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Publishing Cocoapods

Travis Prescott edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 4 revisions
  1. Run pod install to ensure the Pods project is up to date.
  2. Ensure you are at the root directory of the repo.
  3. Ensure that all podspecs (*.podspec.json) are updated with the current SDK version.
  4. Ensure that you have an active CocoaPods trunk session with pod trunk me. If you do not, you need to register a new session with the following command: pod trunk register <cocoapods email address> 'Microsoft Corporation' --description='<description of session e.g. brsiegel macbook>'
  5. Publish the podspecs in dependency order with pod trunk push <podspec> --synchronous --use-modular-headers from the root of the SDK repo. This means that you must publish AzureCore first, then any specs that only depend on AzureCore, then any specs that depend on those specs, and so on. Note: the first time you run this command, CocoaPods will pull the full history of the entire trunk Specs repo which will take a few minutes.