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Should be able to use azure-cli credentials from the sdk #2284

rektide opened this issue Oct 3, 2017 · 23 comments · Fixed by Azure/ms-rest-nodeauth#59

Should be able to use azure-cli credentials from the sdk #2284

rektide opened this issue Oct 3, 2017 · 23 comments · Fixed by Azure/ms-rest-nodeauth#59
customer-reported This issue was reported by a customer. KeyVault Team


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rektide commented Oct 3, 2017

With the amazon cli tools, after one does aws configure, the credentials saved to ~/.aws/config will be sufficient for the AWS SDK to "just work" (in any langauge's SDK!).

The Azure SDK for Node.js seems to require apps to implement their own credential store, according to what docs I've found. Instead of requiring yet-another credential storage, apps ought to be able to try to use the credentials saved in ~/.azure (/accessTokens.json?).

Getting some kind of parity with the ease of use of the Amazon SDK would greatly expedite the speed at which developers can get online & using the Azure SDK for Node.js. Please consider implementing this usability enhancement. It will help developers in their 0th hour greatly.

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@rektide - I completely agree with you. There is no need to implement your own cred store though.
Using service principal auth should help. You need to set few environment variables and you are good to go. I know this is not as awesome as the ability to read the ~/.azure (/accessTokens.json).

We recently shipped something close to that. Using the new azure CLI you can create a service-principal using the CLI and emit the output in a json file. You can then use msRestAzure.loginWithAuthFile(..). This documentation can help you with that.

Hope that helps.

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rektide commented Oct 3, 2017

My admin hasn't given me ability to create SPs. :( I could save stuff into env vars & use but that seems way sub-optimal, as compared to how brilliantly all the AWS SDK's will leverage existing creds that their CLI tool has setup.

I usually have a good handle on the programs I run, but it's also a bit dangerous leaving very important credentials in your env, in case some program you run does something bad with them.

I'm glad there's some thing some folks can use to ease this process, but for a first time developer I think being able to do azure login and then use the SDK is definitely the easiest, friendliest, fastest path that could be offered.

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amarzavery commented Oct 3, 2017

Yes, I am with you on this. I shall definitely drive this point internally within the team.
Btw, You can do something similar to azure login with

msRestAzure.interactiveLogin().then((creds) => { 
  let client = new SomeClient(creds, subscriptionId); 
}).catch ((err) => {

This will provide you a code and login url. Copy paste the url and the code in the browser and upon successful login you will get the credentials object in the chained promise-call or callback based on how you call it.

Just trying to help you in case there is some urgency on your side.

@amarzavery amarzavery added the Team label Nov 7, 2017
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Is there an update on this issue? I am trying to do some scripting to read secrets from a keyvault and have already logged in with az login. Would love to not have to do an interactive login for each call to the script.

@ghost ghost added this to the Sprint-127 milestone Nov 5, 2018
@ghost ghost added the customer-reported This issue was reported by a customer. label Dec 4, 2018
@ghost ghost removed this from the Sprint-127 milestone Dec 4, 2018
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Bump for more info or an more exhaustive example of the current loginWithAuthFile.

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jacob-ebey commented May 8, 2019

Being able to do something similar to .net core would further the developer experience by leaps and bounds:

var endpoint = config["KeyVaultEndpoint"];

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint))
    var tokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();

    var keyVault = new KeyVaultClient(
        new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(
    builder.AddAzureKeyVault(endpoint, keyVault, new DefaultKeyVaultSecretManager());

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@schaabs - Please take a look at this issue.

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Note that the above C# example works both locally when you login with "az login" (as long as you're in a group authorized with the keyvault) as well as with the MSI for a hosted service.

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zommarin commented May 9, 2019

My understanding is that the Python, Go and C# SDKs all support using the credentials of az login, it is just the Node.js SDK that lacks this. This makes it hard to create Node.js based scripts that works in all kinds of authentication scenarios.

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Thank you for the feedback. We will make the necessary improvements to provide the same experience as python, go and c# sdks.

Today you can use something from ms-rest-azure that is close enough.
Create an sp and save it to a json file as shown below.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > ${yourFilename.json}

If you have already created the service principal and are logged in as that service principal then

az account show --sdk-auth > ${yourFilename.json}

Then use this method msRestAzure.loginWithAuthFileAuthResponse()

const msRestAzure = require("ms-rest-azure");

const options = {
  filePath: "<file path to auth file>",
msRestAzure.loginWithAuthFileWithAuthResponse(options).then((authRes) => {
}).catch((err) => {

We know that this is not the same experience that other sdks provide with already authenticated user via CLI, but gets you closer.

Important update.

We will be deprecating the current azure-sdk-for-node repo and all the node sdk packages. It will be replaced by the new isomorphic JS sdks that are published on npm under the @azure org. The source code for all the new sdks is in azure-sdk-for-js repo.

You can find more information about deprecation over here.

Support for reading credentials from an already authenticated CLI user will also be added for the new JS sdks and not for the current node sdks.

I would request all of you to move to the new JS sdks at the earliest.

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Is there somewhere we can track the development progress of this feature?

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@jacob-ebey - This work item has been approved. I shall be working on it right away. Looking at the way this has been implemented in other sdks. Have created a github issue in the azure-sdk-for-js repo
Azure/azure-sdk-for-js#2810 for tracking purpose.

If everything goes well, I should have a PR for review in a week.

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Thanks @amarzavery, I look forward to the PR

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jacob-ebey commented May 19, 2019

@amarzavery, I'm having trouble authenticating with a keyvault using the new API. I believe I am just misunderstanding the usage so I don't want to open a new issue.

I currently have the following:

import { AzureCliCredentials } from '@azure/ms-rest-nodeauth'
import { KeyVaultClient } from '@azure/keyvault'

async function login() {
  const creds = await AzureCliCredentials.create()

  try {
      const client = new KeyVaultClient(creds)
      const secret = await client.getSecret('<MY_KV_URL>', '<MY_KV_SECRET>', '')
    } catch (e) {
      // e.response.status === 401 at this point (I know I have access with the account as the C# equivilant works)


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@jacob-ebey - Thanks for reporting this. I have added the capability to change the resource for the desired token. By default the resource(a.k.a tokenAudience) is the Azure Resource Manager.

Please take a look at the sample in this commit Azure/ms-rest-nodeauth@85be925#diff-d6fec9ce87ef4907eb76d6586982a6e6R8.

Feel free to try it and let me know your experience.

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Thanks @amarzavery, worked like a charm.

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rfink commented Nov 12, 2019


I'm hoping someone can help me, as I am very lost. I found this issue while trying to figure out how to authenticate for using KeyVault and BlobStorage. Previously, I've worked with the .NET library which transparently allows CLI authentication locally, and MSI authentication when deployed. It seems like that's desired behavior per the issue, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to make it all work. When attempting the new library (@azure/keyvault-secrets), it won't attempt to authenticate using the CLI (and it doesn't look like the docs have that supported), but the ms-rest-nodeauth library allows CLI authentication, but doesn't seem to work with (@azure/keyvault-secrets), and it seems that the old KeyVault library is deprecated. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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The old Keyvault library azure-keyvault is indeed deprecated.
The newer Keyvault and Storage libraries require you to use the credential objects from the @azure/identity library which doesn't support CLI auth like you learnt.

But, we have recently shipped a preview for @azure/identity where CLI auth is indeed supported.

@jonathandturner, Please correct me if I got the above wrong, else, please provide a pointer to sample or docs that can speak more on this

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We have new support in preview as part of the @azure/identity npm package:

When you use the DefaultAzureCredential in this preview, it will pick up the credential from Azure CLI and login automatically. You shouldn't need to do anything extra, just run az login, login as you normally would, and then run the samples using that preview version of @azure/identity

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@jonathandturner with the preview, is is possible to set it up so that it can only use Azure CLI credentials? i.e. if you use DefaultAzureCredentials and have not ran az login configure it so it will fail and not fall back on environment variables?

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@aflinchb - not yet, but we're currently looking into extending DefaultAzureCredentials so that it can be configured to do things like that.

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Console32 commented May 18, 2020

@jonathandturner should this work in c# as well? I struggle to get the azure c# sdk to work with my az cli credentials. I am using Azure.Identity 1.1.1 DefaultAzureCredential but with no luck.

Created a question on SO regarding my Problem (

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@Console32 - yes, you should be able to use the Azure SDK for .Net and access the az login via the DefaultAzureCredential. There isn't currently a way to access the Azure CLI credential directly, only indirectly through the default credential. The default credential should try a set of credentials, one after another, and one of these will be to try to receive the login credential that az contains.

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customer-reported This issue was reported by a customer. KeyVault Team
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10 participants