the new layout object directly

checker.layout = NewLayout()
checker.invalidateLayout()  // If needed

Created and Maintained by:

Jacob Trentini


Simple, powerful, and customizable authentication evaluator for Swift written in Swift




Security policy





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