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Example: Managing Virtual Machines

For this example, you need the following namespaces:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Compute.Models;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
using NUnit.Framework;

When you first create your ARM client, choose the subscription you're going to work in. You can use the GetDefaultSubscription/GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync methods to return the default subscription configured for your user:

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
Subscription subscription = armClient.GetDefaultSubscription();

This is a scoped operations object, and any operations you perform will be done under that subscription. From this object, you have access to all children via collection objects. Or you can access individual children by ID.

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
Subscription subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
ResourceGroupCollection rgCollection = subscription.GetResourceGroups();
// With the collection, we can create a new resource group with an specific name
string rgName = "myRgName";
Location location = Location.WestUS2;
ResourceGroupCreateOrUpdateOperation lro = await rgCollection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(rgName, new ResourceGroupData(location));
ResourceGroup resourceGroup = lro.Value;

Now that we have the resource group created, we can manage the virtual machines inside this resource group.

Please notice that before we create a virtual machine, at lease we need to create a Network Interface resource as prerequisite. Please refer to documentation of Azure.ResourceManager.Network for details of creating a Network Interface.

Create a virtual machine

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
Subscription subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
// first we need to get the resource group
string rgName = "myRgName";
ResourceGroup resourceGroup = await subscription.GetResourceGroups().GetAsync(rgName);
// Now we get the virtual machine collection from the resource group
VirtualMachineCollection vmCollection = resourceGroup.GetVirtualMachines();
// Use the same location as the resource group
string vmName = "myVM";
var input = new VirtualMachineData(resourceGroup.Data.Location)
    HardwareProfile = new HardwareProfile()
        VmSize = VirtualMachineSizeTypes.StandardF2
    OsProfile = new OSProfile()
        AdminUsername = "adminUser",
        ComputerName = "myVM",
        LinuxConfiguration = new LinuxConfiguration()
            DisablePasswordAuthentication = true,
            Ssh = new SshConfiguration()
                PublicKeys = {
        new SshPublicKeyInfo()
            Path = $"/home/adminUser/.ssh/authorized_keys",
            KeyData = "<value of the public ssh key>",
    NetworkProfile = new NetworkProfile()
        NetworkInterfaces =
            new NetworkInterfaceReference()
                Id = "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/<nicName>",
                Primary = true,
    StorageProfile = new StorageProfile()
        OsDisk = new OSDisk(DiskCreateOptionTypes.FromImage)
            OsType = OperatingSystemTypes.Linux,
            Caching = CachingTypes.ReadWrite,
            ManagedDisk = new ManagedDiskParameters()
                StorageAccountType = StorageAccountTypes.StandardLRS
        ImageReference = new ImageReference()
            Publisher = "Canonical",
            Offer = "UbuntuServer",
            Sku = "16.04-LTS",
            Version = "latest",
VirtualMachineCreateOrUpdateOperation lro = await vmCollection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(vmName, input);
VirtualMachine vm = lro.Value;

List all virtual machines

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
Subscription subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
// first we need to get the resource group
string rgName = "myRgName";
ResourceGroup resourceGroup = await subscription.GetResourceGroups().GetAsync(rgName);
// Now we get the virtual machine collection from the resource group
VirtualMachineCollection vmCollection = resourceGroup.GetVirtualMachines();
// With ListAsync(), we can get a list of the virtual machines
AsyncPageable<VirtualMachine> response = vmCollection.GetAllAsync();
await foreach (VirtualMachine vm in response)

Delete a virtual machine

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
Subscription subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
// first we need to get the resource group
string rgName = "myRgName";
ResourceGroup resourceGroup = await subscription.GetResourceGroups().GetAsync(rgName);
// Now we get the virtual machine collection from the resource group
VirtualMachineCollection vmCollection = resourceGroup.GetVirtualMachines();
string vmName = "myVM";
VirtualMachine vm = await vmCollection.GetAsync(vmName);
await vm.DeleteAsync();