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Releases: Azure/azure-iot-sdk-csharp

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Long Term Support Release 2020-1-31

03 Feb 06:33
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.22.0

  • Added API to specify client side AMQP heartbeat interval.
  • Centralize TLS version choice, prefer None where possible.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.18.4

  • Fix proxy handling on HTTP for requests with per-request timeout.
  • Centralize TLS version choice, prefer None where possible.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Service v1.5.2

  • Centralize TLS version choice, prefer None where possible.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Http v1.1.7

  • Centralize TLS version choice, prefer None where possible.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Mqtt v1.1.9

  • Centralize TLS version choice, prefer None where possible.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared v1.17.0

  • Created a new resource TlsVersions to specify the TLS information for the project.
  • Update Twin object to return the parsed DateTime value.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Security.Tpm v1.1.7

  • Update reference to Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared nuget.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Amqp v1.1.10

  • Update reference to Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared nuget.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Client v1.4.1

  • Update reference to Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared nuget.

Azure IoT C# SDK Long Term Support Release 2020-1-24

24 Jan 23:56
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.21.4

• Upgraded Newtonsoft dependency to 12.0.3
• Fixed twin parsing to use DateTimeOffset instead of DateTime (#1122)
• Fixed Mqtt adaptor not always cleaning up while closing (PR #1181)
• Fixed MqttTransportHandler not handling ConnectExceptions correctly (#648)
• Fixed the SDK not throwing an exception when the mqtt topic name was too large to publish (#1197)

Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.18.3

• Upgraded Newtonsoft dependency to 12.0.3

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared v1.16.1

• Upgraded Newtonsoft dependency to 12.0.3

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Service v1.5.1

• Upgraded Newtonsoft dependency to 12.0.3

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Public-Preview Release 2019-12-19

20 Dec 04:30
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  • Digital Twin Device Client supports the following feature:
    • Register interfaces implemented by the Digital Twin device instance.


  • Digital Twin Service Client supports the following features:
    • Get Digital Twin by ID
    • Get Model by ID
    • Update Digital Twin properties
    • Invoke commands on Digital Twin device instance.

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2019-12-17

18 Dec 04:32
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.21.3

• Fix MQTT ReceiveAsync with cancellation token always returns null.
• Fix MQTT packet id becomes 0 on 32kth messages sent which caused MQTT connection drop.
• Fix AMQP SendEventBatchAsync always throws InvalidOperationException.
• Fix AMQP connection throws ObjectDisposedException while OpenAsync failed on open sender link.
• Fix AMQP SendTwinPatchAsync with cancellation token doesn’t cancel after cancellation token is cancelled.
• Revert to throw TimeoutException if operation times out instead of IotHubCommunicationException.
• Revert to throw OperationCancelledException if operation is cancelled instead of IotHubCommunicationException.
• Fix connection string parser to allow special characters such as semicolon.
• Fix a missing await for async task in MQTT which could cause race condition to the connection.
• Add clarification to connection status callback documentation for HTTP.
• Add clarification to device operation timeout documentation.

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Public-Preview Release 2019-11-21

22 Nov 22:47
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  • Update Service API version for PnP features
  • SDK fixes from Master branch:
    • AMQP transport layer redesign to further stabilize connection pooling and multiplexing features.
    • Upgrading the Amqp library dependency to v2.4.1.
    • Add SQM ID to UserAgent string for non-HTTP protocols.
    • Added ClosedChannelException to the list of retry-able Network Exceptions.
    • Fixed IoTHub connection string parsing logic.
    • Add IsUsable flag to IDelegatingHandler to check MqttTransportHandler state.
    • URL encode device ID and module ID for HsmAuthentication audience.
    • Fix time calculation for AMQP token refresher.
    • Add AMQP token refresh cleanup on device client close or dispose.
    • Fix for safe disposal of device client.
    • Fix to treat exceptions as network exceptions if they are directly defined or derived from exceptions defined in network exceptions list in ErrorDelegatingHandler.
    • Updated Amqp library to use the latest (Microsoft.Azure.Amqp 2.4.2).
    • Fixed incorrect ifdef pragma for server certificate validation.
    • Perform consistent hashing in assigning connections to the connection pool.
    • AMQP resources are no longer disposed on disconnection.
    • AMQP resources are locked to allow synchronized access.
    • AMQP resources are created prior to access.
    • AmqpTransportHandler is not disposed on disconnection.
    • Catch exception while creation of AMQP resources, and if not recoverable, close and recover the owner resource (eg: non-recoverable link creation failure will close and recover the session, non-recoverable session creation failure will close and recover the connection).
    • AmqpUnitManager will handle the lifetime of AmqpUnit.
    • Add expiration date in SharedAccessSignature exception message
    • Return ConnectionStatusChangeReason Device_Disabled as part of the ConnectionStatusChangesHandler callback if IoT hub returns a DeviceNotFoundException.
    • Fix of mqtt droping message while disconnected
    • ReceiveAsync(timeout) changes to fix open issues regarding timeout not being respected on AMQP.
    • Add null checks on Abandon/Reject/CompleteAsync in internal client
    • Fix issue where integer underflow caused exponential backoff time to retry to underflow
    • Fix exception mapping for openlink and opensession failure on AMQP
    • Fix AMQP connection leak with valid X509 cert but invalid device id


  • SDK fixes from Master branch:
    • Added null check for device ID and module ID.
    • Make ConfigurationMetrics on Configuration settable
    • Updated Amqp library to use the latest (Microsoft.Azure.Amqp 2.4.2).

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2019-11-12

19 Nov 21:28
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.21.2

• Add expiration date in SharedAccessSignature exception message
• Return ConnectionStatusChangeReason 'Device_Disabled' as part of the ConnectionStatusChangesHandler callback if IoT hub returns a DeviceNotFoundException.
• Fix of mqtt droping message while disconnected
• ReceiveAsync(timeout) changes to fix open issues regarding timeout not being respected on AMQP.
• Add null checks on Abandon/Reject/CompleteAsync in internal client
• Fix issue where integer underflow caused exponential backoff time to retry to underflow
• Fix exception mapping for openlink and opensession failure on AMQP
• Fix AMQP connection leak with valid X509 cert but invalid device id

Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.18.2

• Make ConfigurationMetrics on Configuration settable

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2019-9-12

16 Sep 19:30
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.21.1

  • Perform consistent hashing in assigning connections to the connection pool.
  • AMQP resources are no longer disposed on disconnection.
  • AMQP resources are locked to allow synchronized access.
  • AMQP resources are created prior to access.
  • AmqpTransportHandler is not disposed on disconnection.
  • Catch exception while creation of AMQP resources, and if not recoverable, close and recover the owner resource (eg: non-recoverable link creation failure will close and recover the session, non-recoverable session creation failure will close and recover the connection).
  • AmqpUnitManager will handle the lifetime of AmqpUnit.

Device Explorer v1.6.1

  • Updated the reference to Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.18.1.
  • Updated the reference to Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared v1.16.0.
  • Updated the reference to Microsoft.Azure.Amqp v2.4.2.

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2019-7-26

30 Jul 17:54
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.21.0

  • Add support for Azure Security Center Security Client
  • Fix Xamarin user agent issue

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2019-7-2

02 Jul 19:59
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.20.3

  • Fix to treat exceptions as network exceptions if they are directly defined or derived from exceptions defined in network exceptions list in ErrorDelegatingHandler.
  • Updated Amqp library to use the latest (Microsoft.Azure.Amqp 2.4.2).
  • Fixed incorrect ifdef pragma for server certificate validation.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.18.1

  • Added null check for device ID and module ID.
  • Updated Amqp library to use the latest (Microsoft.Azure.Amqp 2.4.2).

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Amqp v1.1.9

  • Updated Amqp library to use the latest (Microsoft.Azure.Amqp 2.4.2).

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Security.Tpm v1.1.6

  • Updated the version of Microsoft.TSS dependency used.

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2019-6-6

07 Jun 19:56
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Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.20.2

  • Add AMQP token refresh cleanup on device client close or dispose.
  • Fix for safe disposal of device client.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.18.0

  • Add support for Device Scopes.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Client v1.4.0

  • Add custom payload support for DPS.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Amqp v1.1.8

  • Add support for Retry-After header to provisioning device client.
  • Add custom payload support for DPS.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Http v1.1.6

  • Add support for Retry-After header to provisioning device client.
  • Add custom payload support for DPS.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Mqtt v1.1.8

  • Add support for Retry-After header to provisioning device client.
  • Add custom payload support for DPS.