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feat: add Strapi (blog + cms) (#82)
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* feat: adding postgresql to devcontainer for the blog backend
* feat: adding strapi from a base template
Updated gitignore to allow the .env.example file. Using a dedicated gitignore in the cms folder for Strapi-specific stuff

* fix: fixing devcontainer
* feat: nextjs blog from sample
* feat: starting work on the azd integration
* feat: adding postgresql for the cms db
* fix: eslint issues
* chore: package-lock updates
* chore: cleanup for package-lock from bringing new projects in
* fix: env var in the postgres compose setup
* fix: generating the default db as blog not postgres
* fix: missing ignore for the strapi build cache
* fix: scripts for swa emulator to run blog
* chore: debugging launch for blog
* chore: removing blog from swa cli
* fix: removing the linked backends as nextjs hybrid doesn't use that,  API backends are disabled
* feat: moving blog from swa to container apps
* fix: moving away from SSG aspects due to Azure/azure-dev#1270
* fix: parameters for blog deployment
* fix: setting the module path for the azd things to deploy
* fix: removing package-lock from dockerfile as it doesn't exist due to workspaces
* fix: improving the outputs and naming of services to be more predictable
* fix: name of container apps service is lifted up to variable
This makes it easier to pass in as an argument using a params file

* fix: the params and individual service deployment of the CMS
* fix: individual service deployment of the blog frontend
* chore: remove website package
Website has been moved to a dedicated repo, this is cleanup of it

* chore: removing old SWA deployment action
* feat: adding azure storage strapi provider
* fix: refactoring the bicep files for deployment
- Changing `blog-cms` to just `cms` due to Azure/azure-dev#1290
- Adding more parameters to the cms deployment file that are the secrets
- moving serviceName tokenisation to the container-apps file rather than main, to make it consistent
- Fixing the service name for the portal

* fix: storage account path needs to be added to nextjs for next/image to work
* fix: variables not set properly for CMS setup
* fix: version of strapi azure storage plugin set
* fix: Missing flag in the env sample file
* fix: moving from domains to routePatterns for next/image
This means we don't need to know the storage account domain name, making the deployment more flexible

* chore: addressing package-lock after merge
* chore: adding readme guide for setting up blog
* fix: simplifying the password to avoid problems with yaml encoding
* chore: added section to readme for non-devcontainer usage
* fix: adding max retries to getting cosmos cert
* fix: forgot to update the database password on the service
* chore: fixing some package versions
* fix: incrementing vars in bash
* chore: improving the docs for devcontainer usage
Setting host requirements for the devcontainer

* chore: line endings are fun
* chore: reverting gitattributes to see if that fixes line endings
* fix: forcing ts/tsx to be lf line endings to avoid problems with linting on Windows
* chore(cms): update local dev guide

Co-authored-by: Wassim Chegham <>
  • Loading branch information
aaronpowell and manekinekko committed Jan 25, 2023
1 parent 4fd17f0 commit e49db45
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