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Releases: Azure/azure-powershell

Az.Accounts v3.0.2

12 Jul 14:46
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Version 3.0.2

  • Fixed bug handling GUID type subscription Id.
  • Added a warning message in Connect-AzAccount to discourage the use of the username/password (a.k.a ROPC) login flow.
  • Preannounced a breaking change in Get-AzAccessToken to change Token property from String to SecureString.

Az.Storage v7.1.1-preview

12 Jul 06:37
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Version 7.1.1-preview

  • Supported Storage task assignment
    • New-AzStorageTaskAssignment
    • Update-AzStorageTaskAssignment
    • Get-AzStorageTaskAssignment
    • Remove-AzStorageTaskAssignment
    • Get-AzStorageTaskAssignmentinstancesReport
  • Supported local user ACL and list local user paging/filtering
    • Set-AzStorageLocalUser
    • Get-AzStorageLocalUser

Az.StorageSync v2.2.0

11 Jul 02:05
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Version 2.2.0

  • Onboarded Service Api version 2022-09-01
  • Enabled ManagedIdentity Feature (Preview)

Az 12.1.0

04 Jul 01:53
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Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


Release Notes

12.1.0 - July 2024

Az.Accounts 3.0.1

  • Disable WAM when the customers login with device code flow or username password (ROPC) flow to prevent a potential issue with token cache.
  • Fixed CVE-2024-35255
  • Updated 'Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop' to fix the WAM pop window issue in elevated mode [#24967]
  • Updated the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.98-preview.
  • Limited promotional message to interactive scenarios only

Az.Batch 3.6.2

  • Fixed a bug where 'New-AzBatchApplicationPackage' wouldn't work if the application 'AllowUpdates' parameter was set to 'False'.

Az.Compute 8.1.0

  • Added parameter '-SourceResourceId' to cmdlet 'Add-AzVMDataDisk'.
  • Added parameter '-IdentityType' to cmdlet 'Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet'.
  • Added 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementScore' cmdlet, which calls the latest Spot Placement Score API. Set the original 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender' as alias to avoid breaking changes.

Az.CosmosDB 1.14.4

  • Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.

Az.Databricks 1.8.0

  • Updated the Az Databricks cmdlets to 2024-05-01 api version.

Az.DataFactory 1.18.5

  • Added UAMI in DynamicsCrm LinkedService

Az.DataLakeStore 1.3.2

  • Updated signed 3rd party assembly NLog.dll to PSGallery

Az.FrontDoor 1.11.1

  • Fixed a not converting from string to base in CustomBlockResponseBody bug in updating waf policy

Az.Functions 4.1.0

  • Upgraded to Microsoft.Web API version 2023-12-01 [#25347]
  • Added support for creating function apps on container app [#22736]

Az.KeyVault 6.0.1

  • Fixed an issue during merging certificate process. [#24323]

Az.Maintenance 1.4.2

  • Fixed bug where rebootSettings property wasn't updating.

Az.Migrate 2.4.0

  • Removed 'at lease one NIC needs to be user selected' constrain when creating/updating server replication (protected item)
  • Added retries for calls to internal Get commands

Az.MySql 1.2.0

  • Added cmdlets: 'Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'

Az.Network 7.8.0

  • Added new cmdlets to support Save & Commit (AzureFirewallPolicy draft)
    • 'New-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
    • 'New-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
    • 'Get-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
    • 'Get-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
    • 'Set-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
    • 'Set-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
    • 'Remove-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
    • 'Remove-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
    • 'Deploy-AzFirewallPolicy'
  • Added 'NoHealthyBackendsBehavior' to 'PSProbe', and updated corresponding cmdlets.
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
    • 'Add-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
    • 'Set-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
  • Upgraded API version to '2024-01-01'
  • Updated cmdlet to add 'Premium' as a valid value for 'Sku' parameter and 'enableSessionRecording' feature for Bastion resources
    • 'New-AzBastion'
    • 'Set-AzBastion'
  • Updated cmdlet 'Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig', 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' and 'New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' to support Network Identifier for Subnet Service Endpoint.
  • Added cmdlet 'Restart-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance' for allowing a restart of Network Virtual Appliance instances from the customer subscription.
  • Fixed a bug in 'Update-AzNetworkVirtualApplianceConnection'
  • Updated the Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall Policy setter for their respective Private Range properties
    • Fixed a bug that prevented using /32 in private ranges on classic Azure Firewalls
    • Updated the error message to provide a suggested private range when the supplied range is not correctly masked by the host identifier
    • Added a new Allocate function for Azure Firewall that allows allocating customer public ip address to the firewall
    • Fixed a bug that caused firewalls and policies to lose their private range property value when using their 'Get' cmdlets

Az.Resources 7.2.0

  • Fixed 'Set-AzPolicyAssignment' loses description and Display Name [#25362]
  • Fixed 'New-AzPolicyAssignment' string ID value handling for parameter '-PolicyDefinition'
  • Fixed policy import issue with OP (requires serialization of null values)
  • Fixed '-Scope' parameter handling at resource instance level
  • Fixed error 'Get-AzPolicySetDefinition'cannot find matched parameter '-Name' [#25334]
  • Fixed serialization issue with empty arrays in PolicyParameterObject
  • Addressed a rare case where a service principal does not have AppId
  • Introduced validation of MG scoped deployment stack during New/Set cmdlet execution.
  • Updated Remove/New stack cmdlets with warnings for management groups ActionOnUnmanage and removed DeleteResourcesAndResourceGroups as valid ActionOnUnmanage value.
  • Supported get and assign versioned policy definitions and sets
  • Fixed syntax incompatible with windows powershell [#24971]
  • Fixed bug with 'Get-AzPolicyExemption' requesting 'ParentResourcePath'
  • Supported 'ServiceManagementReference' of Entra App
    • 'Get-AzADApplication'
    • 'New-AzADApplication'
    • 'Update-AzADApplication'
  • Fixed deployment stack validation error surfacing.
  • Fixed default formatting for output objects
  • Removed '-InputObject' for
    • 'Get-AzPolicyAssignment'
    • 'Get-AzPolicyDefinition'
    • 'Get-AzPolicyExemption'
    • 'Get-AzPolicySetDefinition'
    • 'New-AzPolicyAssignment'
    • 'New-AzPolicyDefinition'
    • 'New-AzPolicySetDefinition'
  • Implemented '-Version' and '-ListVersion' parameters on 'Get-AzPolicyDefinition' and 'Get-AzPolicySetDefinition'

Az.Sql 5.1.0

  • Added cross-subscription support for 'Copy-AzSqlInstanceDatabase', 'Move-AzSqlInstanceDatabase'
  • Added new parameter SecondaryType to 'Add-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup'

Az.SqlVirtualMachine 2.3.0

  • Enabled Microsoft entra id on SQL VM.

Az.Storage 7.1.0

  • Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.
  • Supported TLS1_3 when creating and updating a storage account
    • 'New-AzStorageAccount'
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
  • Fixed sync copy blob issue with -AsJob is specified [#25105]
    • 'Copy-AzStorageBlob'
  • Updated Storage.Management.Sdk to support API version 2023-05-01
  • Updated 2 help examples of create storage account cmdlet, with MinimumTlsVersion as TLS1_2.
    • 'New-AzStorageAccount'

Az.StorageMover 1.4.0

  • Added input parameter validation set for UploadLimitWeeklyRecurrenceObject
  • Supported Uploaded Limit Schedule

Az.Synapse 3.0.9

  • Updated Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts to 1.0.0-preview.20.
  • Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.

Thanks to our community contributors

  • Felipe Andrade (@andradf), Use named parameter for appPackageUrl in CreateOrUpdateApplicationTypeVersion (#25113)
  • JoshK (@jkonecki42), Update (#25080)

SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts

  • Az-Cmdlets-
    • 93CBB4CFDBBC6B325F6F634523B31B90E1AD9EA553424029E256660901206C75

Az.Network v7.7.1-preview

19 Jun 03:09
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Version 7.7.1-preview

  • Updated cmdlet New-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeterAccessRule to support for Inbound Rule of type ServiceTag.
  • Updated cmdlet Update-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeterAccessRule to support for Inbound Rule of type ServiceTag.
  • Added cmdlet Update-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeter to Patch Tags for a NetworkSecurityPerimeter.

Az.Network v7.7.0-preview

08 Jun 05:49
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Version 7.7.0-preview

  • Updated cmdlet New-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeterAccessRule to support for Inbound Rule of type ServiceTag.
  • Updated cmdlet Update-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeterAccessRule to support for Inbound Rule of type ServiceTag.
  • Added cmdlet Invoke-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeterNspAccessRulesReconcile to Reconcile NetworkSecurityPerimeter access rules.
  • Added cmdlet Invoke-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeterNspAssociationReconcile to Reconcile NetworkSecurityPerimeter association.
  • Added cmdlet Update-AzNetworkSecurityPerimeter to Patch Tags for a NetworkSecurityPerimeter.

Az.DesktopVirtualization v5.2.1-preview

03 Jul 05:21
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Version 5.2.1-preview

  • Upgraded api version to 2024-01-16

Az.MySql v1.2.0

05 Jun 15:21
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Version 1.2.0

  • Added cmdlets: Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting and Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting

Az.FrontDoor v1.11.0

01 Jun 14:48
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Version 1.11.0

  • Upgraded to api version 2024-02-01
  • Added log scrubbing support and custom rules group by variable support

Az.ConnectedMachine v0.8.0

31 May 06:36
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Version 0.8.0

  • Updated the API version to 2024-03-31-preview.
  • Added cmdlets Get-AzConnectedLicense, Get-AzConnectedNetworkSecurityPerimeterConfiguration, New-AzConnectedLicense, New-AzConnectedLicenseDetail, Remove-AzConnectedLicense and Set-AzConnectedLicense.