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Deploy a custom container using MLFlow

This example shows how to deploy two MLFlow models that each have different conda environments using a custom container. In this example, we deploy the MLFlow models to two separate deployments (as opposed to one single deployment) to accommodate their different requirements needs. For a non-MLFlow single-deployment multimodel example, see the deploy-custom-containerminimal-multimodel example.

This example can be run end-to-end by executing the script in the CLI directory.

Build the images

The custom container is defined in the mlflow.dockerfile in this directory. The container uses the AzureML minimal inference image as its base image and creates a new conda environment from a conda yaml. For more details on adding conda environments to the AzureML minimal inference images, see the deploy-custom-container-minimal example.

Each of the two models has different conda requirements, so we build the image twice. A build argument MLFLOW_MODEL_NAME enables us to choose which conda yaml we want to use for our newly-created userenv environment.

Images can be built with ACR using the az acr build command.


The environment is defined inline in the deployment yaml and references the ACR url of the image. The ACR must be associated with the workspace (or have a user-assigned managed identity that enables ACRPull) in order to successfully deploy.

The environment also contains an inference_config block that defines the liveness, readiness, and scoring routes by path and port. Because the images used in this examples are based on the AzureML Inference Minimal images, these values are the same as those in a non-BYOC deployment, however they must be included since we are now using a custom image.


We create a separate deployment for each model behind the same endpoint using the two containers. Each model has a deployment yaml that registers a separate model and environment.

Testing the model

Traffic can be routed to a specific deployment using the header azureml-model-deployment or the --deployment-name flag of the az ml online-endpoint invoke CLI command.