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Azure SignalR Test

The project to provide automation E2E test on SignalR sdk and service runtime.

How to build and run

First check the SDK version needed. Each SDKVerison will build a separate docker image and the tag is the sdk version.

declare -a SDKVersion=("1.5.0" "1.5.1")

Run tests for Server SDK


Then you can run the test with Azure SignalR Service

docker run -e Azure__SignalR__ConnectionString="<your connection string>" signalr-test:<sdk version>

Run tests with app server AAD Auth

This test case is for a specific scenario, in which our customer used AAD Auth to authenticate their incoming requests.

Our SDK will simply pass most of the claims in the given JWT Token (for accessing their app server) to the newly generated JWT Token (for connecting to our service).

However, there are still some internal claims that will not be passed.

This test is to check if any of these unpassed claims will cause problems while connecting to ASRS.

docker run -e Azure__SignalR__ConnectionString="<your connection string>" -e signalr-test:<sdk version> -e clientId="<clientId>" -e clientSecret="<clientSecret>" -e tenantId="<tenantId>"

The clientId, clientSecret, tenantId here could be any valid AAD Application.

Run tests for Management SDK


Then you can run the test with Azure SignalR Service

docker run -e Azure__SignalR__ConnectionString="<your connection string>" signalr-management-sdk-test:<sdk version>

How to upload images to private container registry

az login // use microsoft account
az acr login -n genevadev

Then docker push <image>

Test Coverage

  • Connect / Echo / Broadcast / AllExcept
  • Group join / leave
  • Send Group / Groups / Group Except / OthersInGroup
  • Send User / Users
  • JWT Auth
  • Generic hub / 128 character length hub name support


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