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Multiple Translation operations

This sample demonstrates how to translate documents in multiple blob container to different languages simultaneously. To get started you will need a Translator endpoint and credentials. See README for links and instructions.

Creating a DocumentTranslationClient

To create a new DocumentTranslationClient to run a translation operation for documents, you need a Translator endpoint and credentials. In the sample below, you'll use a Translator API key credential by creating an AzureKeyCredential object, that if needed, will allow you to update the API key without creating a new client.

You can set endpoint and apiKey based on an environment variable, a configuration setting, or any way that works for your application.

string endpoint = "<endpoint>";
string apiKey = "<apiKey>";
var client = new DocumentTranslationClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));

Translating documents in multiple blob containers

To Start a translation operation for documents in multiple blob containers, call StartTranslationAsync with multiple inputs. The result is a Long Running operation of type DocumentTranslationOperation which polls for the status of the translation operation from the API.

To call StartTranslationAsync you need to initialize a list of DocumentTranslationInput which contains the information needed to translate the documents. Each DocumentTranslationInput contains a source container and a list of target containers. The AddTarget method is used to add targets to the input.

  • The sourceUri is a SAS URI with read access for the document to be translated or read and list access for the blob container holding the documents to be translated.
  • The targetUri is a SAS URI with read and write access for the blob container to which the translated documents will be written.

More on generating SAS Tokens here

Uri source1SasUriUri = <source1 SAS URI>;
Uri source2SasUri = <source2 SAS URI>;
Uri frenchTargetSasUri = <french target SAS URI>;
Uri arabicTargetSasUri = <arabic target SAS URI>;
Uri spanishTargetSasUri = <spanish target SAS URI>;
Uri frenchGlossarySasUri = <french glossary SAS URI>;
var glossaryFormat = "TSV";

var input1 = new DocumentTranslationInput(source1SasUriUri, frenchTargetSasUri, "fr", new TranslationGlossary(frenchGlossarySasUri, glossaryFormat));
input1.AddTarget(spanishTargetSasUri, "es");

var input2 = new DocumentTranslationInput(source2SasUri, arabicTargetSasUri, "ar");
input2.AddTarget(frenchTargetSasUri, "fr", new TranslationGlossary(frenchGlossarySasUri, glossaryFormat));

var inputs = new List<DocumentTranslationInput>()

DocumentTranslationOperation operation = await client.StartTranslationAsync(inputs);

await operation.WaitForCompletionAsync();

await foreach (DocumentStatusResult document in operation.GetValuesAsync())
    Console.WriteLine($"Document with Id: {document.DocumentId}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Status:{document.Status}");
    if (document.Status == TranslationStatus.Succeeded)
        Console.WriteLine($"  Translated Document Uri: {document.TranslatedDocumentUri}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Translated to language: {document.TranslateTo}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Document source Uri: {document.SourceDocumentUri}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Document source Uri: {document.SourceDocumentUri}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Error Code: {document.Error.ErrorCode}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Message: {document.Error.Message}");

To see the full example source files, see: