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Integrate Apache Kafka and Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API using Kafka Connect

This is an example of how to use the open-source DataStax Apache Kafka connector that works on top of Kafka Connect framework to ingest records from a Kafka topic into rows of one or more Cassandra table(s). The example provides a re-usable setup using Docker Compose. This is really convenient since it enables you to bootstrap all the required components locally with a single command. These components include: Kafka, Zookeeper, Kafka Connect worker and the sample data generator application.


Create Keyspace, tables and start the integration pipeline

Using the Azure portal, create the Cassandra Keyspace and the tables required for the demo application.

Use the same Keyspace and table names as below

CREATE KEYSPACE weather WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' : 1};

CREATE TABLE weather.data_by_state (station_id text, temp int, state text, ts timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (state, ts)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC) AND cosmosdb_cell_level_timestamp=true AND cosmosdb_cell_level_timestamp_tombstones=true AND cosmosdb_cell_level_timetolive=true;

CREATE TABLE weather.data_by_station (station_id text, temp int, state text, ts timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (station_id, ts)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (ts DESC) AND cosmosdb_cell_level_timestamp=true AND cosmosdb_cell_level_timestamp_tombstones=true AND cosmosdb_cell_level_timetolive=true;

Clone the GitHub repo:

git clone
cd cosmosdb-cassandra-kafka

Start all the services:

docker-compose --project-name kafka-cosmos-cassandra up --build

It might take a while to download and start the containers: this is just a one time process.

To confirm whether all the containers have started:

docker-compose -p kafka-cosmos-cassandra ps

The data generator application will start pumping data into the weather-data topic in Kafka. You can also do quick sanity check to confirm. Peek into the Docker container running the Kafka connect worker:

docker exec -it kafka-cosmos-cassandra_cassandra-connector_1 bash

Once you drop into the container shell, just start the usual Kafka console consumer process and you should see weather data (in JSON format) flowing in.

cd ../bin
./ --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic weather-data

Cassandra Sink connector setup

Copy the JSON contents below to a file (you can name it cassandra-sink-config.json). You will need to update it as per your setup and the rest of this section will provide guidance around this topic.

    "name": "kafka-cosmosdb-sink",
    "config": {
        "connector.class": "com.datastax.oss.kafka.sink.CassandraSinkConnector",
        "tasks.max": "1",
        "topics": "weather-data",
        "contactPoints": "<cosmos db account name>",
        "port": 10350,
        "loadBalancing.localDc": "<cosmos db region e.g. Southeast Asia>",
        "auth.username": "<enter username for cosmosdb account>",
        "auth.password": "<enter password for cosmosdb account>",
        "ssl.hostnameValidation": true,
        "ssl.provider": "JDK",
        "ssl.keystore.path": "/etc/alternatives/jre/lib/security/cacerts/",
        "ssl.keystore.password": "changeit",
        "datastax-java-driver.advanced.connection.init-query-timeout": 5000,
        "maxConcurrentRequests": 500,
        "maxNumberOfRecordsInBatch": 32,
        "queryExecutionTimeout": 30,
        "connectionPoolLocalSize": 4,
        "": "station_id=value.stationid, temp=value.temp, state=value.state, ts=value.created",
        "": "station_id=value.stationid, temp=value.temp, state=value.state, ts=value.created",
        "key.converter": "",
        "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
        "value.converter.schemas.enable": false,
        "": 10000

Install the connector

Install the connector using the Kafka Connect REST endpoint:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @cassandra-sink-config.json http://localhost:8083/connectors

To check the status:

curl http://localhost:8080/connectors/kafka-cosmosdb-sink/status

If all goes well, the connector should start weaving its magic. It should authenticate to Azure Cosmos DB and start ingesting data from the Kafka topic (weather-data) into Cassandra tables - weather.data_by_state and weather.data_by_station

You can now query data in the tables. Head over to the Azure portal, bring up the hosted CQL Shell for your Azure Cosmos DB account.

Query Azure Cosmos DB

Check the data_by_state and data_by_station tables. Here is some sample queries to get you started:

select * from weather.data_by_state where state = 'state-1';
select * from weather.data_by_state where state IN ('state-1', 'state-2');
select * from weather.data_by_state where state = 'state-3' and ts > toTimeStamp('2020-11-26');

select * from weather.data_by_station where station_id = 'station-1';
select * from weather.data_by_station where station_id IN ('station-1', 'station-2');
select * from weather.data_by_station where station_id IN ('station-2', 'station-3') and ts > toTimeStamp('2020-11-26');

Clean up resources

Delete the Azure Cosmos DB account once you've finished.


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