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sdxqw edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 3 revisions

How to set-up TCL?

Tweaker Client Loader is pretty easy to set-up, and you can do it really quickly.

Open the file named: build.gradle

  1. Change the line 18 "io.github.axst.launch.TCLTweaker" to your tweaker dir!
  2. Change the line 19 with your client name (will be the most important part of this setup)
  3. Change the line 25 with your client version!
  4. Change the line 26 with your group id ex: "io.github.axst"!

Open the file named: mixins.tcl.json

  1. Please change "tcl" to your client name same as STEP 2!
  2. Change the line 5 with your package where your mixins dir should be!
  3. Change the line 6 only the "tcl" string to "CLIENT-NAME-SAME-AS-STEP-2" please use the client name same as step 2!

Done, you finally set-uped TCL!

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