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This repository hosts documentation, sample applications and guidelines for implementing DataPorts. DataPorts facilitate the exchange of data between two parties.

Getting started

The best way to use DataPorts is to integrate the Azlon.DataPort.Client package into your own software.

Alternatively one of the sample applications can be downloaded and files can be sent/received immediately.

Azlon.DataPort.Client package

The Azlon.DataPort.Client package is available for .Net and for Java and can be integrated into your own software.

The .Net package can be downloaded from here or here

The java package can be download from here

A sample application and more information on how to integrate the package can be found here (.Net only)

Sample applications

Two different sample applications are available:

1) A desktop tool

  • For Windows. This tool integrates the .Net package.
  • For OSX. This tool integrates the Java package.
  • For Linux. This tool integrates the Java package.

The desktop tool supports sending and receiving files to/from a DataPort.

2) Command line tool

More information on the CLI tool can be found here

The CLI tool supports receiving files from a DataPort.


A DeviceId and SharedAccessKey are provided by your contact person.


The following configuration must be set in the configuration file of the application:

  • autoSaveLocation: Path where received files are stored
  • Environment: Test|Live
  • Name: Name of the DataPort
  • DeviceId: Unique DataPort identifier, supplied by your contact person
  • SharedAccessKey: Access key for the DataPort, supplied by your contact person
	<add key="autoSaveLocation" value="C:\Dataport_Downloads\" />
	<add key="Environment" value="Test" />
	<add key="Name" value="Test DataPort" />
	<add key="DeviceId" value="???" />
	<add key="SharedAccessKey" value="???" />


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