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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Area: Accelerator ⚡
Area: Accelerator :zap:
Issues / PR's related to Accelerators
Area: Bicep Registry 🗄️
Area: Bicep Registry :file_cabinet:
Issues / PR's related to Bicep Registry
Area: Bicep Registry
Area: Bicep Registry
Area: Diagnostic Settings 🧪
Area: Diagnostic Settings :test_tube:
Issues / PR's related to Diagnostic Settings
Area: Logging & Automation 📷
Area: Logging & Automation :camera:
Issues / PR's related to Logging & Automation
Area: Logging & Automation
Area: Logging & Automation
Area: Management Groups 🍻
Area: Management Groups :beers:
Issues / PR's related to Management Groups
Area: Management Groups
Area: Management Groups
Area: MDFC 🔒
Area: MDFC :lock:
Issues / PR's related to Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Area: Networking 🌐
Area: Networking :globe_with_meridians:
Issues / PR's related to Networking
Area: Networking
Area: Networking
Area: Non-Resource Specific 🏷️
Area: Non-Resource Specific :label:
Things like tags, location etc.
Area: Non-Resource Specific
Area: Non-Resource Specific
things like tags, location etc.
Area: Orchestration Modules ♻️
Area: Orchestration Modules :recycle:
Modules that wrap/orchestrate other modules
Area: Orchestration Modules
Area: Orchestration Modules
Modules that wrap/orchestrate other modules
Area: Policy 📝
Area: Policy :pencil:
Issues / PR's related to Policy
Area: Policy
Area: Policy
Area: RBAC 🛂
Area: RBAC :passport_control:
Issues / PR's related to RBAC
Area: RBAC
Area: RBAC
Area: Sovereign 👽
Area: Sovereign :alien:
GH issues raised for sovereign clouds (US Gov, China)
auto-merge ✔️
auto-merge :heavy_check_mark:
Something isn't working
do not merge
do not merge
do not merge PRs with this label attached as they are not ready etc.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
external community contribution
external community contribution
this is being worked on by someone outside of Microsoft
Just some feedback
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed