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Group Calling Sample

The sample is a native iOS application that uses the Azure Communication Services iOS client libraries to build a calling experience that features both voice and video calling. The application uses a server-side component to provision access tokens that are then used to initialize the Azure Communication Services client library. To configure this server-side component, feel free to follow the Trusted Service with Azure Functions tutorial.

Additional documentation for this sample can be found on Microsoft Docs. See this sample's wiki to see updated information on known issues


  • Start a new group call
  • Join an existing group call
  • Join an existing Teams Meeting (For instructions: Teams Tenant Interoperability)
  • Render remote participant video streams
  • Turning local video stream from camera on/off
  • Mute/unmute local microphone audio



Before running the sample for the first time

  1. Run pod install on the root of the project directory. This generates AzureCalling.xcworkspace
  2. Open AzureCalling.xcworkspace in XCode.
  3. Create a text file called AppSettings.xcconfig at the root and add the following values:
communicationTokenFetchUrl = <URL for your Authentication Endpoint, without the https:// component>

Run Sample

  1. Build/Run in XCode

Securing Authentication Endpoint

For simple demonstration purposes, this sample uses a publicly accessible endpoint by default to fetch an Azure Communication Services access token. For production scenarios, it is recommended that the Azure Communication Services access token is returned from a secured endpoint.
With additional configuration, this sample also supports connecting to an Azure Active Directory (AAD) protected endpoint so that user login is required for the app to fetch an Azure Communication Services access token. See steps below:

  1. Enable Azure Active Directory authentication in your app.

  2. Go to your registered app overview page under Azure Active Directory App Registrations. Take note of the Application (client) ID, Directory (tenant) ID, Application ID URI Azure Active Directory Configuration

  3. Add the following values to the AppSettings.xcconfig file:

    communicationTokenFetchUrl = <Application ID URI, without the https://>
    aadClientId = <your Application (client) ID>
    aadTenantId = <your Directory (tenant) ID>

Optional Configuration

If you would like to specify a group call UUID or a teams link to join when using the app in your environment, you can add the following parameters to the AppSettings.xcconfig file:

displayName = <Your call display name> (optional)
groupCallUuid = <Group call UUID locator> (optional) 
teamsUrl = <teams URL to use, minus the protocol component (optional)>

Note that using a teamsUrl will override the group call UUID.

Additional Reading

Known Issues

Please refer to the wiki for known issues related to this sample.