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239 lines (158 loc) · 9.26 KB

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239 lines (158 loc) · 9.26 KB

Release History

1.3.0-beta.1 (Unreleased)

Features Added

Breaking Changes

Bugs Fixed

Other Changes

1.2.0 (2024-02-21)

Stable release of the 2023-04-01 api version, specifically for the support of Managed Identity in Azure Communication services.

Features Added

  • Added support for System Assigned, User Assigned and SystemAndUserAssigned Managed Identity

  • Enable the new model serialization by using the System.ClientModel, refer this document for more details.

1.2.0-beta.4 (2023-11-16)

Features Added

1.2.0-beta.3 (2023-11-08)

Features Added

  • Added support for Email Suppression List and Address resources.

Other Changes

  • Upgraded Azure.Core from 1.35.0 to 1.36.0
  • Upgraded Azure.ResourceManager from 1.7.0 to 1.9.0

1.2.0-beta.2 (2023-09-12)

Features Added

  • Added support for System Assigned, User Assigned and SystemAndUserAssigned Managed Identity

1.2.0-beta.1 (2023-05-29)

Features Added

  • Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found here.

Other Changes

  • Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0.
  • Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0.

1.1.0 (2023-03-31)

Features Added

  • Added SenderUsernameResource, SenderUsernameResourceCollection and SenderUsernameResourceData to support the new resource type.

Breaking Changes

  • This refresh updates Azure.ResourceManager.Communication library to the Azure resource management SDK standards and matches the patterns in the rest of the new Azure management libraries. Resource management using the Azure SDK for .NET
  • Removed ValidSenderUsernames property from CommunicationServiceResourceData.
  • CommunicationResource RegenerateKey and RegenerateKeyAsync are no longer marked as long running operations.
  • CommunicationResource Update and UpdateAsync are no longer marked as long running operations.

1.1.0-beta.6 (2023-02-14)

Other Changes

  • Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.28.0.
  • Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.4.0.

1.1.0-beta.5 (2022-07-21)

Features Added

  • Added Update methods in resource classes.

Breaking Changes

Polishing since last public beta release:

  • Prepended Communication prefix to all single / simple model names.
  • Corrected the format of all Guid type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all ResourceIdentifier type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all ResouceType type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all ETag type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all AzureLocation type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the format of all binary type properties / parameters.
  • Corrected all acronyms that not follow .Net Naming Guidelines.
  • Corrected enumeration name by following Naming Enumerations Rule.
  • Corrected the suffix of DateTimeOffset properties / parameters.
  • Corrected the name of interval / duration properties / parameters that end with units.
  • Optimized the name of some models and functions.

Other Changes

  • Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.2.0
  • Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.25.0

1.1.0-beta.4 (2022-06-10)

Breaking Changes

  • Rename plenty of classes and property names.

1.1.0-beta.3 (2022-04-08)

Breaking Changes

  • Simplify type property names.
  • Normalized the body parameter type names for PUT / POST / PATCH operations if it is only used as input.

Other Changes

  • Upgrade dependency to Azure.ResourceManager 1.0.0

1.1.0-beta.2 (2022-03-31)

Breaking Changes

  • Now all the resource classes would have a Resource suffix (if it previously does not have one).
  • waitForCompletion is now a required parameter and moved to the first parameter in LRO operations.
  • Move optional body parameters right after required parameters.
  • Location class from Location to AzureLocation.
  • Removed GetIfExists methods from all the resource classes.
  • All properties of the type object were changed to BinaryData.

1.1.0-beta.1 (2022-01-06)

Features Added

Breaking Changes

Guidance to migrate from previous version of Azure Management SDK

General New Features

- Support MSAL.NET, Azure.Identity is out of box for supporting MSAL.NET
- Support [OpenTelemetry]( for distributed tracing
- HTTP pipeline with custom policies
- Better error-handling
- Support uniform telemetry across all languages

NOTE: For more information about unified authentication, please refer to Azure Identity documentation for .NET

Management Client Changes

Example: Create A Communication Service Instance:

Before upgrade:

using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Communication;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Communication.Models;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

string subscriptionId = "_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_";
CommunicationManagementClient communicationServiceClient = new CommunicationManagementClient(subscriptionId, new InteractiveBrowserCredential());
var resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroupName";
var resourceName = "myResource";
var resource = new CommunicationServiceResource { Location = "Global", DataLocation = "UnitedStates" };
var operation = await communicationServiceClient.CommunicationService.StartCreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, resourceName, resource);
await operation.WaitForCompletionAsync();

After upgrade:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.Models;

ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(new DefaultAzureCredential());
Subscription subscription = await armClient.GetDefaultSubscriptionAsync();
ResourceGroupCollection rgCollection = subscription.GetResourceGroups();
string rgName = "myRgName";
Location location = Location.WestUS2;
ResourceGroupCreateOrUpdateOperation lro = await rgCollection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(rgName, new ResourceGroupData(location));
ResourceGroup resourceGroup = lro.Value;
var collection = resourceGroup.GetCommunicationServices();
string communicationServiceName = "myCommunicationService";
CommunicationServiceData data = new CommunicationServiceData()
    Location = "global",
    DataLocation = "UnitedStates",
var communicationServiceLro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(communicationServiceName, data);
CommunicationService communicationService = communicationServiceLro.Value;

1.0.0 (2021-03-29)

This release is the first stable release of the management library for Azure Communication Services.

Minor changes since the public preview release:

  • CheckNameAvailability has been added
  • CommunicationServiceResource Update now requires a CommunicationServiceResource parameter instead of a TaggedResource
  • RegenerateKeyParameters is now a required parameter to RegenerateKey
  • CommunicationServiceResource now includes the property SystemData
  • OperationList has been changed to use the common type for its response
  • ErrorResponse has been changed to use the common type for ErrorResponse

1.0.0-beta.3 (2020-11-16)

Updated Azure.ResourceManager.Communication version.

1.0.0-beta.2 (2020-10-06)

Updated Azure.ResourceManager.Communication version.

1.0.0-beta.1 (2020-09-22)

Breaking Changes

New design of track 2 initial commit.

General New Features

This package follows the new Azure SDK guidelines, and provides many core capabilities:

- Support MSAL.NET, Azure.Identity is out of box for supporting MSAL.NET.
- Support [OpenTelemetry]( for distributed tracing.
- HTTP pipeline with custom policies.
- Better error-handling.
- Support uniform telemetry across all languages.

This package is a Public Preview version, so expect incompatible changes in subsequent releases as we improve the product. To provide feedback, submit an issue in our Azure SDK for .NET GitHub repo.

NOTE: For more information about unified authentication, please refer to Microsoft Azure Identity documentation for .NET.