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8. API Manager Report tool

Chris Wiechmann edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 6 revisions

A project that has started to automate APIs based on Swagger is now becoming more and more an API manager CLI.

The API-Manager report tool is using Swagger-Promote-Core as a library for the API-Manager communication and can downloaded from this separate repository:

With that you can export information from your API-Manager into different reports (right now two, but expecting more to come).
There is a dedicated script delivered with the release called:, which generates the following usage:

usage: API-Manager Meta-Data Export -f <api-mgr-prod-metadata-export.csv> [-h <api-host>] [-p <changeme>] [-port <8181>] -r
       <CSVEmbeddedAnalyticsReport> [-u <apiadmin>]
 -f,--filename <api-mgr-prod-metadata-export.csv>   Filename used to export meta-data configuration (relative or absolute).
 -h,--host <api-host>                               The API-Manager hostname the API should be imported
 -p,--password <changeme>                           Password used to authenticate
 -port <8181>                                       Optional parameter to declare the API-Manager port. Defaults to 8075.
 -r,--report <CSVEmbeddedAnalyticsReport>           Type of report you want.
 -u,--username <apiadmin>                           Username used to authenticate. Please note, that this user must have Admin-Role

Tool to query your API-Manager registry and generate reports in some formats.
Originally invented to feed API-Metadata into Axway EA4APIM. Flexible for other formats

The following Report-Formats are supported:
Generates a report with APIs, Applications, Orgs and their relation to each other. (CSV-Format)
Tells you which APIs are using which Custom-Policies (CSV-Format)
Tells you which APIs are using which Custom-Policies (Excel-Format)

ERROR: Missing required option: r

You may run one of the following examples:
scripts\run-metadata-export.bat -h localhost -u apiadmin -p changeme -f custom-policies -r ExcelCustomPolicyDependencyReport

For more information visit:

This is an example report about used Custom-Policies: Custom-Policies report