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Guide for migrating azure-ai-documentintelligence from azure-ai-formrecognizer

This guide is intended to assist in the migration to azure-ai-documentintelligence from azure-ai-formrecognizer.

NOTE: Form Recognizer has been rebranded to Document Intelligence. Please check the CHANGELOG for new changes in future versions of this package.

Familiarity with azure-ai-documentintelligence package is assumed. For those new to the Azure AI Document Intelligence client library for Python please refer to the README rather than this guide.

Table of Contents

Migration benefits

A natural question to ask when considering whether to adopt a new version of the library is what the benefits of doing so would be. As Azure Document Intelligence(formerly known as Form Recognizer) has matured and been embraced by a more diverse group of developers, we have been focused on learning the patterns and practices to best support developer productivity and add value to our customers. The API version since 2023-10-31-preview will be used in azure-ai-documentintelligence library instead of azure-ai-formrecognizer.

There are many benefits to using the new design of the azure-ai-documentintelligence library. This new version of the library introduces two new clients DocumentIntelligenceClient and the DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient with unified methods for analyzing documents and provides support for the new features added by the service in API version 2023-10-31-preview and later.

Features Added

Markdown Content Format

Supports output with Markdown content format along with the default plain text. For now, this is only supported for "prebuilt-layout". Markdown content format is deemed a more friendly format for LLM consumption in a chat or automation use scenario. Custom models should continue to use the default "text" content format for generating .ocr.json results.

Service follows the GFM spec (GitHub Flavored Markdown) for the Markdown format. This SDK introduces a new enum ContentFormat with value "text" or "markdown" to indicate the result content format.

from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from import DocumentIntelligenceClient
from import AnalyzeDocumentRequest, ContentFormat

url = ""

client = DocumentIntelligenceClient(endpoint=endpoint, credential=AzureKeyCredential(key))
poller = client.begin_analyze_document(
    "prebuilt-layout", AnalyzeDocumentRequest(url_source=url), output_content_format=ContentFormat.MARKDOWN
result = poller.result()

Query Fields

We reintroduce query fields as a premium add-on feature. When the keyword argument features is specified, the service will further extract the values of the fields specified via the keyword argument query_fields to supplement any existing fields defined by the model as fallback.

from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from import DocumentIntelligenceClient
from import AnalyzeDocumentRequest, DocumentAnalysisFeature

url = ""

client = DocumentIntelligenceClient(endpoint=endpoint, credential=AzureKeyCredential(key))
poller = client.begin_analyze_document(
    query_fields=["NumberOfGuests", "StoreNumber"],
result = poller.result()

Split Options

In the previous API versions supported by the older azure-ai-formrecognizer library, document splitting and classification operation ("/documentClassifiers/{classifierId}:analyze") always tried to split the input file into multiple documents.

To enable a wider set of scenarios, this SDK introduces a keyword argument "split" to specify the document splitting mode with the new "2023-10-31-preview" service API version. The following values are supported:

  • split: "auto"

Let service determine where to split.

  • split: "none"

The entire file is treated as a single document. No splitting is performed.

  • split: "perPage"

Each page is treated as a separate document. Each empty page is kept as its own document.

Breaking Changes

Clients names updates

SDK version Supported API service version
1.0.0b1 2023-10-31-preview
3.3.X(azure-ai-formrecognizer latest GA release) 2.0, 2.1, 2022-08-31, 2023-07-31 (default)
API version Supported clients
2023-10-31-preview DocumentIntelligenceClient and DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient
2023-07-31 DocumentAnalysisClient and DocumentModelAdministrationClient
2022-08-31 DocumentAnalysisClient and DocumentModelAdministrationClient
2.1 FormRecognizerClient and FormTrainingClient
2.0 FormRecognizerClient and FormTrainingClient

Base endpoint updates

Updates all REST API operation paths from {endpoint}/formrecognizer to {endpoint}/documentintelligence. SDK would handle this change automatically, users would not have to do additional work to support this.

Not backword compatible with azure-ai-formrecognizer

azure-ai-documentintelligence is a new package, it is not compatible with the previous azure-ai-formrecognizer package without necessary changes to your code.

API shape changes

API shapes have been designed from scratch to support the new Client for the Document Intelligence service. Please refer to the Readme and Samples for more understanding.

Field changes in prebuilt-receipt model

In prebuilt-receipt model, change to tract currency-related fields values from number to currency.

"Total": {
    "type": "currency",
    "valueCurrency": {
        "amount": 123.45,
        "currencySymbol": "$",
        "currencyCode": "USD"

Now each currency-related field returning its own currency info to better support receipts with multi-currency, so the Currency field in result has been removed.

"fields": {
    "Total": {
        "type": "currency",
        "valueCurrency": {
            "amount": 123.45,
            "currencySymbol": "$",
            "currencyCode": "USD"
    "Tax": { "type": "currency", "valueCurrency": ... },

Model Retirements/Deprecations

  • "prebuilt-businessCard" model is retired.

  • "prebuilt-document" model is retired, this model is essentially "prebuilt-layout" with features="keyValuePairs" specified. (This is only supported as an optional feature for "prebuilt-layout" and "prebuilt-invoice".)

All prebuilt models can be seen here. If you wish to still use these models, please rely on the older azure-ai-formrecognizer library through the older service API versions.

Additional samples

For additional samples please take a look at the Document Intelligence Samples for more guidance.