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The EndToEndDataMigration.bat script performs an end to end migration of a single database. It assumes that you have already installed SHIR if the DMS service is not online and migration is to fileshare. There are 3 files to take user input (user-config.json, migration-db-config.json and source-location.json) :-


user-config.json contains some user decisions. The parameters in user-config.json are explained below:-

  • NewDMS : Set to true if a new DMS is required to be created
  • NewDMSLocation, NewDMSRG, NewDMSName are the parameters required to create a new DMS (will be used only if "NewDMS" is set to true)
  • DMSName and DMSRG are the name and resource group of an existing DMS that you'd like to register to SHIR
  • BlobFileshare : (blob/fileshare/null) - Where backups are stored. Set null in case of SQL DB migration.
  • Cutover : If set to true, the script waits till the database is ready for cutover and then initiates cutover. Only for online migrations. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)
  • WaitTillCompletion : If set to true, the script waits till migration is completed (Succeded or failed). Only works for offline migrations. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)

Sample user-config.json file :-

  "NewDMS": false,
  "NewDMSLocation": "eastus2",
  "NewDMSRG": "NewRG",
  "NewDMSName": "NewDMSIR",
  "DMSName": "DMSIR",
  "DMSRG": "RG",
  "BlobFileshare": "blob",
  "WaitTillCompletion": true,
  "Cutover": true


migration-db-config.json contains the parameters specific to a new database migration. The parameters in user-config.json are explained below:-

  • ResourceGroupName: Resource group in which Target SQL platform is present.
  • TargetDbName: The name with which the database will be stored in Target SQL platform.
  • Scope: Resource Id of the Target SQL platform.
  • MigrationService: Resource Id of the SQL Migration Service that will be used to orchestrate the migration. The migration service should be in the same region as Target SQL platform.
  • SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication: The authentication type for connection, which can be either SqlAuthentication or WindowsAuthentication.
  • SourceSqlConnectionDataSource: The name or IP of a SQL Server instance.
  • SourceSqlConnectionUserName: Username of the SQL Server instance.
  • SourceSqlConnectionPassword: Password of the SQL Server instance.
  • TargetSqlConnectionAuthentication: The authentication type for connection, which can be either SqlAuthentication or WindowsAuthentication.
  • TargetSqlConnectionDataSource: The name or IP of a SQL Database instance. (only for SQL DB migration)
  • TargetSqlConnectionUserName: Username of the SQL Database instance. (only for SQL DB migration)
  • TargetSqlConnectionPassword: Password of the SQL Database instance. (only for SQL DB migration)
  • SourceDatabaseName: Name of the source database that is being migrated.
  • Kind: Kind of Target to which migration is being performed. "SqlMi" or "SqlVm" or "SqlDb".
  • ManagedInstanceName: Target Managed Instance to which source database is being migrated to. (only for SQL MI migration)
  • SqlVirtualMachineName: Target SQL VM to which source database is being migrated to. (only for SQL VM migration)
  • SqlDbInstanceName: Target SQL DB Instance to which source database is being migrated to. (only for SQL DB migration)
  • StorageAccountResourceId: Resource Id of the storage account for uploading backup files. To be provided when backups are in network fileshare. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)
  • StorageAccountKey: The key of Storage Account. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)
  • OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName: Last backup file that will be restored to be used in case of Blob Offline migration. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)
  • Offline: Switch parameter used for performing offline migration. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)

Sample migration-db-config.json files :-

For MI Online case :-

  "ResourceGroupName": "RG",
  "TargetDbName": "DatabaseAzure",
  "Scope": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/MyManagedInstance",
  "MigrationService": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.DataMigration/SqlMigrationServices/DMSIR",
  "SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication": "SqlAuthentication",
  "SourceSqlConnectionDataSource": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceSqlConnectionUserName": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceSqlConnectionPassword": "<placeholder>",
  "TargetSqlConnectionAuthentication": null,
  "TargetSqlConnectionDataSource": null,
  "TargetSqlConnectionUserName": null,
  "TargetSqlConnectionPassword": null,
  "SourceDatabaseName": "Database1",
  "Kind": "SqlMi",
  "ManagedInstanceName": "MyManagedInstance",
  "SqlVirtualMachineName": null,
  "SqlDbInstanceName": null,
  "StorageAccountResourceId": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorage",
  "StorageAccountKey": "<placeholder>",
  "OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName": null,
  "Offline": false

For VM Offline case:-

  "ResourceGroupName": "RG",
  "TargetDbName": "DatabaseAzure",
  "Scope": "/subscriptions/f133ff51-53dc-4486-a487-47049d50ab9e/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/SqlVirtualMachines/MySqlVM",
  "MigrationService": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/tsum38RG/providers/Microsoft.DataMigration/SqlMigrationServices/DMSIR",
  "SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication": "SqlAuthentication",
  "SourceSqlConnectionDataSource": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceSqlConnectionUserName": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceSqlConnectionPassword": "<placeholder>",
  "TargetSqlConnectionAuthentication": null,
  "TargetSqlConnectionDataSource": null,
  "TargetSqlConnectionUserName": null,
  "TargetSqlConnectionPassword": null,
  "SourceDatabaseName": "Database1",
  "Kind": "SqlVm",
  "ManagedInstanceName": null,
  "SqlVirtualMachineName": "MySqlVM",
  "SqlDbInstanceName": null,
  "StorageAccountResourceId": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorage",
  "StorageAccountKey": "<placeholder>",
  "OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName": "DatabaseLog.trn",
  "Offline": true

For SQL DB case:

  "ResourceGroupName": "RG",
  "TargetDbName": "DatabaseAzure",
  "Scope": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/MySqlDbServer",
  "MigrationService": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.DataMigration/SqlMigrationServices/DMSIR",
  "SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication": "SqlAuthentication",
  "SourceSqlConnectionDataSource": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceSqlConnectionUserName": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceSqlConnectionPassword": "<placeholder>",
  "TargetSqlConnectionAuthentication": "SqlAuthentication",
  "TargetSqlConnectionDataSource": "<placeholder>",
  "TargetSqlConnectionUserName": "<placeholder>",
  "TargetSqlConnectionPassword": "<placeholder>",
  "SourceDatabaseName": "Database1",
  "Kind": "SqlDb",
  "ManagedInstanceName": null,
  "SqlVirtualMachineName": null,
  "SqlDbInstanceName": "MySqlDbServer",
  "StorageAccountResourceId": null,
  "StorageAccountKey": null,
  "OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName": null,
  "Offline": null


source-location.json is used as the paramter for the source location of backups when creating migration. Depending on the source backup location it can have two types of format. (only for SQL MI/VM migration)

Backups are in fileshare

  "fileShare": {
    "path": "<Placeholder>",
    "password": "<Placeholder>",
    "username": "<Placeholder>"

Backups are in Azure Blob Storage

  "AzureBlob": {
    "storageAccountResourceId": "/subscriptions/1111-2222-3333-4444/resourceGroups/RG/prooviders/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorage",
    "accountKey": "======AccountKey====",
    "blobContainerName": "ContanerName-X"