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Releases: Azure/azure-event-hubs-node

EH & EPH 1.0.6

05 Oct 20:12
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EH 1.0.6

  • export EventHubConnectionConfig from the library.

EPH 1.0.6

  • Remove @azure/amqp-common and rhea-promise as dependencies, since we use very little from
    those libraries and there is a risk of having two instances of rhea in the dependency chain which
    can cause problems while encoding types for filters.
  • HostContext.connectionConfig is now of type EventHubConnectionConfig.
  • Minimum dependency on @azure/event-hubs: "^1.0.6".

EH & EPH 1.0.5

02 Oct 01:29
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EH 1.0.5

  • Moved lib/amqp-common to "@azure/amqp-common" package and took a dependency on it.
  • Moved lib/rhea-promise to "rhea-promise" package and took a dependency on it.
  • Fixed issues where the private instance of rhea receiver or sender were undefined when *_open
    and *_close events happened instantaneously.

EPH 1.0.5

  • Bumping minimum version of "@azure/event-hubs" to "1.0.5".
  • Taking a dependency on "@azure/amqp-common" for reusing the common parts.

EH & EPH 1.0.4

27 Sep 04:02
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EH 1.0.4

  • update the version of ms-rest-azure to "2.5.9"

EPH 1.0.4

1.0.2 - EPH

16 Sep 09:26
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  • Ensures that messages are checkpointed in order.

1.0.2 - EH

14 Sep 19:53
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  • client.getPartitionInformation(partitionId) should works as expected when partitionId is of type number | string.

1.0.1 - EPH

14 Sep 19:56
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  • eph.getPartitionInformation(partitionId) should works as expected when partitionId is of type number | string.
  • updated documentation for eventHubPath optional property in the FromConnectionStringOptions object.
  • Ensured that validation happens after the eventHubPath is populated from the options object or from the EntityPath=<EventHubName> from the connection string.

1.0.1 - EH

13 Sep 03:16
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  • Stable version of the sdk.

1.0.0 - EPH

13 Sep 03:17
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  • Stable version of the sdk.

0.2.0 - EPH

13 Sep 00:19
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  • Added support to automatically balance the load of receiving messages across multiple partitions.
  • Added static method to create an EPH from an IotHubConnectionString
  • Added user-agent to the underlying amqp-connection. This would help in tracking usage of EPH.
  • Changed the overall design of EPH.
  • Instead of attaching handlers on eph:message and eph:error, now the handlers need to be passed
    as arguments to the start() method on EPH.
  • Apart from that an additional handler/method can be passed as an optional property onEphError
    to EPH. This handler will receive notifications from EPH regarding any errors that occur during
    partition management.
  • Removed optional property leasecontainerName and replaced it with a required parameter storageContainerName wherever applicable in all the static methods on EventProcessorHost.
  • Removed optional property autoCheckpoint and added optional properties
    • checkpointManager
    • onEphError
    • leaseRenewInterval
    • leaseDuration
  • Please take a look at the examples for more details.

0.2.11 EH and 0.2.1 EPH

13 Sep 02:18
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  • "azure-event-hubs"and "azure-event-processor-host" packages have been deprecated. Please use "@azure/event-hubs" and "@azure/event-processor-host".
  • Development and support will be provided for newer packages.