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A social media app inspired by Twitter.


Currently implemented functionality

  • None

MVP functionality

  • User accounts
  • User authentication (with JWT)
  • Ability to post
  • Search? (maybe)

Eventual functionality

  • Searching for posts and profiles
  • Following users
  • Post likes
  • Notification system
  • Ability to comment on posts
  • Direct messages
  • Media uploading (images and videos)
  • Reposting (equivalent to retweets)
  • Comment likes
  • Mobile (via react native) and desktop version (via electronjs)
  • tagging functionality (@ and hashtags)
  • Recommendation system powered by ML
  • "Trending" recommendations
  • Livestreaming? There is potential for this but it will require a lot of architectural accomodation.
  • Mobile port
  • Editing posts/comments
  • Changing site theme?
  • Profile picture
  • Implement ability to fully navigate with keyboard

Tech Stack


  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose
  • Bash
  • Docker-Swarm if we deploy (potential)


  • ReactJS
  • Redux
  • React-Spring
  • React-Icons
  • React-Boostrap
  • React Native (eventually/potential)
  • Figma (for UI/UX prototypes)
  • Scss
  • MomentJS
  • Axios
  • HTTP-only cookies


  • Go
  • Gin
  • Sqlx
  • MySQL
  • JWT auth
  • REST
  • UUID
  • Websocket/SocketIO (when we implement the chat)
  • Cookies (for auth; may rearchitect it though)
  • RabbitMQ (eventual for notifications, webhooks, etc)

How to run the app

  • ./ for linux users
  • windows TBD (most people implementing this app on windows will be on WSL so it shouldn't be a problem)