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GBF Logger

  • Image is a bit outdated Sneak peak


  • This is a chrome GBF extension that logs damage and DATA rates
  • It simply reads out information the server sends to your browser and formats it
  • It does not request any information from the server
  • Use it to measure the damage output of your setups
  • Or use it to log DA/TA rates of your team members
  • This is a work in progress, so watch out for errors and bugs

How to set up

  • Go to Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions

  • Enable Developer mode on Chrome

Enable Devmode

  • Load unpacked extensions

Load Extension

  • select the folder the extension is located in

How to use

  • Open Chrome Devtools

Open Devtools

  • Switch to GBF stats tab

Switch Tabs


If you would like to leave some feedback (bugs, opinion, whatever), use this page. Note: There used to be a link to a google form here. However, it wasn't sending me new responses to my email as I'd hoped and there was no way for people to ask questions and actually receive a reply. It was a bad tool choice. I've transferred the questions over into the issues page, so if I've answered you, it'll be there.

For bugs, it'd be cool if you could open an issue on this github so it's easier to keep it organized.

Usage Notes

  • The game only sends character names when it loads the battle (i.e. when you enter for the first time or refresh the page). So, for the logger to display the names if you opened it in battle, refreash the page. Same goes for RaidID.
  • I don't know how the game updates boss hp when you're not doing anything so it only updates when you attack/ use skills / use summons.
  • Click on Turns/Characters/Attacks in the battlelog to see additional details.

TODO list (in no particular order)###

  • Lots of testing
  • Refactoring
  • Characters' current hp
  • Boss log
  • Settings saved when logger is closed
  • lockout time after attacks
  • Fix extra turns log
  • Extra damage from summons are not logged yet


Chrome Devtools extension to log GBF data






No releases published
