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Discord computer starter

  1. Requirements
  2. Warnings
  3. Install
    1. wake on lan tool
    2. nodejs
    3. nodejs packages
    4. env
    5. Systemd (optional)
  4. Usage


Below is the software stack this script was tested on. This script should work on any Linux-based distribution, but your mileage may vary.

Software Version
NodeJS 17.3.0
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
etherwake 1.09

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

This tool requires that you setup passwordless sudo on the device used to start the computer because a raw Wake-On-Lan (WoL) network packet needs to be made and sent to be broadcasted.

It should be possible to only give a user permission to run the WoL tool with root although I haven't had any success with it.


🚨 Make sure that passwordless sudo has been setup 🚨

Wake-On-Lan Tools

This tool uses etherwake to send WoL packets

on Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt update
sudo apt install etherwake


The nodejs packages tend to be out dated on distros so one should use a tool like the node version manager (nvm) to install a spesifice version of node.

install nvm on Ubuntu/Debian

sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 17
nvm use 17

Install Node packages

once in the repository directory run the following to install the needed dependencies

npm install


Rename the exmaple.env file to .env and change the mac address to the mac address of the computer you want to start and change the discord token to your discord token.

Discord api key

You can obtain a discord bot token by following this tutorial

Systemd (optional)


Only if you want the discord bot to start on system startup.

In the computer-starter.service file one should change the User and group to that of their current user. the current user can be determined by running the whoami command

after the user has been set change the WorkingDirectory to the location of the cloned repo this can be done by running the pwd command while in the repo directory

The last config change that needs to be made is the ExecStart start line. "node" needs to be changed to the actual path of the node executable. you can find the path to the executable by running the which node command.

Install Service

change the owner of the service file to root and copy it to the systemd directory

sudo cp computer-starter.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/computer-starter.service

Enable Service

sudo systemctl enable computer-starter --now


To use the bot invite it to a discord server, preferably with just yourself, one can then either direct message the bot or in a guild with .start to start the computer or .ping to test if it works.


Command Description
.start sends a WoL packet
.ping used to test if the discord bot is running


Turn on your computer through Discord!







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