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AKS traffic manager

AKS traffic manager is a proxy between Azure Kubernetes cluster's cloud provider and Azure resource manager. It helps with throttling related issues by delaying 429 responses from Azure resource manager.

User Guide

All aks clusters already have aks-traffic-manager applied. But you need to manually apply aks traffic manager to aks-engine clusters. At below are the steps:

  1. Log on the master node of your cluster

  2. Download aks-traffic-manager binary:

curl -o aks-traffic-manager -L

chmod a+rx aks-traffic-manager

  1. Download the azurestackcloud.json file:

curl -o /etc/kubernetes/azurestackcloud.json -L

For national clouds, download the cloud specific file and rename to azurestackcloud.json file. For example, for US gov cloud, use AzureStackCloud_USGov.json

  1. Reconfig azure.json to use azure stack:

sed -i 's/AzurePublicCloud/AzureStackCloud/g' /etc/kubernetes/azure.json For national clouds, replace "AzurePublicCloud" above with the cloud name.

  1. Edit /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml to include the following environment variable definition:
          value: /etc/kubernetes/azurestackcloud.json
  1. Run aks-traffic-manager ./aks-traffic-manager . Use --cloud argument to specify the current cloud. Default is "AzurePublicCloud". You can also specify national clouds: AZURECHINACLOUD | AZUREGERMANCLOUD| AZUREUSGOVERNMENTCLOUD.

  2. You should now be able to see logs from aks-traffice-manager showing the ARM requests going through the proxy.


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