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Azure Core Library - Client library developer reference


The Azure Core pipeline is a re-structuring of the msrest pipeline introduced in msrest 0.6.0. Further discussions on the msrest implementation can be found in the msrest wiki.

The Azure Core Pipeline is an implementation of chained policies as described in the Azure SDK guidelines.

The Python implementation of the pipeline has some mechanisms specific to Python. This is due to the fact that both synchronous and asynchronous implementations of the pipeline must be supported independently.

When constructing an SDK, a developer may consume the pipeline like so:

from azure.core.pipeline import Pipeline
from azure.core.transport import RequestsTransport, HttpRequest
from azure.core.pipeline.policies import (

class FooServiceClient:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        transport = kwargs.get('transport', RequestsTransport(**kwargs))
        policies = [
            kwargs.get('user_agent_policy', UserAgentPolicy("ServiceUserAgentValue", **kwargs)),
            kwargs.get('headers_policy', HeadersPolicy({"CustomHeader": "Value"}, **kwargs)),
            kwargs.get('authentication_policy', BearerTokenCredentialPolicy(credential, scopes, **kwargs)),
            kwargs.get('proxy_policy', ProxyPolicy(**kwargs)),
            kwargs.get('redirect_policy', RedirectPolicy(**kwargs)),
            kwargs.get('retry_policy', RetryPolicy(**kwargs)),
            kwargs.get('logging_policy', NetworkTraceLoggingPolicy(**kwargs)),
        self._pipeline = Pipeline(transport, policies=policies)

    def get_foo_properties(self, **kwargs)
        # Create a generic HTTP Request. This is not specific to any particular transport
        # or pipeline configuration.
        new_request = HttpRequest("GET", "/")

        response =, **kwargs)
        return deserialize_data(response.http_response)

An end user consuming this SDK may write code like so:

from azure.core.credentials import FooCredentials
from import FooServiceClient

creds = FooCredentials("api-key")
endpoint = "

# Scenario using entirely default configuration
# We use the SDK-developer defined configuration.
client = FooServiceClient(endpoint, creds)
response = client.get_foo_properties()

# Scenario where user wishes to tweak a couple of settings
# In this case the configurable options can be passed directly into the client constructor.
client = FooServiceClient(endpoint, creds, logging_enable=True, retries_total=5)
response = client.get_foo_properties()

# Scenario where user wishes to tweak settings for only a specific request
# All the options available on construction are available as per-request overrides.
# These can also be specified by the SDK developer - and it will be up to them to resolve
# conflicts with user-defined parameters.
client = FooServiceClient(endpoint, creds)
response = client.get_foo_properties(redirects_max=0)

# Scenario where user wishes to fully customize the policies.
# All configuration options are passed through kwargs
client = FooServiceClient(
response = client.get_foo_properties()

Pipeline client configurations

Parameters Description
pipeline While PipelineClient will create a default pipeline, users can opt to use their own pipeline by passing in a Pipeline object. If passed in, the other configurations will be ignored.
policies While PipelineClient will create a default list of policies, users can opt to use their own policies by passing in a policies object. If passed in, config will be ignored
config While PipelineClient will create a default Configuration, users can opt to use their own configuration by passing in a Configuration object. If passed in, it will be used to create a Pipeline object.
per_call_policies If a default pipeline is needed and no policies is passed in, per_call_policies will be added before the Retry policy
per_retry_policies If a default pipeline is needed and no policies is passed in, per_retry_policies will be added after the Retry policy. If there is no RetryPolicy in the pipeline, a ValueError will be raised
transport While PipelineClient will create a default RequestsTransport, users can opt to use their own transport by passing in a RequestsTransport object. If it is omitted, PipelineClient will honor the other described transport customizations.


Various combinations of sync/async HTTP libraries as well as alternative event loop implementations are available. Therefore to support the widest range of customer scenarios, we must allow a customer to easily swap out the HTTP transport layer to one of those supported.

The transport is the last node in the pipeline, and adheres to the same basic API as any policy within the pipeline. The only currently available transport for synchronous pipelines uses the Requests library:

from azure.core.pipeline.transport import RequestsTransport
synchronous_transport = RequestsTransport()

For asynchronous pipelines a couple of transport options are available. Each of these transports are interchangable depending on whether the user has installed various 3rd party dependencies (i.e. aiohttp or trio), and the user should easily be able to specify their chosen transport. SDK developers should use the aiohttp transport as the default for asynchronous pipelines where the user has not specified an alternative.

from import FooServiceClient
from azure.core.pipeline.transport import (
    # Identical implementation as the synchronous RequestsTransport wrapped in an asynchronous using the
    # built-in asyncio event loop.

    # Identical implementation as the synchronous RequestsTransport wrapped in an asynchronous using the
    # third party trio event loop.

    # Fully asynchronous implementation using the aiohttp library, using the built-in asyncio event loop.

client = FooServiceClient(endpoint, creds, transport=AioHttpTransport())
response = await client.get_foo_properties()

Some common properties can be configured on all transports. They must be passed as kwargs arguments while building the transport instance. These include the following properties:

transport = AioHttpTransport(
        # The connect and read timeout value. Defaults to 100 seconds.

        # SSL certificate verification. Enabled by default. Set to False to disable,
        # alternatively can be set to the path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with
        # certificates of trusted CAs.

        # Client-side certificates. You can specify a local cert to use as client side
        # certificate, as a single file (containing the private key and the certificate)
        # or as a # tuple of both files' paths.

        # The block size of data sent over the connection. Defaults to 4096 bytes.

Proxy Settings

There are two ways to configure proxy settings.

  • Use environment proxy settings

When creating the transport, "use_env_settings" parameter can be used to enable or disable the environment proxy settings. e.g.:

synchronous_transport = RequestsTransport(use_env_settings=True)

If "use_env_settings" is set to True(by default), the transport will look for environment variables


and use their values to configure the proxy settings.

  • Use ProxyPolicy

You can use ProxyPolicy to configure the proxy settings as well. e.g.

from azure.core.pipeline.policies import ProxyPolicy

proxy_policy = ProxyPolicy()

proxy_policy.proxies = {'http': ''}

# Use basic auth
proxy_policy.proxies = {'https': 'http://user:password@'}

HttpRequest and HttpResponse

The HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects represent a generic concept of HTTP request and response constructs and are in no way tied to a particular transport or HTTP library.

The HttpRequest has the following API. It does not vary between transports:

class HttpRequest(object):

    def __init__(self, method, url, headers=None, files=None, data=None):
        self.method = method
        self.url = url
        self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(headers)
        self.files = files = data

    def body(self):

    def body(self, value): = value

    def format_parameters(self, params):
        """Format parameters into a valid query string.
        It's assumed all parameters have already been quoted as
        valid URL strings."""

    def set_xml_body(self, data):
        """Set an XML element tree as the body of the request."""

    def set_json_body(self, data):
        """Set a JSON-friendly object as the body of the request."""

    def set_multipart_body(self, data=None):
        """Set form-encoded data as the body of the request.
        Supported content-types are:
            - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
            - multipart/form-data

    def set_bytes_body(self, data):
        """Set generic bytes as the body of the request."""

    def set_multipart_mixed(self, *requests, **kwargs):
        """Set requests for a multipart/mixed body.
        Optionally apply "policies" in kwargs to each request.

The HttpResponse object on the other hand will generally have a transport-specific derivative. This is to accomodate how the data is extracted for the object returned by the HTTP library. There is also an async flavor: AsyncHttpResponse. This is to allow for the asynchronous streaming of data from the response. For example:

from azure.core.pipeline.transport import (
    RequestsTransportResponse,  # HttpResponse
    AioHttpTransportResponse, # AsyncHttpResponse
    TrioRequestsTransportResponse,  # AsyncHttpResponse
    AsyncioRequestsTransportResponse,  # AsyncHttpResponse

The API for each of these response types is identical, so the consumer of the Response need not know about these particular types.

The HttpResponse has the following API. It does not vary between transports:

class HttpResponse(object):

    def __init__(self, request, internal_response):
        self.request = request
        self.internal_response = internal_response  # The object returned by the HTTP library
        self.status_code = None
        self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
        self.reason = None
        self.content_type = None

    def body(self):
        """Return the whole body as bytes in memory."""

    def text(self, encoding=None):
        """Return the whole body as a string."""

    def stream_download(self, pipeline, **kwargs):
        """Generator for streaming request body data.
        Should be implemented by sub-classes if streaming download
        is supported.
        For the AsyncHttpResponse object this function will return
        and asynchronous generator.

    def parts(self):
        """An iterator of parts if content-type is multipart/mixed.
        For the AsyncHttpResponse object this function will return
        and asynchronous iterator.

PipelineRequest and PipelineResponse

These objects provide containers for moving the HttpRequest and HttpResponse through the pipeline. While the SDK developer will not construct the PipelineRequest explicitly, they will handle the PipelineResponse object that is returned from These objects are universal for all transports, both synchronous and asynchronous.

The pipeline request and response containers are also responsible for carrying a context object. This is transport specific and can contain data persisted between pipeline requests (for example reusing an open connection pool or "session"), as well as used by the SDK developer to carry arbitrary data through the pipeline.

The API for PipelineRequest and PipelineResponse is as follows:

class PipelineRequest(object):

    def __init__(self, http_request, context):
        self.http_request = http_request  # The HttpRequest
        self.context = context # A transport specific data container object

class PipelineResponse(object):

    def __init__(self, http_request, http_response, context):
        self.http_request = http_request  # The HttpRequest
        self.http_response = http_response  # The HttpResponse
        self.history = []  # A list of redirect attempts.
        self.context = context  # A transport specific data container object


The Python pipeline implementation provides two flavors of policy. These are referred to as an HttpPolicy and a SansIOHTTPPolicy.


If a policy just modifies or annotates the request based on the HTTP specification, it's then a subclass of SansIOHTTPPolicy and will work in either Pipeline or AsyncPipeline context. This is a simple abstract class, that can act before the request is done, or after. For instance:

  • Setting headers in the request
  • Logging the request and/or response

A SansIOHTTPPolicy should implement one or more of the following methods:

def on_request(self, request):
    """Is executed before sending the request to next policy."""

def on_response(self, request, response):
    """Is executed after the request comes back from the policy."""

def on_exception(self, request):
    """Is executed if an exception is raised while executing this policy.

    Return True if the exception has been handled and should not
    be forwarded to the caller.

SansIOHTTPPolicy methods can be declared as coroutines, but then they can only be used with a AsyncPipeline.

Current provided sans IO policies include:

from azure.core.pipeline.policies import (
    HeadersPolicy,  # Add custom headers to all requests
    UserAgentPolicy,  # Add a custom user agent header
    NetworkTraceLoggingPolicy,  # Log request and response contents
    ContentDecodePolicy,  # Mandatory policy for decoding unstreamed response content
    HttpLoggingPolicy,  # Handles logging of HTTP requests and responses
    ProxyPolicy,    # Enable proxy settings
    CustomHookPolicy,   # Enable the given callback with the response
    DistributedTracingPolicy    # Create spans for Azure calls

HTTPPolicy and AsyncHTTPPolicy

Some policies are more complex, like retry strategy, and need to have control of the HTTP workflow. In the current version, they are subclasses of HTTPPolicy or AsyncHTTPPolicy, and can be used only their corresponding synchronous or asynchronous pipeline type.

An HTTPPolicy or AsyncHTTPPolicy must implement the send method, and this implementation must in include a call to process the next policy in the pipeline:

class CustomPolicy(HTTPPolicy):

    def __init__(self): = None  # Will be set when pipeline is instantiated and all the policies chained.

    def send(self, request):
        """Mutate the request."""


class CustomAsyncPolicy(AsyncHTTPPolicy):

    async def send(self, request):
        """Mutate the request."""

        return await

Currently provided HTTP policies include:

from azure.core.pipeline.policies import (

Available Policies

Name Policy Flavor Parameters Accepted in Init? Accepted in Request? Description
HeadersPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
base_headers x Headers to send with the request.
headers x x The HTTP Request headers.
RequestIdPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
request_id x x The request id to be added into header.
auto_request_id x Auto generates a unique request ID per call if True which is by default.
UserAgentPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
base_user_agent x Sets the base user agent value.
user_agent_overwrite x Overwrites User-Agent when True. Defaults to False.
user_agent_use_env x Gets user-agent from environment. Defaults to True.
user_agent x x If specified, this will be added in front of the user agent string.
sdk_moniker x If specified, the user agent string will be azsdk-python-[sdk_moniker] Python/[python_version] ([platform_version])
NetworkTraceLoggingPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
logging_enable x x Use to enable per operation. Defaults to False.
HttpLoggingPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
logger x x If specified, it will be used to log information
ContentDecodePolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
response_encoding x x The encoding to use if known for this service (will disable auto-detection).
ProxyPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
proxies x x Maps protocol or protocol and hostname to the URL of the proxy.
CustomHookPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
raw_request_hook x x Callback function. Will be invoked on request.
raw_response_hook x x Callback function. Will be invoked on response.
DistributedTracingPolicy SansIOHTTPPolicy
network_span_namer x x A callable to customize the span name.
tracing_attributes x x Attributes to set on all created spans.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
RedirectPolicy HTTPPolicy
permit_redirects x x Whether the client allows redirects. Defaults to True.
redirect_max x x The maximum allowed redirects. Defaults to 30.
AsyncRedirectPolicy AsyncHTTPPolicy
permit_redirects x x Whether the client allows redirects. Defaults to True.
redirect_max x x The maximum allowed redirects. Defaults to 30.
RetryPolicy HTTPPolicy
retry_total x x Total number of retries to allow. Takes precedence over other counts. Default value is 10.
retry_connect x x How many connection-related errors to retry on. These are errors raised before the request is sent to the remote server, which we assume has not triggered the server to process the request. Default value is 3.
retry_read x x How many times to retry on read errors. These errors are raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request may have side-effects. Default value is 3.
retry_status x x How many times to retry on bad status codes. Default value is 3.
retry_backoff_factor x x A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). Retry policy will sleep for: {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1)) seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then the retry will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. The default value is 0.8.
retry_backoff_max x x The maximum back off time. Default value is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
retry_mode x x Fixed or exponential delay between attemps, default is exponential.
timeout x x Timeout setting for the operation in seconds, default is 604800s (7 days).
AsyncRetryPolicy AsyncHTTPPolicy
retry_total x x Total number of retries to allow. Takes precedence over other counts. Default value is 10.
retry_connect x x How many connection-related errors to retry on. These are errors raised before the request is sent to the remote server, which we assume has not triggered the server to process the request. Default value is 3.
retry_read x x How many times to retry on read errors. These errors are raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request may have side-effects. Default value is 3.
retry_status x x How many times to retry on bad status codes. Default value is 3.
retry_backoff_factor x x A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). Retry policy will sleep for: {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1)) seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then the retry will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. The default value is 0.8.
retry_backoff_max x x The maximum back off time. Default value is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
retry_mode x x Fixed or exponential delay between attemps, default is exponential.
timeout x x Timeout setting for the operation in seconds, default is 604800s (7 days).

The Pipeline

The pipeline itself represents a chain of policies where the final node in the chain is the HTTP transport. A pipeline can either be synchronous or asynchronous. The pipeline does not expose the policy chain, so individual policies cannot/should not be further configured once the pipeline has been instantiated.

The pipeline has a single exposed operation: run(request) which will send a new HttpRequest object down the pipeline. This operation returns a PipelineResponse object.

class Pipeline:
    """A pipeline implementation.

    This is implemented as a context manager, that will activate the context
    of the HTTP sender.

    def __init__(self, transport, policies=None):
        # type: (HttpTransport, List[Union[HTTPPolicy, SansIOHTTPPolicy]]) -> None
        self._impl_policies = []  # type: List[HTTPPolicy]
        self._transport = transport  # type: HTTPPolicy

        for policy in (policies or []):
            if isinstance(policy, SansIOHTTPPolicy):
            elif policy:
        for index in range(len(self._impl_policies)-1):
            self._impl_policies[index].next = self._impl_policies[index+1]
        if self._impl_policies:
            self._impl_policies[-1].next = _TransportRunner(self._transport)

    def run(self, request, **kwargs):
        # type: (HTTPRequestType, Any) -> PipelineResponse
        context = PipelineContext(self._transport, **kwargs)
        pipeline_request = PipelineRequest(request, context)  # type: PipelineRequest[HTTPRequestType]
        first_node = self._impl_policies[0] if self._impl_policies else _TransportRunner(self._transport)
        return first_node.send(pipeline_request)  # type: ignore