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Azure Spring Rewrite


There are two sets of recipes available: one for upgrading Spring Boot/Spring Cloud and another for migrating to Azure Spring Apps.

Upgrade Spring Boot/Spring Cloud

The recipe upgrades your Spring Boot app to Spring Boot 2.7 and Spring Cloud 2021.

For a list of changes this recipe makes for the Spring Boot 2.7 upgrade, see UpgradeSpringBoot_2_7. For the Spring Cloud 2021 upgrade, this recipe modifies the Spring Cloud version in the application's Maven POM file.

Migrate to Azure Spring Apps

The recipe checks your code and adds TODO comments in your application for migration to Azure Spring Apps.

The currently available list of check items includes:

  • Windows file path
  • File storage usage
  • Logging to console
  • Eureka and Config Server connection info
  • Password and user ID in configuration files
  • Java system load
  • Java system config

How to Use

Azure-spring-rewrite is released as a GitHub Maven package. To use it, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Configure authentication with a personal access token

    Go to your Maven settings file (by default, $HOME/.m2/settings.xml) and add the azure-spring-rewrite repository and your GitHub personal access token. You can refer to authenticating-with-a-personal-access-token for more information.

    To create a personal access token, refer to Creating a personal access token (classic). Make sure you select access to read:packages when creating the token.

                   <!-- add azure-spring-rewrite repository here -->
             <!-- add github personal access token -->
                <password>github personal access token</password>
  2. Run rewrite plugin

    For maven projects, you can run maven command line under your application path:

    ./mvnw -U -Pgithub org.openrewrite.maven:rewrite-maven-plugin:run "," ""

    For gradle projects, you need to configure rewrite-gradle-plugin:

    plugins {
       id("org.openrewrite.rewrite") version("5.38.0")
    rewrite {
       activeRecipe("", "")
    repositories {
    maven {
       name = "GitHubPackages"
       url = uri("")
       credentials {
       username = "<username>"
       password = "<github personal access token>"
    dependencies {

    You can configure the recipes you want to apply to your application by modifying the value of -Drewrite.activeRecipes in the Maven command line or activeRecipe in the Gradle file. You can add one or all of the defined recipes and, or add official OpenRewrite recipes, such as (reference page). For more details, refer to rewrite Maven plugin configuration, rewrite Gradle plugin configuration.