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Azure Copilot Jump Start Kit (Copilot-JSK)

This repository provides an infrastructure deployment of a sandbox environment of the Azure Copilot Jump Start Kit

Deploy To Azure


File/folder Description
modules Bicep Module Directory
deployments Future directory to house multiple deployments.
images Supporting Markdown images.
prompt-flow OpenAi Prompt-Flow definitions.
azuredeploy.json Copilot Deployment to Azure. The license for the sample. The license for the sample.
main.bicep Bicep file that defines the infrastructure deployment. This README file. Microsoft's Commitment to security. Definition of support for this project.


Part 0 - Get the repository

In this part, we are going to get a local copy of the lab files for use in the rest of the lab.

  1. Create a new root folder for the repository in a location of your choice.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the new folder.
  3. Run git clone to clone the repository into the new folder; they will be in a subfolder called copilot-jsk.

Deploying Azure Copilot and dependent resources



This architecture deploys the following:



  • Azure AI Hub
  • Azure AI Compute Resource
  • Azure AI Project(s)



  • Azure Application Insights
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Storage Account


Average Solution End to End Deployment time: 10 minutes

  • Open a Visual Studio Code session, clone the repository and then open up a VS Code session in the folder for the cloned repo.

⚠️ Ensure you are logged into Azure using the Azure CLI.

az login
az account set --subscription '<<your subscription name>>'

Method (1) - main.bicep file

  • Deploy the main.bicep by modifying the identifier parameter to something that is unique to your deployment (i.e. a 5 letter string). Additionally you can also change the location parameter to a different Azure region of your choice.
az deployment sub create --location 'westus' --name 'ai-demo' --template-file '<<path to the repo>>/modules/main.bicep' --verbose

Method (2) - azure.deployment.parameters.json file

  • Deploy the main.parameters.json by modifying the identifier parameter to something that is unique to your deployment (i.e. a 5 letter string). Additionally you can also change the location parameter to a different Azure region of your choice.
az deployment sub create --location 'westus' --name 'ai-demo' --template-file '<<path to the repo>>/modules/main.bicep' --parameters 'azure.deployment.parameters.json' --verbose


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