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Azure Communication Identity client library for .NET

Azure Communication Identity is managing tokens for Azure Communication Services.

Source code | Product documentation | Samples

Getting started

Install the package

Install the Azure Communication Identity client library for .NET with NuGet:

dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Identity --version 1.0.0


You need an Azure subscription and a Communication Service Resource to use this package.

To create a new Communication Service, you can use the Azure Portal, the Azure PowerShell, or the .NET management client library.

Authenticate the client

The identity client can be authenticated using a connection string acquired from an Azure Communication Resources in the Azure Portal.

// Get a connection string to our Azure Communication resource.
var connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(connectionString);

Or alternatively using the endpoint and access key acquired from an Azure Communication Resources in the Azure Portal.

var endpoint = new Uri("");
var accessKey = "<access_key>";
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(endpoint, new AzureKeyCredential(accessKey));

Clients also have the option to authenticate using a valid Active Directory token.

var endpoint = new Uri("");
TokenCredential tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(endpoint, tokenCredential);

Key concepts

CommunicationIdentityClient provides the functionalities to manage user access tokens: creating new ones and revoking them.

Thread safety

We guarantee that all client instance methods are thread-safe and independent of each other (guideline). This ensures that the recommendation of reusing client instances is always safe, even across threads.

Additional concepts

Client options | Accessing the response | Long-running operations | Handling failures | Diagnostics | Mocking | Client lifetime


Creating a new user

Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> userResponse = await client.CreateUserAsync();
CommunicationUserIdentifier user = userResponse.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"User id: {user.Id}");

Getting a token for an existing user

Response<AccessToken> tokenResponse = await client.GetTokenAsync(user, scopes: new[] { CommunicationTokenScope.Chat });
string token = tokenResponse.Value.Token;
DateTimeOffset expiresOn = tokenResponse.Value.ExpiresOn;
Console.WriteLine($"Token: {token}");
Console.WriteLine($"Expires On: {expiresOn}");

Creating a user and a token in the same request

Response<CommunicationUserIdentifierAndToken> response = await client.CreateUserAndTokenAsync(scopes: new[] { CommunicationTokenScope.Chat });
var (user, token) = response.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"User id: {user.Id}");
Console.WriteLine($"Token: {token.Token}");

Revoking a user's tokens

In case a user's tokens are compromised or need to be revoked:

Response revokeResponse = client.RevokeTokens(user);

Deleting a user

Response deleteResponse = client.DeleteUser(user);


All User token service operations will throw a RequestFailedException on failure.

// Get a connection string to our Azure Communication resource.
var connectionString = "<connection_string>";
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(connectionString);

    Response<CommunicationUserIdentifier> response = await client.CreateUserAsync();
catch (RequestFailedException ex)

Next steps

Read more about Communication user access tokens


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