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AO Muse Scripts

Muse AO Project

Axel Iván Reyes Orellana

Project to improve Muse AO performance. The script retrieve data from muse files (prm and psf .fits, pampelmuse catalogs, nightlogs txt, ramman files, reduced and raw files), and store it into the database grouped by target.

The script also provides an processed exposure table to store there the future processing of the exposures.



For the execution of the script its neccesary:

It also uses the next libraries:

For better understanding, the terms that are enclosed in curly brackets must be replaced with their corresponding values.

Before execute

Before execute its necessary to make an empty mariaDB database. You will need the name of the DB, username and password for the connection.

To create the database you have to login first (you can do it as root):

mysql -u {user_name} -p 

Then you have to create an empty database:

CREATE DATABASE {database_name}; 

Create an user of the database:

CREATE USER '{username}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';

And finally grant privileges to the database user:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {database_name}.* TO '{username}'@'localhost';


First, you have to modify the next line at the end of the script with your database information:

db.bind(provider = 'mysql', host = '', user = '
{username}', passwd = '{password}', db = '{database_name}')

To execute its neccesary to have three folders in the same directory with the reduced, analysis, and raw files named 'single', 'analysis' and 'raw' respectively. Also, the analysis files must have the same name as the reduced file (differing by extension). If the exposures are NFM and you have done double moffat and maoppy models, inside the analysis folder have to be two folders called moffat and maoppy, inside of each folder the '.prm' files have to be in the same folder with their respective '.psf' file. At the moment to execute the script, you have to give as input the root directory where are the folders, or you can press enter if the script its already in the root directory. The script will automatically read the files, create the objects corresponding and PonyORM will map those to the MariaDB database.

First, you have to modify the next line at the end of the script with your database information:

db.bind(provider = 'mysql', host = '', user = '{username}', passwd = '{password}', db = '{database_name}')

This script will drop all the tables of your database.

Data Structure

The following code cells define the structure of the database entities (Targets, Exposures and Processed Exposures) and how Pony map the classes with the tables.

from pony.orm import *
# Create a database object from Pony
db = Database()

# The classes inherit db.Entity from Pony
class Target(db.Entity):
    #   ----- Attributes -----

    target_name = Required(str, unique=True)  # Required: Cannot be None

    #   ----- Relations -----

    exposures = Set('Exposure')  # One target contains a set of exposures
    processed_exposure = Optional('Processed_Exposure')

# Exposure table class
class Exposure(db.Entity):
    #   ----- Attributes -----

    observation_time = Required(datetime, unique=True)
    obs_id = Required(int, size=32, unsigned=True)
    insMode = Required(str)
    datacube_header = Optional(Json)
    raw_exposure_header = Optional(Json)
    raw_exposure_data = Optional(Json)
    raw_exposure_filename = Optional(str, unique=True)
    prm_filename = Optional(str, unique=True)
    pampelmuse_params = Optional(Json)
    sources = Optional(Json)
    pampelmuse_catalog = Optional(Json)
    raman_image_header = Optional(Json)
    maoppy_data = Optional(Json)

    #   ----- Sky parameters -----
    sky_condition_start_time = Optional(float)
    sky_condition_start = Optional(LongStr)
    sky_comment_start = Optional(LongStr)
    sky_condition_end_time = Optional(float)
    sky_condition_end = Optional(LongStr)
    sky_comment_end = Optional(LongStr)

    #   ----- Relations -----

    target = Required('Target')  # One exposure belongs to a target
    processed_exposure = Optional('Processed_Exposure')

class Processed_Exposure(db.Entity):
    observation_time = Required(datetime, unique=True)
    obs_id = Required(int, size=32, unsigned=True)
    insMode = Required(str)
    raw_filename = Optional(str, unique=True)
    ngs_flux = Optional(float)
    ttfree = Optional(bool)
    degraded = Optional(bool)
    glf = Optional(float)
    seeing = Optional(float)
    seeing_los = Optional(float)
    airMass = Optional(float)
    tau0 = Optional(float)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    num_sources = Optional(int, unsigned=True)
    sgs_data = Optional(Json) # sgs_data extension
    ag_data = Optional(Json) # ag_data extension
    sparta_cn2 = Optional(Json) # sparta_cn2 extension
    sparta_atm =Optional(Json) # sparta_atm extension
    psf_params = Optional(Json)
    sparta_iq_data = Optional(Json)
    sparta_iq_los_500nm = Optional(float)
    sparta_iq_los_500nm_nogain = Optional(float)
    # Relations
    target = Required('Target')  # One exposure belongs to a target
    exposure = Required('Exposure')
#   ----- Main -----

db.bind(provider = 'mysql', host = '', user = '{username}', passwd = '{password}', db = '{database_name}') # Establish the conection with the database
db.generate_mapping() # Map the classes with the database tables 

For the exposure structure, we will see the following fields that are in JSON format. At the moment to read them in python, you have to transform it into a dictionary to access to the information.

raw_exposure_data field

The raw_exposure_data field has the following extensions (as dictionaries):

  • CHAN_X: CHAN extensions of the raw file, where X goes from 01 to 24.
  • SGS_DATA: SGS data extension of the raw file.
  • AG_DATA: AG data extension of the raw file.
  • ASM_DATA: ASM data extension of the raw file.
  • SPARTA_ATM_DATA: SPARTA ATM data extension of the raw file.
  • SPARTA_CN2_DATA: SPARTA Cn2 data extension of the raw file.

For example:

data_json = # Data field in JSON format (in Python JSON is represented as string)
data = json.loads(data_json) # Transform the JSON into a dictionary
primary = data['PRIMARY'] # Primary header
ra = primary['RA'] # Right Ascension
dec = primary['DEC'] # Declination
tau0 = primary['ESO TEL AMBI TAU0'] # Coherence time
asmData = data['ASM_DATA']
seeing = asmData['DIMM_SEEING'] # List of seeing values

Only the primary dictionary has single values, the others dictionaries has list of values because they were tables.

pampelmuse_params field

The pampelmuse_params field is a dictionary that could have the following PSF parameters list of values:

  • Theta
  • Ellipticity
  • FWHM
  • Beta
  • Wavelength

For example:

psfParams = json.loads(exposure.psfParams) # Transform the JSON into a dictionary
theta = psfParams['theta'] 
e = psfParams['e'] # Ellipticity
FWHM = psfParams['fwhm']
beta = psfParams['beta']
wavelength = psfParams['wavelength']

maoppy_data field

If the exposures is a NFM one and have double moffat and maoppy models for the PSF, the maoppy data obtained by pampelmuse is store there and it has the pampelmuse_params, sources and pampelmuse_catalog fields.

sources Field

The exposure Sources field can have several 'PM_X' extensions, where X is the source id assigned by PampelMuse. Each source has a table with the following columns:

  • SNR (Signal to noise ratio)
  • Flux
  • Beta
  • FWHM
  • xc (x coordinate in pixels)
  • yc (y coordinate in pixels)

For example:

sources = json.loads(exposure.sources) # Transform the JSON into a dictionary
source = sources['PM_1'] # Choose a source (Assuming that PM_1 exists)
snr = source['snr'] 
flux = source['flux'] # Ellipticity
beta = source['beta']
FWHM = source['fwhm']
xc = source['xc']
yc = source['yc']

Some important keywords

Each exposure datacube_header field contains a lot of information, so the keywords that you want can be hard to find. Here are some keywords that we have used for the analysis in this project (sometimes are not all availables in an exposure):


Seeing = (datacube_header['ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START']+datacube_header['ESO TEL AMBI FWHM END'])/2 # average between two values 

Air Mass

airMass = (datacube_header['ESO TEL AIRM START']+datacube_header['ESO TEL AIRM END'])/2 # average between two values 

Coherence time

Tau0 = (datacube_header['ESO TEL AMBI TAU0'])


date = datacube_header['DATE-OBS'] # as string

Ground layer fraction

glf = datacube_header['ESO OCS SGS ASM GL900 AVG']

Guide star flux

ngsFlux = datacube_header["ESO AOS NGS1 FLUX"]


# Get the mean strehl for each laser
sparta = raw_exposure_data["SPARTA_ATM_DATA"]
L1 = np.mean(sparta["LGS1_STREHL"])
L2 = np.mean(sparta["LGS2_STREHL"])
L3 = np.mean(sparta["LGS3_STREHL"])
L4 = np.mean(sparta["LGS4_STREHL"])



To create entities for the database you only have to create the object corresponding to the class that represents the table of the database. At the moment to create the object, you have to pass the attributes required according to the class structure. Here are some examples of how to create objects with the previously defined class structure:

Create a target named "targetName"

target = Target(targetName = "testTarget") 

Create an exposure that belongs to the previous target

exposure = Exposure(target = target, insMode = "testMode", analysisFile = "testAnalysis")

Optional to initialize the other attributes of the exposure

exposure.rawFile = "testRaw"
# Creating a dummy data field 
dictionary = {}
dictionary["PRIMARY"] = {}
dictionary["PRIMARY"]["RA"] = 221.0
dictionary["PRIMARY"]["DEC"] = 19.1         
dictionary["PRIMARY"]["ESO INS MODE"] = "testMode"
dictionary["ETC"] = "etc"
data = json.dumps(dictionary) #Transform the dictionary into a JSON string = data
# Creating a dummy psfParams field
dictionary = {}
dictionary["beta"] = [1,2,3]
dictionary["e"] = [1,2,3]
dictionary["theta"] = [1,2,3]
dictionary["fwhm"] = [1,2,3]
dictionary["wavelength"] =  [1,2,3]
psfParams = json.dumps(dictionary)
exposure.psfParams = psfParams
# Creating a dummy sources field
dictionary = {
"PM_1": {
      "snr": [1,2,3], "flux": [1,2,3], "fwhm": [1,2,3], "beta": [1,2,3], "xc": [1,2,3], "yc": [1,2,3]
  "PM_2": {
      "snr": [1,2,3], "flux": [1,2,3], "fwhm": [1,2,3], "beta": [1,2,3], "xc": [1,2,3], "yc": [1,2,3]
  "ETC": "etc"
sources = json.dumps(dictionary) 
exposure.sources = sources

Create an exposure that belongs to another target

exposure = Exposure(target = Target[1], insMode = "test", analysisFile = "test")


To read the data from the database, Pony offers different ways to do that. Here are some of them:

Get a target by targetName

target = Target.get(targetName = "testTarget")

Get a target by id

id = 1
target = Target[id]

Get an exposure by id

id = 1
expo = Exposure[id]

Get an exposure by file name (for example: raw file name)

exposure = Exposure.get(raw_exposure_filename = "testRaw")

Get all exposures

expos = select(e for e in Exposure)

Get all exposures as a List

expos = select(e for e in Exposure)[:]

Get exposures of a target

expos = select(e for e in Exposure if e in target.exposures) # Notice that the condition can be whatever 

Get exposures of a specific instrument mode

expos = select(e for e in Exposure if e.insMode == "WFM-AO-N")

Get the id

targetID =
exposureID =

Get the target name of a target

targetName = target.target_name 

Get attributes from the exposure

target =    # Get the target object that contains the exposure
analysisFileName = exposure.prm_filename
insMode = exposure.insMode
rawFileName = exposure.raw_exposure_filename
data = json.loads(exposure.datacube_header) #Transform the JSON into a dictionary
psfParams = json.loads(exposure.pampelmuse_params)
sources = json.loads(exposure.sources)


To update an entitie, you can modify the corresponding object field.

Change the target name

target.target_name = "testTarget2"

Change the target

newTarget = Target[id_of_another_target]
expo = Exposure.get(prm_filename = "test") = newTarget

Change a file name

exposure.rawFile = "testRaw2"

Change data

data = json.loads(exposure.datacube_header)
data["PRIMARY"]["RA"] = 200.0
exposure.datacube_header = json.dumps(data)

Change PSF Parameters

psf = json.loads(exposure.pampelmuse_params)
psf["fwhm"] = [2,3,4]
exposure.pampelmuse_params = json.dumps(psf)

Change sources data

sources = json.loads(exposure.sources)
sources["PM_1"]["snr"] = [2,3,4]
exposure.sources = json.dumps(sources)   


Delete a target

target = Target.get(target_name = "testTarget2")

Notice that all the exposures that belongs to the target were deleted

expo = Exposure.get(prm_filename = "testAnalysis2")
expo # Check for the exposure

Delete an exposure

expo = Exposure.get(prm_filename = "test")

For more information, please read Pony documentation.

Create a backup

Step 1.- Create an empty database:

First, log in to MySQL database server:

mysql -u root -p

Then, use CREATE DATABASE statement as follows:

> CREATE DATABASE {db_backup_name};

Finally, use SHOW DATABASES command to verify:


Step 2.- Dump database objects and data into SQL file using the mysqldump tool.

To dump the database objects and data of the original database into an SQL file located at D:\db folder, you have to use this command:

>mysqldump -u root -p {original_db_name} > d:\db\{original_db_name}.sql

This command instructs mysqldump to log in to the MySQL server using the root user account with a password and exports the database objects and data of the original database to d:\db\{original_db_name}.sql.

Step 3.- Import the d:\db\classicmodels.sql file into classicmodels_backup database.

>mysql -u root -p {db_backup_name} < d:\db\{original_db_Name}.sql

To verify the import:

> SHOW TABLES FROM {db_backup_name};

If there is an error with the scripts or with the README, like a misspelling or something, do not be afraid to send me an email to and I will try to fix it as soon as posible. Thank you in advance.


AOMUSE 2022 project







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