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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 15, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Az PowerShell Modules for Tasks and Actions

This repository contains the code and scripts that we use to prepare Az PowerShell modules used in AzurePowerShellV4 Task, AzurePowerShellV5 Task and Azure/powershell Action.
The file versions-manifest.json contains the list of available and released versions.

Caution: this is prepared for and only permitted for use by microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks and Azure/powershell action.

If you have any concerns related to the Az PowerShell modules then please refer to Azure/azure-powershell repo.

Status: Currently under development and in use for beta and preview actions. This repo is undergoing rapid changes.

Latest stable version will be installed on the virtual-environments images. Other versions will be pulled JIT in the above mentioned tasks and actions.

Adding new versions

We are trying to prepare modules for new versions of Az PowerShell as soon as they are released. Please open an issue in microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks if any versions are missing.


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