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PHP utilities for hooking into magic methods using docblocks and attributes


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PHP Magic

This PHP package provides utilities for adding magic properties and methods to your classes using custom attributes and docblocks. Highlights include:

  • Automagic properties, created with the @property tag.
  • Automagic cached, calculated properties using the @property-read tag and a method with the same name.
  • Automagic fluent methods the @method tag.
  • Easier overloaded methods. Use @method and the #[Overloaded] attribute to split out the logic for overloaded methods into separate functions. This package will call the correct one based on the arguments.
  • Transformed properties, on set or get, with the #[MagicProperty] attribute.
  • Full access to add more custom handlers using the Magic trait.

Check it out. It's magic!

use AxeBear\Magic\Traits\MagicProperties;
use AxeBear\Magic\Traits\OverloadedMethods;
use AxeBear\Magic\Attributes\Overloaded;

 * This example class shows how class comments
 * can be used to define magic properties and methods.
 * @property string $name
 * @method self name(string $name)
 * @property int $count
 * @method self count(int $count)
 * @property string $repeatedName
 * @method void update(...$args)
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;
  use OverloadedMethods;

  public function updateFromArray(array $data): void {
    $this->name ??= $data['name'] ?? null;
    $this->count ??= $data['count'] ?? null;

  public function updateFromValues(string $name, int $count): void {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->count = $count;

  public function repeatedName(string $name, int $count): string {
    return str_repeat($name, $count);

$model = new Model();
$model->name('Axe Bear')->count(1);
$model->update(['name' => 'Axe', 'count' => 2]);
$model->update('Bear', 2);
echo $model->name; // Bear
echo $model->count; // 2
echo $model->repeatedName; // BearBear


composer require axebeardev/php-magic


  • composer test: Test with Pest
  • composer cli: Open a Pysch shell with the package loaded


This base trait is a registry for all of the handlers to call when a magic method is needed. The other traits in this package use this one at their core to provide the magic functionality, but it's also available for you to use directly.

Important Hints

The visibility of the properties and methods that you use with the Magic trait is important. The class members being overloaded should be inaccessible, either protected or private, so that the magic methods can be called.


When a magic method is called, the Magic trait will generate a MagicEvent instance and pass it to any registered handlers that match the event name (using fnmatch).

The base MagicEvent instanced includes the following properties:

  • name: The name of the class member being called.
  • stopped: A boolean value that can be set to true to stop the event from being processed by any further handlers.

This class also provides the ability to set an output value that will be returned by the magic method. The Magic trait will return this value when processing the magic method. The output can be manipulated by any of the handlers that are registered for the event in turn, which means you can pipe the output value through multiple functions.

  • setOutput(mixed $value): static Sets the output value for the event.
  • hasOutput(): bool Checks if the event has an output value set. (This is important because null is a valid output value.)
  • getOutput(?Closure $defaultValue = null): mixed Gets the output value for the event.
  • Listener: onGet(string $name, Closure ...$handlers): static
  • Event: MagicGetEvent
public __get(string $name): mixed

To hook into this event, register one or more handlers using the $this->onGet($pattern, Closure ...$handlers) method. The closure should expect a MagicGetEvent instance as its parameter.

  • Listener: onSet(string $name, Closure ...$handlers): static
  • Event: MagicSetEvent
public __set(string $name, mixed $value): void

To hook into this event, register one or more handlers using the $this->onSet($pattern, Closure ...$handlers) method. The closure should expect a MagicSetEvent instance as its parameter. This event includes an additional value property that contains the value being set.

  • Listener: onCall(string $name, Closure ...$handlers): static
  • Event: MagicCallEvent
public __call(string $name, array $arguments): mixed

To hook into this event, register one or more handlers using the $this->onCall($pattern, Closure ...$handlers) method. The closure should expect a MagicCallEvent instance as its parameter. This event includes an additional arguments property that contains the arguments being passed to the method.

  • Listener: onCallStatic(string $name, Closure ...$handlers): void
  • Event: MagicCallStaticEvent
public __callStatic(string $name, array $arguments): mixed

To hook into this event, register one or more handlers using the $this->onCallStatic($pattern, Closure ...$handlers) method. The closure should expect a MagicCallStaticEvent instance as its parameter. This event includes an additional arguments property that contains the arguments being passed to the method.


This trait inspects your class documentation for @property, @property-read, and @property-write tags and adds the corresponding magic methods to your class so that those properties work. You can optionally add configuration to any of the properties with the #[MagicProperty] attribute.

Basic Usage

At its simplest when you include @property tags in your class documentation, the MagicProperties trait will add a getter and setter for the property.

If there the class includes a protected or private property of the same name, it will be used as the backing storage for the property. If there is not property with the name, the values will be stored in an unboundProperties array defined in the trait.

In either case, you can use the getRawValue method to get the raw value of the property, bypassing any transformations that may be applied. (See the section on transforming values for more information.)

 * @property string $name
 * @property int $count
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

$model = new Model();

$model->name = 'ernst';
echo $model->name; // ernst

$model->count = 5;
echo $model->count; // 5

// Simple type coercion is applied based on the type hint in the property tag.
$model->count = '6';
echo $model->count; // 6 

Read-Only and Write-Only Properties

You can also define read-only and write-only properties with the @property-read and @property-write tags. These can't be unbound. They'll need a backing property in your class. Otherwise a readonly property won't have an initial value, and a write-only property won't have a place to store the value.

 * @property-read string $defaultName
 * @property-write string $newName
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

  protected string $defaultName = 'leonora';

  protected string $newName;

$model = new Model();
echo $model->defaultName; // leonora
$model->newName = 'ernst';

Calculated Properties

You can also define calculated properties by adding a @property-read tag to your class documentation and defining a protected or private method with the same name as the property.

If the calculation has any dependencies on other class values, you should add those as parameters to the method. Use the same name as the class members. Output of calculated properties are cached, and any parameters included in the method signature will be used to calculate the cache.

 * @property string $name
 * @property int $count
 * @property-read string $repeatedName
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

  protected string $name;

  protected int $count;

  protected function repeatedName(string $name, int $count): string
    return str_repeat($name, $count);

$model = new Model();
$model->name = 'ernst';
$model->count = 3;
echo $model->repeatedName; // ernsternsternst

Transforming Values

You can also customize how a property is set or retrieved by adding a #[MagicProperty] attribute to the property. The #[MagicProperty] attribute accepts onGet and onSet parameters that allow modifying the value before setting it.

Both onSet and onGet accept an array of callables that will be called in the order they are defined. The callables should accept the value as the first parameter and return the modified value. You may use either built-in PHP functions or custom class methods that are defined on the class.

 * @property string $message
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

  #[MagicProperty(onSet: ['encode'], onGet: ['decode'])]
  protected string $message;

  protected function encode(string $value): string
      return base64_encode($value);

  protected function decode(string $value): string
      return base64_decode($value);
$model = new Model();
$model->message = 'ernst';
echo $model->message; // ernst
echo $model->getRawValue('message'); // ZXJuc3Q=

Fluent Getters and Setters

In addition to mapping properties, you can also create magic getter and setter methods using the @method tag in your class documentation. This is useful when you want to provide a fluent interface for your class. The MapDocBlock trait will automatically add the magic methods to your class when it sees the @method tag with either zero or one parameters.

If the @method tag includes one parameter, the MapDocBlock trait will add a setter method. If the @method tag includes zero parameters, the MapDocBlock trait will add a getter method.

 * @method string name()
 * @method self name(string $name)
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

$model = new Model();
echo $model->name(); // ernst

Overloaded Methods

PHP doesn't yet offer clean syntax for overloading methods. With the #[Overloaded] attribute and the OverloadedMethods trait, you can split out the logic for overloaded methods into separate methods that are called based on the type of the arguments passed to the method.

Instead of:

class Model {
  public function find(...$args) {
    if (count($args) === 1 && is_int($args[0])) {
      return $this->findById($args[0]);
    if (count($args) === 1 && is_string($args[0])) {
      return $this->findBySlug($args[0]);
    if (count($args) === 2 && is_string($args[0]) && is_int($args[1])) {
      return $this->findBySlugAndId($args[0], $args[1]);

    throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid arguments');

  protected function findById(int $id) {
    return "id: $id";

  protected function findBySlug(string $slug) {
    return "slug: $slug";

  protected function findBySlugAndId(string $slug, int $id) {
    return "slug: $slug, id: $id";

You can do this:

use AxeBear\Magic\Attributes\Overloaded;
use AxeBear\Magic\Traits\OverloadedMethods;

 * @method string find(...$args)
class Model {
  use OverloadedMethods;

  protected function findById(int $id) {
    return "id: $id";

  protected function findBySlug(string $slug) {
    return "slug: $slug";

  protected function findBySlugAndId(string $slug, int $id) {
    return "slug: $slug, id: $id";


PHP utilities for hooking into magic methods using docblocks and attributes








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